If partying requires getting drunk, loud pop music and aerobic level dancing, probably not. I haven't really been to a party like that. So I can't say for sure I wouldn't like it. I'd at least try it, but I'm not much of a dancer, loud pop music usually starts to bore me after two or three songs and I see reason ever to experience the feeling of getting drunk, although I will drink a few drinks within an evening. I went with some friends bowling on disco night at this nice trendy bowling alley. So they sell liquor and they had the loud music going. I had fun. The loud music didn't bother that much. We could still talk a little. I had a few drinks and bowled a few games. Nobody made me dance although one of the people I was with decided to do a breakdancing style spin on his back after he hit a strike. No it wasn't the beer.
JoinedPosts by maxwell
Are you a "party person"?
by logansrun ini went to a party last night.
as i stood there enjoying the gratifying numbness of a bourban, i couldn't help but feel a vast disconnect between myself and the scene at hand: ridiculously loud music with the bass at three times it's normal level, sweaty bodies smoking with abandon the filthy weeds between their fingers, people coming in the door shouting a barbaric "what up!
" someone's on the porch getting sick.
Since You've Stopped Going To Meetings, What's Your General Outlook?
by minimus in.....in life?
do you still have hope?
are you truly much happier?
I generally look at life as something to be enjoyed while I have it. I know longer have hopes of living forever, but I do have hopes and desires for the time I have now. I'm not sure I'm much happier. Probably about the same, content with what I have. I get all the necessities plus more. There's some things that could be improved in my life, but the Watchtower never actually filled those voids and I'm now in a better position to work on those things.
What is a Real Friend?
by blondie infriends
anyone can stand by you when you are right, but a .
friend will stand by you even when you are wrong.... a simple friend identifies himself when he calls.
I don't really have a lot of experience with real friends. I agree with everything there except the first two lines. Just because a person is wrong certainly wouldn't end a friendship for me. Because I have been wrong many times. But I would have a hard time standing by a friend when the person is clearly wrong in certain situations. Like maybe a car accident and I am in the car with my friend and my friend is clearly in the wrong but wants to try to pin the blame on the other person. Not that I would help the other person, but I couldn't help my friend try to wrongly place blame either even if they honestly (as opposed to maliciously) saw things that way. Perhaps thats why I have no friends now.
Matrix Revolution
by Sassy ini was fortunate enough to be able to preview the movie a week earlier than it's actual release.
my bf and i enjoyed it.. i hope you all do.
I loved both Matrix movies. I got the dvd to both. I think the crux of Matrix Reloaded was in the diaglogue between the architect and Neo. Mostly the stuff the architect said. I still don't understand everything he said, but he seemed to set up a few questions to be answered in the last movie. Personally, I love a movie that I can't understand the first time through. Most movies have plots that are so boring that I can predict what's going to happen after watching 10-30 minutes of the movie. And no one asks questions about existence. Its always "this character is good and this character is bad and of course the good guy will get the bad guy in the end and fall in love with this character and the reason is simply that's the way it should be." The Matrix has good characters and bad characters too, but there is the question of is that really the way it is. And also, however things are and whatever we are, why are we who we are? Then there's the question of fate and/or control. Very few movies ask such questions.
US Copyright Laws - Dumb Question :)
by RevMalk ini am in the process of putting together a small local paper in my area.
we are going to print this coming week, but since it's our first edition, we have a limited amount of advertisers.
this leaves alot of space that needs to be filled.
Copyrights are handled by the Library of Congress. The copyright office is within this federal agency. Have you been to their Library of Congress website?
There's a direct link to the copywright office website from that page. I went to the copywright office page and did a search for "how long" and it popped out a faq where the first question was about duration.
How Long Does Copyright Protection Last?
How long does a copyright last?
