AlanF has calculated the rate of growth of the rate of growth of the organization. I don't want to get off on a tangent, but that's a very chilling fact that cannot be ignored. They are in trouble to begin with.
Balance that, however, with the enormous amount of property owned by the Society all over the globe and its sheer organizational mass.
When I say the Society will not fold up its tents, I mean just that. That's not pessimism, it's reality. So what if the average dub is not affected by Dateline? Wait till they have a tough time going from door to door because of the pedophile issue, changed policy or not. Wait till they understand what enforced shunning is. What's going to happen to the Society's market?
Wait till lawsuits keep bleeding the organization and more money is needed.
Already countless traveling overseers and elders who "know" have been deeply affected of late. They KNOW the KM article on cutting back job activity is pure nonsense. They KNOW something is drastically wrong.
I'll just stop there.
What I'm saying is, don't let black-and-white thought processes continue to drive the conclusion. It's not just about a TV program or about lawsuits.