Part of my personality was the same as it is now. I was quiet and people knew me for that.
As far as towing the JW line, I was probably seen as mostly good, but not quite stellar. I was regular in field service, studied for the meetings and answered and participated at every meetings. I did well enough to be used for various chores around the hall like the literature counter, attendant, reading at the bookstudy and mikes. I was actually trusted enough to pray in front of the congregation at the Service/School meetings. Supposedly the congregation as a whole has to have some confidence in you for that. Obviously some elders felt that way. But I never had a repuation good enough to be appointed as a ministerial servant. I think if I had been there a little longer and I had done a little more in field service (couldn't quite get that average over 10/mo.), I might have been eventually appointed to ministerial servant.