Thank's Punk, they really got in my brain at a early age, my kids are not afraid of Death and the fixation on Life and Death pushed by the Organization tilted toward's Death. Did anyone else get a unhealthy fear of Death like me, maybe our congregation was really twisted and all I remember about my first Congregation was that the focus was on "The End" and even the young children would die if their parents were not good. I felt bad for my older siblings who left the Organization, they too faced the Judgement and I would not see my 15th old sister because she was going to die!
JoinedPosts by RottenRiley
Were you 'alive in '75' and how was that year for you?
by punkofnice ini was a junior borgite in 1975. i remeber looking at the calendar at work in october and thinking: 'armageddon isn't here yet.....and it doesn't feel like it will be here anytime soon either!'.
i was surprised that jehovah hadn't obeyed the superior command to bring the big 'a' as instructed to him by fred franz.
how dare god disobey the jw leader!!!!!.
What happened to Lars58 and many other Bible Scholars?
by RottenRiley in.
i miss seeing lars postings and his bible interpretations, did he get re-instated?.
Thank's yadda, I will look up the old gems but I do wonder how Lars and Leolia are doing.
Disrupting literature carts
by perfect1 ini am ready for a little guerilla warfare (no one gets hurt, of course).
but these literature carts in the city need to go.
everytime i walk by its all i can do to keep from knocking the thing over.. any ideas on how to destroy their little stash of paper.. so far my best idea is water, pouring water all over it.
Johnny Knoxville's Jack Ass show or dress up like "Bad Grampa".
What is with the WT obsession with King David??
by BU2B init seems like at least once a month he is brought up as a good example in the study wt.
it seems like he is given more praise than jesus.
have you noticed this?
The Governing Body are trying to be like King David in-a-sense but not really(David confessed his wrong choices when confronted, the GB will stone you if you show them where they went wrong!), they both disobeyed Jehovah by thinking more of themselves, both had a huge fixation on numbers instead of trusting in Jehovah. 1 Chronicles 21 (Census Sin) Governing Body demand all Witnesses be numbered and all their religious actions be counted. King David listened when the prophets showed him where and how he sinned, the GB spiritually kill off anyone who exposes their wrong doings, they are not like David! They are like??
Matthew 6:1
""Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven."
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."
The Modern Day King David (Governing Body) are covetors of your money, property, education, your time Read 2 Samuel 12: King David wanted what belonged to God (Uriah and Bathsheba's marriage was godly and David's greed and disobediene to Jehovah ruined the lives of many. How many lives have the Governing Body ruined because they desired all the Christian Freedom our brothers and sisters had? They are rocks and shoals beneath the waters ". Have you noticed the Governing Body avoid Paul's words and his conduct? Paul paid his own bills and never expected to feed off the flocks meager wages. Paul preached in diffucult places, the Governing Body and their King David complex, they like to be treated like Royality and do not like preaching like a Missionary. It's a scam and hoax!
2 Samuel 12
Living Bible (TLB)
12 1-2 So the Lord sent the prophet Nathan to tell David this story:
“There were two men in a certain city, one very rich, owning many flocks of sheep and herds of goats;3 and the other very poor, owning nothing but a little lamb he had managed to buy. It was his children’s pet, and he fed it from his own plate and let it drink from his own cup; he cuddled it in his arms like a baby daughter. 4 Recently a guest arrived at the home of the rich man. But instead of killing a lamb from his own flocks for food for the traveler, he took the poor man’s lamb and roasted it and served it.”
5 David was furious. “I swear by the living God,” he vowed, “any man who would do a thing like that should be put to death; 6 he shall repay four lambs to the poor man for the one he stole and for having no pity.”
7 Then Nathan said to David, “You are that rich man! The Lord God of Israel says, ‘I made you king of Israel and saved you from the power of Saul. 8 I gave you his palace and his wives and the kingdoms of Israel and Judah; and if that had not been enough, I would have given you much, much more.9 Why, then, have you despised the laws of God and done this horrible deed? For you have murdered Uriah and stolen his wife. 10 Therefore murder shall be a constant threat in your family from this time on because you have insulted me by taking Uriah’s wife. 11 I vow that because of what you have done, I will cause your own household to rebel against you. I will give your wives to another man, and he will go to bed with them in public view.[ a ] 12 You did it secretly, but I will do this to you openly, in the sight of all Israel.’”
13 “I have sinned against the Lord,” David confessed to Nathan.
Then Nathan replied, “Yes, but the Lord has forgiven you, and you won’t die for this sin. 14 But you have given great opportunity to the enemies of the Lord to despise and blaspheme him, so your child shall die.”
