Good, Knock him out of the wrestling area! Your probably so strong, you could throw him out of the wrestling ring!
JoinedPosts by RottenRiley
Could You Beat Anthony Morris In A Bible Debate or Apologetic s Discussion?
by RottenRiley in.
do you think he really knows the bible like a hard-core christian apologist?
does he study non-stop or does use his head mining the internet looking up the latest homosexual conpiracies while wishing he could wear his wife's dress?.
...What do you Do,when People Ask You for Spare Change?...
by OUTLAW in.. .........................some people are truly in need..some are not... a man passing by on his 10 speed bike,asked me for $2.00 for a cup of coffee... .................................................."uhhh,no"... ............another asked me for spare change outside a super market... ......................................i said i didn`t have any... he say`s "how about a credit card?!"!!...
.. ....................what do you do,when people ask you for spare change?...
..... .. ..........................................whats the most outrageous thing...`ve been asked forby a stranger?...
I try to size up the person to see if they really need the cash. Usually I have no problem giving away a few bucks but there was a kid about twenty years old, he is riding a bike with a Burger King package and Big Gulp in hand and he ask's me if I can loan him $5.00, obviously he was a lazy piece of trash, too lazy to stop his bike and say "hello" and to ask me for the money. He glided through the parkinglot until the cops escorted him away, if only he did not do a "drive by" while trying to beg, I might have helped him out. Don't you think you can see what type of person the begger is? A bag with two Whoopers, a Big Gulp in hand, riding his bike with one hand, he really got no money from anyone.
Could You Beat Anthony Morris In A Bible Debate or Apologetic s Discussion?
by RottenRiley in.
do you think he really knows the bible like a hard-core christian apologist?
does he study non-stop or does use his head mining the internet looking up the latest homosexual conpiracies while wishing he could wear his wife's dress?.
Do you think he really knows the Bible like a hard-core Christian Apologist? Does he study non-stop or does use his head mining the Internet looking up the latest Homosexual Conpiracies while wishing he could wear his wife's dress?
Regarding the permission of certain blood fractions, what is the biblical basis?
by I_love_Jeff inwith regard to the permission of certain blood fractions, what biblical basis is the watchtower's selection of approved and non-approved components or fractions made?.
two key words here: biblical basis.
one answer by a jw caught my attention: .
How do you explain or reason what part of blood-fractions are not blood? I never understood what the difference was between the "allowable" and "not allowable" fractions, I get the drift the Governing Body got themselves in a corner and can't get out without looking like control freaks!
Why did any Blood become allowable in their eyes, when did accepting X-component and disregarding Y-component appear Spiritually sound? My feelings is they have no idea what they are talking about and pulled their "Fractions" out of their ass, am I wrong?
If the Governing Body can't get Witnesses to follow their dress-code (each to dress in a modest fashion of their own Christian Conscience) why should we respect them and give them greater control over our bodies?
New Year Resolution: A new recipe every week
by Simon inwe decided we don't cook enough and are pretty bored of what we usually eat (whether home-made or eating out).. so .... our new years resolution for 2014 is to try a new recipe every week.. so far we've done some jamie olivers roasted vegetables and right now we're making cornish-like pasties.
apparently, people are very militant about exactly what a cornish pastie is so our's are cornish-like because dammit, we wanted peas and carrots and whatever seasoning we wanted to stick in there too!.
smells delicious and can't wait to eat them.. i also invented a new dish using a leftover half-tin of garden peas and a slice of bread.
I am going to try to make the Pasties, they seem to be similiar to the preparation of Puerto Rican Empanadas. Food-Network had a episode about the biggest maker of Pasties, it was interesting to see how they make the dough. You can easily change ingredients and have yourself a Puerto Rican style Empanada, corn-beef empanadas with sour creme, avocado and salsa on the side. I am going to try to make the Canadian version of Pastees, they look good!
Corned Beef Picadillo Style Empanadas, try it and you'll love them!
Why Is Alcoholism Deeply Embeded In JW Culture?
by RottenRiley inwe get plenty of company men passing through our circuit, often filled with misinformation and lugging around a suitcase of guilt, they bring more guilt to the weak while praising the braggart pioneers and slapping the "righteous over much" elders.
why are the wrong people getting praise in this distorted community?
i know for a fact many of the elders i served with have issues with alcoholism, when "brother guilt" brought his emotional hurricane through our circuit, i had the chance to eat and help pay for his "seven shots of tequila", both him and his wife were not immune to over-indulgences.
Drinking does not have the stigma it has in real Christian churches, I know elders who filed bankruptcy yet have they have real life size Bars in their house with $20,000 worth of expensive drinks. How can a Elder justify filing bankruptcy when he is still spending $300 a week on booze?
