First order of business, go to bed and get a good night's sleep, Bill. Er, count sheep.
Second, tell me to do the same!
The writer betrays his own lack of understanding of society. Obviously he has no idea about the dynamics of child abuse, and thinks just like the Society that some good Scripture-reading and strong Bible counsel can fix the molester for good--if he repents!
After all, the Society in its letter to the body of elders August 1, 1995 said: "It is good to remember that the Bible, at Matthew 12:31 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, shows it is possible for a person to stop his or her wrongful course, repent, and thereafter live in harmony with God's righteous standards. This is true of all wrongdoers--even a former child abuser."
Proof positive they know absolutely nothing about the nature of abuse. Doesn't that trivialize this sick crime by lumping it in with the sinner of 1 Corinthians?
Your writer knows nothing of the positive programs out there in Catholic dioceses, or Episcopalian, Lutheran and Presbyterian churches. JWs are a half century behind, still stuck in thoughts about demons leaping into the picture and curing the perp by constant moralizing. And suggesting his therapy be FIELD SERVICE, along with meetings and prayer.
Nobody has an answer to this? Where has he been hiding. Ah, yes, in the Kingdom Hall preaching platitudes.
Hey, jerk; we're not trying to fix genetics or behavior, we're just trying to get the Society to address the real issue, which is the protection of kids not the fear of tarnishing someone's rep. Come to think of it, isn't their silence really fear of tarnishing GOD'S rep? The organization's marvelous rep? Same thing.
Stick with what God wants? This jaybird has never heard of Romans 13, the Superior Authorities, whose business it is to check out serious stuff like a kid's complaint of sexual abuse. JW elders certainly are not trained to do it, but there are professionals out there who can and do every day in our society. What about the family doctor? Specialists? Police? Like they've never experienced a story by Johnny that is not true?
Do they make mistakes? I'm sure they do. This is the very sticking point of the good old boys on the GB, who can't stomach the thought that some little kid could ruin the reputation of one of the "glorious ones," their elders.
Where is his sense of moral obligation to look out for children? Not say anything for fear of "humiliating" someone? Give me a break! Trot out early Christian behavior? Shame on him! Want me to cite a Scripture about how Jesus felt about children and the fate to those who would harm them?
The PR releases from Brooklyn say child abuse is a "serious crime." Why don't they treat it that way? Caesar has been around for a long time, there have been Watchtower articles on the subject. The answer is the superior authority, "for it is God's minister for you." The solution is to give positive encouragement to the reporting of child abuse--to the appropriate authorities. Take this part of it out of the judicial process that grinds to preserve the "purity of the congregation."
We don't offer solutions?
Let him wait for the new system. I'm working at dragging this organization into the fifteenth century or higher, screaming and kicking if need be.
When I've done what my Christian conscience tells me to, I'm out of here, to get a life.
Guys like this have to be hit between the eyes with a bludgeon, perhaps, like the farmer who whacks his mule, to get its rapt attention.
I have a suggestion for this jerk; it's unprintable.
BTW, Bill; I turn my mail off once in awhile. You don't have that luxury.