15 Then Nathan returned to his home. And the Lord made Bathsheba’s baby deathly sick. 16 David begged him to spare the child and went without food, and lay all night before the Lord on the bare earth. 17 The leaders of the nation pleaded with him to get up and eat with them, but he refused.18 Then, on the seventh day, the baby died. David’s aides were afraid to tell him.
“He was so broken up about the baby being sick,” they said, “what will he do to himself when we tell him the child is dead?”
What happened to Lars58 and many other Bible Scholars?
by RottenRiley in.
i miss seeing lars postings and his bible interpretations, did he get re-instated?.
Leolai was a great Bible Scholar, I am not familiar with the other person you posted. I hope they are all in good health and life is smiling on them.
DJ-Eggnog was a Watchtower Scholar, right?
Why a Faithful and discreet slave???
by Crazyguy inthe bible speaks of it making a man fully equipt 2tim, and that the anointing teaches one 1john, holy spirit is also available luke, john and even god will grant wisdom if one asks james.
so why the need for a faithful and discreet slave, in the bible???
How does the Watchtower-Governing Body serve the Brothers? How many feet have the Eight Apostles washed, how many poor have the feed like the Apostles and Stephen who was put over taking care of the widows and orphans? The GB want to receive, they don't give and are nothing more than a bunch of Mooches!
How did you tell your spouse you want out of the JW religion?
by leaving_quietly inwhat did you imagine would happen?
did they react the way you expected?
how did you bring it up?.
Phizzy what doubts did your wife privately hold and what was the turning point that crushed the proverbial reed in your case and Mrs Phizzy? Mrs Phizzy's reply was intriguing to me, were you in the Players Circle or did you get treated like dirt or get stumbled but kept going with your head down? Why did Mrs Phizzy initially stop?
2. I notice a spouse can be inactive and not attending Meetings (A Silent Witness, one who is not testifying to Jehovah) and they have the nerve to go nuts after you decide to stop attending. Is it not odd how they grabbed hard for Momma's Breast after you showed it was not milk she was feeding you with, it was excrement. That would be a interesting Part on the Circuit Assembly, "How I got Reactivated!" I was not attending meetings or going out in fied circus for years until my husband who was attending all the meetings with high 'frequent driver' miles decided to stop attending. I never talked the Bible with him, I was not a spiritual person and never even read the Magazines. Now out of spite and fear, I am trying to become what the Governing Body want's me to be." They all fade after you break the news, unless you are going to divorce your spouse, most will fade down to a few Meetings like their past performance. That saying in business "Past Performance does not guarantee future results" is actually the opposite with JWs, Past Attendence in the Congo and Field are indicative of Future Performance".
Captain Obvious, can you explain the feelings of C/A you were suffering from? The New Generation tore holes in many brothers and sisters who actually understood what the implications of their Nu-Lite was. That was not enough for me to lose my faith, it took the trolls and defenders of the wicked to get me to walk out mentally. When I attend Meetings, it's all hypocritical on my part, I don't enjoy being there and I don't enjoy the lack of decent people. I almost lost my faith in the 1980s after reading Walter Martins books and a few on Philosophy, I had decent faith but I could not reconcile all the lies the Organization told and how they blammed their Date Fixations on everyone but themselves.
The Watchtower is very sneaky, they never thought JWs would have access to all the Magazines and Books that showed they said that the "end of all government was coming in 1914", humans would be gone if they were not with God." The lies they speak, "Our friends had zealous expectations and drew wrong conclusions, no fault on our part".
Regarding the permission of certain blood fractions, what is the biblical basis?
by I_love_Jeff inwith regard to the permission of certain blood fractions, what biblical basis is the watchtower's selection of approved and non-approved components or fractions made?.
two key words here: biblical basis.
one answer by a jw caught my attention: .
FuzzyPaul those are great scriptures to remember as we try to work with people who have ears but cannot hear (Pslams 135:16), (Mark 8:18). Why do we get frustrated others can't see the obvious fraud or "The Blood Transfusion Hoax" that's so clear to us?
Excellent Chapter in Leviticus, I can count many wrongs committed against JWs by their leaders, if the Watchtower's Leadership actually followed the Old Testament instead of using certain "texts", they could really be a decent religion. Too bad too many JWs are not Bible Readers, they are followers of men and the commandments of men, they enjoy their loss of Christian Freedom because it's easier to allow others to make the rules so you can't be held accountable for blindly following man, can you?