The term of copyright for a particular work depends on several factors, including whether it has been published, and, if so, the date of first publication. As a general rule, for works created after Jan. 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years. For an anonymous work, a pseudonymous work, or a work made for hire, the copyright endures for a term of 95 years from the year of its first publication or a term of 120 years from the year of its creation, whichever expires first. For works first published prior to 1978, the term will vary depending on several factors. To determine the length of copyright protection for a particular work, consult chapter 3 of the Copyright Act (title 17 of the United States Code). More information on the term of copyright can be found in Circular 15a, Duration of Copyright, and Circular 1, Copyright Basics. "I don't know whether there are exceptions for newspapers articles, but obviously some papers legally print articles from other papers earlier than 70 years after the author dies. And I don't know what the rules/laws are for that. They might be found on the website above. I hope that helps.
need to worship?
by franklin J inas a former jehovahs witness, one who was raised in the faith, and eventually became a pioneer and ms; i left 20 years ago and at this juncture in my do not feel the need to join any other religion.
it is not that i still believe any of the jw teachings, i just do not believe any organized religion, not christianity, judaism or muslim.
i feel that i am a deeply spiritual person; agnostic, but because of my "jw adventure" , i not longer feel the need to worship.. i am curious to know how the rest of you feel after leaving that faith...is there still a need to worship, or has that feeling also passed with you?.
No, I don't feel a need to worship. I was raised a JW, and I always worshipped because I felt that was what I was supposed to do intellectually not because there was some internal need like hunger or breathing. It was like losing a weight when I opened my eyes and removed those artificial constraints. I still recognize physical, mental and emotional needs that can be quite adequately filled without a religion. But there is a sort of question mark over the spiritual part of me if such a part exists. Some claim to fulfill their spritual needs outside of any religion or belief in God. But this spiritual fulfillment, enrichment, growth, whatever is such and abstract thing to me and I've really never been able to grasp it. I'm not sure that I even have such a need.
What religion would be your favorit if had to choose?
by Singing Man ini would say it would be the catholic cause you can do just about any dam thing you want.
and if you feel like you need to be close to god or something you can always go light some candles and wear a cross or put on a pointed hat or a white collar or deprive yourself of women or men in the case of nuns.
and you get to hear funny boys sing chants, and you also can put some real holly water on your head that the priest got from the sink oh and you can wear saint christopher's.
Not sure what religion it is, but I seem to remember reading or being exposed some information about some religions that required orgies to appease their god(s). That sounds pretty good.
18.54043% - Geek
Not surprising. I've probably lost some of my geek credentials since I left college. But I do have one question. Do you really have to be a geek to want the woman who plays 7 of 9 on Star Trek Voyager? Perhaps you have to be a geek to know who she is??
Basketball and JW's
by lastcall inwhen i was a jw it was pretty much a weekly thing in the cold weather months for different congregations(actually someone within the congregation) to rent a gym for th bros to play ball.
i really like playing ball.
when i left, that as something i actually missed.
Yeah I played basketball. Amazing how this happened all over. When I lived at home back in Tennessee, we played very competetively every winter. When I moved here to the DC Metro, there was a regular playing every Friday night in the winter. I was in a northern VA congregation at the time and we used to play with brothers from surrounding congregations and from DC and then once we had some come up from Richmond. Those brothers were very good players. We had a couple of elders in our cong. who were usually the better shooters and playmakers. The game got pretty heated at one point and one of our very own elders got pretty red in the face at one point. Yeah that's one thing I miss. I suppose I should find out where there's an open gym or community center in the area. There's a few outdoor courts around and I haven't really taken the time to go to them, however, I must admit that in the past playing with non-JW has been no more competetive than playing with JW.
Single Incident
by Paradise Found in.
"which single incident do you consider to be most responsible for you leaving the the org"
A lot of things led up to it, however there was an incident where I made up my mind that I was leaving. I had committed adultery and had not told anyone. Supposedly, Jehovah would not let his organization become unclean or be represented by an unclean individual. So I thought if there really was a God he would not allow me to represent his clean people in prayer. I was called on to say a prayer at one School/Service meeting. I already had my doubts about the existence of God, but I stood on that stage and created a prayer (which is basically what I had done when I believed) though I didn't really believe a word of what I was saying and no one was the wiser. I had made up a prayer that I didn't really believe from the heart and those people had trusted me to represent them to Almighty God. I realized I could play the JW game for as long as I wanted. There was no magical holy spirit keeping things in some particular order. I had been raised a JW and I knew the phrases and the words I was supposed to say. I knew when I was supposed to smile and not smile. Once you know the system you can work it and manipulate it in whatever manner you wish. And I think I could have taken it farther if I had wanted. But I decided I didn't care to play the game so at that point, I decided I was leaving.