Born-Again Conservatives would never tolerate the Stoic style heavy eatings and heavy binge drinking the brothers would do on get to gethers. I never judged them or spoke up because I thought I was too screwed up, did not feeL I should judge anyone when my house is not set in order and that's how the Organization get's us to compromise, we assume that Bethel has their house-in-order but it's far from true. People in the Kingdom Hall, the brothers had no problems around me, maybe that's why I was in the In-Crowd for decades until I spoke up and refused to let some bad people get away with bad things. The bad people are still in charge, I can't wrap my head around Jehovah allowing wicked men to remain in charge even though they have a reputation for lyings, stealing, theft and some have had sex outside their marriage but refuse to confess but it's ok for this men to attack the brothers and sisters who are meek with lessor offenses if they even did anything wrong, the crazy brothers get their rocks off by picking on the weakest links of the fence.
Why Is Alcoholism Deeply Embeded In JW Culture?
by RottenRiley inwe get plenty of company men passing through our circuit, often filled with misinformation and lugging around a suitcase of guilt, they bring more guilt to the weak while praising the braggart pioneers and slapping the "righteous over much" elders.
why are the wrong people getting praise in this distorted community?
i know for a fact many of the elders i served with have issues with alcoholism, when "brother guilt" brought his emotional hurricane through our circuit, i had the chance to eat and help pay for his "seven shots of tequila", both him and his wife were not immune to over-indulgences.
Drinking does not have the stigma it has in real Christian churches, I know elders who filed bankruptcy yet have they have real life size Bars in their house with $20,000 worth of expensive drinks. How can a Elder justify filing bankruptcy when he is still spending $300 a week on booze?
Born-Again Conservatives would never tolerate the Stoic style heavy eatings and heavy binge drinking the brothers would do on get to gethers. I never judged them or spoke up because I thought I was too screwed up, did not feeL I should judge anyone when my house is not set in order and that's how the Organization get's us to compromise, we assume that Bethel has their house-in-order but it's far from true. People in the Kingdom Hall, the brothers had no problems around me, maybe that's why I was in the In-Crowd for decades until I spoke up and refused to let some bad people get away with bad things. The bad people are still in charge, I can't wrap my head around Jehovah allowing wicked men to remain in charge even though they have a reputation for lyings, stealing, theft and some have had sex outside their marriage but refuse to confess but it's ok for this men to attack the brothers and sisters who are meek with lessor offenses if they even did anything wrong, the crazy brothers get their rocks off by picking on the weakest links of the fence.
Were you 'alive in '75' and how was that year for you?
by punkofnice ini was a junior borgite in 1975. i remeber looking at the calendar at work in october and thinking: 'armageddon isn't here yet.....and it doesn't feel like it will be here anytime soon either!'.
i was surprised that jehovah hadn't obeyed the superior command to bring the big 'a' as instructed to him by fred franz.
how dare god disobey the jw leader!!!!!.
It fucked me up badly until I was about thirteen, after the Middle School counselor asked why I was a nervous wreck, she helped me get away from all the pounds of fear we ate. I was scared of the "Birds Great Feast" and worrying all my childhood friends were going to die. I had a very unhealthy fear of Death, why, because from infantcy we were told 1975 was going to be ugly and kill off everyone who was non-JWs, we were kept afraid because nobody was as righteous as the Company Men who pounded the fear of death in everyone's head and made our hearts sink with FEAR!
Why Is Alcoholism Deeply Embeded In JW Culture?
by RottenRiley inwe get plenty of company men passing through our circuit, often filled with misinformation and lugging around a suitcase of guilt, they bring more guilt to the weak while praising the braggart pioneers and slapping the "righteous over much" elders.
why are the wrong people getting praise in this distorted community?
i know for a fact many of the elders i served with have issues with alcoholism, when "brother guilt" brought his emotional hurricane through our circuit, i had the chance to eat and help pay for his "seven shots of tequila", both him and his wife were not immune to over-indulgences.
Alcoholism and Jehovah's Witnesses did it emerge after they realized 1914 was a Hoax? Judge Rutherford who took the Vineyard from Russell and kicked out the true-heirs was pained over his actions and it poured out in his vitriolic writings? Yesterday while I took Mom to chemotherapy, my sister and her cboe-elder-shit4brains were driving around in Field Circus, I wish the community knew they enjoy driving around town with two recovered sex-offenders (the child sex offenders say they are cured because the Elders healed them???), it's a good life being a JW, put brain in trash-can and obey the almighty words of Tony "Tight Pants" Morris and all JWs in your Kingdum Hall rejoice!
Why are the best dark writers so pained (No Rutherford, he sucked!)?
Hemmingway, Cheever, Oscar Wilde, Hunter Thompson, James Joyce, F. Scott Fitzgerald along with a host of many writers who brought us into their dark minds in college!
Will The Faithful And Discreet Slave/GB Pay Out Millions In Child Molestation Lawsuit In This Fateful Year 2014 ?
by frankiespeakin inwatchtower corporate newspaper study article say the faithful slave will never be unfaithful.
then i guess multimillion dollar lawsuits losses over willful malfeaance don't count as unfaithfulness in the slave definition of terms..
The Watchtower is paying "Satan's things to Satan", so I hope they give Satan back $1 billion plus interest, Satan don't loan out money on the cheap!