Leviticus 19
Living Bible (TLB)
19 1-2 The Lord also told Moses to tell the people of Israel, “You must be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy. You must respect your mothers and fathers, and obey my Sabbath law, for I am the Lord your God. 3-4 Do not make or worship idols, for I am Jehovah your God.
5 “When you sacrifice a peace offering to the Lord, offer it correctly so that it will be accepted: 6 Eat it the same day you offer it, or the next day at the latest; any remaining until the third day must be burned. 7 For any of it eaten on the third day is repulsive to me and will not be accepted. 8 If you eat it on the third day, you are guilty, for you profane the holiness of Jehovah, and you shall be excommunicated from Jehovah’s people.
9 “When you harvest your crops, don’t reap the corners of your fields, and don’t pick up stray grains of wheat from the ground. 10 It is the same with your grape crop—don’t strip every last piece of fruit from the vines, and don’t pick up the grapes that fall to the ground. Leave them for the poor and for those traveling through, for I am Jehovah your God.
11 “You must not steal nor lie nor defraud. 12 You must not swear to a falsehood, thus bringing reproach upon the name of your God, for I am Jehovah.
13 “You shall not rob nor oppress anyone, and you shall pay your hired workers promptly. If something is due them, don’t even keep it overnight.
14 “You must not curse the deaf nor trip up a blind man as he walks. Fear your God; I am Jehovah!
15 “Judges must always be just in their sentences, not noticing whether a person is poor or rich; they must always be perfectly fair.
16 “Don’t gossip. Don’t falsely accuse your neighbor of some crime,[a] for I am Jehovah.
17 “Don’t hate your brother. Rebuke anyone who sins; don’t let him get away with it, or you will be equally guilty. 18 Don’t seek vengeance. Don’t bear a grudge; but love your neighbor as yourself, for I am Jehovah.
19 “Obey my laws: Do not mate your cattle with a different kind; don’t sow your field with two kinds of seed; don’t wear clothes made of half wool and half linen.
20 “If a man seduces a slave girl[b] who is engaged to be married, they shall be tried in a court but not put to death, because she is not free. 21 The man involved shall bring his guilt offering to the Lord at the entrance of the Tabernacle; the offering shall be a ram. 22 The priest shall make atonement with the ram for the sin the man has committed, and it shall be forgiven him.
23 “When you enter the land and have planted all kinds of fruit trees, do not eat the first three crops, for they are considered ceremonially defiled.[c] 24 And the fourth year the entire crop shall be devoted to the Lord, and shall be given to the Lord in praise to him. 25 Finally, in the fifth year, the crop is yours.
26 “I am Jehovah your God! You must not eat meat with undrained blood nor use fortune-telling or witchcraft.
27 “You must not trim off your hair on your temples or clip the edges of your beard, as the heathen do.[d] 28 You shall not cut yourselves nor put tattoo marks upon yourselves in connection with funeral rites; I am the Lord.
29 “Do not violate your daughter’s sanctity by making her a prostitute, lest the land become full of enormous wickedness.
30 “Keep my Sabbath laws and reverence my Tabernacle, for I am the Lord.
31 “Do not defile yourselves by consulting mediums and wizards, for I am Jehovah your God.
32 “You shall give due honor and respect to the elderly, in the fear of God. I am Jehovah.
33 “Do not take advantage of foreigners in your land; do not wrong them. 34 They must be treated like any other citizen; love them as yourself, for remember that you too were foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am Jehovah your God.
35-36 “You must be impartial in judgment. Use accurate measurements—lengths, weights, and volumes—and give full measure, for I am Jehovah your God who brought you from the land of Egypt.37 You must heed all of my commandments and ordinances, carefully obeying them, for I am Jehovah.”
What happened to Lars58 and many other Bible Scholars?
by RottenRiley in.
i miss seeing lars postings and his bible interpretations, did he get re-instated?.
I miss seeing Lars postings and his Bible interpretations, did he get re-instated?
Regarding the permission of certain blood fractions, what is the biblical basis?
by I_love_Jeff inwith regard to the permission of certain blood fractions, what biblical basis is the watchtower's selection of approved and non-approved components or fractions made?.
two key words here: biblical basis.
one answer by a jw caught my attention: .
We are at a watershedd where I think most JWs would accept blood if the Governing Body gave their thumbs-up hand signal. I am confused how we all got tricked in to allowing them to have such a huge amount of influence in our lives. Why were we so blind even when others people showed up proof we were outside the realm of the Bible or Spirituallity? Good thread!