I used to let traffic stress me, but one day I decided it wasn't important as long as I get where I want to go safely. I never flipped anyone off in my car. But after I started riding my bicycle a lot, I did flip one driver off once after they honked. Now I would never even do that. I may be right, but I'd rather not be dead right and since most of the people I share the street with are driving 2-ton+ machines that can be instantly converted into deadly weapons, I just ride as safely as possible. I've never actually seen someone get out of their car, but I've seen a guy start flipping the bird so wildly over and over again that it really appeared that he had lost it. A person who has gone raving mad can be very dangerous, but I think in any confrontation between a raving mad person and someone who chooses to stay calm and handle things rationally, the calm person will usually come out better.
JoinedPosts by maxwell
do y'all get road rage?
by Brummie ini'm considered to be very laid back but today i could have easily knocked someone on the nose for nearly causing a car accident that could have injured quite a few people, i wanted to hit the roof, perhaps its my first experience with road rage.
(or maybe the meds were wearing off...lol).. do you get it or have you been a victim?.
see ya next week, take care, oh and dont pap the horn if you see me on the road :).
Would You Have Given Your Life Up For Your Brother At One Time?
by minimus injw's are all supposed to be marked by the love they have for one another.
the love is called a great one because it is a "self-sacrificing"one.
theoretically, a witness would simply die for another witness because of the brotherhood---no questions asked.
I believed that I would have done it. It was supposed to be an identifying mark of Christ brothers. I've forgotten that scripture. I know it's in John somewhere. Interesting that I'm starting to forget some things I thought to be core beliefs. But I have to agree with BluesBrother. Who knows what I would have done if I had faced such a situation in reality.
Matrix Revolution
by Sassy ini was fortunate enough to be able to preview the movie a week earlier than it's actual release.
my bf and i enjoyed it.. i hope you all do.
I don't like crowded theaters, but I might try to go to an early showtime this weekend.
Is this really a practical way to live?
by flower ini got one of those emails today.. you know those emails that are so profound and deep and are meant to stir your emotions.
the kind that say you should send it to 10 of your closest friends and if they send it back to you you are...... like, superfriend or something.
anyway this particular one was about how quickly life passes by and how we are so caught up in lifes struggles that a lot of times we dont stop to enjoy it.
I think there's a happy medium there. You have to take risks and have fun or you won't enjoy or accomplish anything. But I hope I live to be 80 and still have things to enjoy then. So I deny myself some things and do other extra things in the hope that it will increase my chances of living even just a few days longer. However, if it was an either or question, I suppose I'd have my fun. There's no point in living a pointless life??
Most witness's don't even look at the pictures in their books.
by Singing Man inlike the one of the little girl falling into a big crack in the earth, a picture of amagedon from the paradise book.
few witness's stop and ponder just how sick that really is to show kids that at a young age.
if anyone has that post it to this thread for others to see just how hurtful that could be for children of a tender age.
It is true, when I was a JW, I never really thought about the violence depicted in the pictures of the publications. I don't remember nightmares about demons, but that was definitely the most scary thing to ever go through my mind. Most kids at one time or another may be afraid of the dark, or monsters or ghosts in their closet under their bed, etc. But their parents will assure them that those things don't exist and they will be ok. JW teach that demons are real and although they teach that silly saving method of "calling out on the name of Jehovah", I used to be afraid that I would freeze up or that the demons would cover my mouth somehow. All silliness. But one must admit the that the violence in Watchtower publications, while perhaps not appropriate for children, only reflects the violence of the god depicted in the Bible.
What was the first computer you ever owned?
by Nosferatu inwhat was the first computer you ever owned?
for me it was the trs-80 model 1. i bought it for $10 at a second hand store when i was 10 years old.
took me forever to find info on the thing, an manual, and a patchcord to hook up a cassette deck.
The first computer my family owned was a TI(Texas Instruments)-99, not IBM-compatible. It had 16K RAM and the CPU and the keyboard were all one console. We had an adapter to connect it to the TV so that we could use the TV as monitor. We had no harddrive and no floppy drive. There was a slot for connecting cartridges which were read-only like a video game. But I don't remember us owning any cartridges. They were using the same computer in my school while I was in the first through the third grade. There were two of them in the whole school and each class would get it for short period of time, like maybe a week, and we would get a few minutes to play at the computer each day our class had it. Very little guidance or teaching. The school had some mouse in a maze game and maybe a few math, grammer and typing programs on cartridges. Still no harddrive or floppy disk drive at school even thought these were available as extra accessories. The one cool thing about the computer was that a simple BASIC compiler was included in the computer, so even if you had no cartridges with premade programs, I could play with that. Very limited playing considering that I didn't have any way to save programs and only 16K of memory. But I learned a few basic BASIC commands. At the age of 9 or 10, I was reading this book we had on BASIC, and making the computer count up and down by 1's 2's 5's in finite and infinte loops using the BASIC version of the for-loop. Then later, I got good enough to write a simple program that randomly generated elementary addition problems told the user if they got the answer correct or not.
The first modern IBM-compatible computer I bought myself in 1996 was built by a guy in my small hometown in TN. 128 MHz Pentium processor running Windows 95, 16MG of RAM, harddrive about 1.5 gig. I don't think it was quite out of date just yet when I bought it.
How much have you had to drink.
by JeffT ini hit ozzy osbourne.
I'm Mother Teresa. I had to choose 1 time per week going out to drink and I don't even go out to drink that often. More like 1 or 2 times per month.
Exercising Freedom
by Sentinel intoday is a big day here in the state of virginia.
many positions are up for election.
i have been a voter since around 1984, when i was 39. it was a strange thing for me, when i pulled that curtain shut.
I feel grateful to be in a democracy where I can have a small voice. I just got my first voter registration card in the mail a few days ago. Not particularly a strange feeling just getting the card, but it was kind of cool to know that now I can participate in the process. There's no elections here this year. I registered as an independent and I don't anticipate changing that before the primaries next year so my first time at the polls will probably be this time next year.
by little witch ini pay good money to get music video channels, so why is it they are no longer showing music?.
i dont care to watch "teens gone awry".
"one hit wonders".
I just got cable for the first time in my life a few months ago, so I don't know anything about the days when they actually played music on those channels. We only have basic cable, but that includes MTV, VH1 BET, BETJAZZ and CMT. I can agree with everyone about MTV and VH1. Very little music and a lot of young people acting silly. I still consider myself young and I went through the silly stuff stage, but to me it kind of seems like one would have to have no life of their own if they want to watch other people do that stuff. Why not get out and do it yourself? I never thought BET was a music station although they do have a few hip-hop and r & b music programs that come on daily. However, whenever I turn to BETJAZZ or CMT they are usually playing music. Maybe not the music everyone likes, but usually you can hear some actual music. I really like BETJAZZ although they sometimes play music that I would classify as instrumental pop, but usually it's cool.
Your opinion of...
by MrMoe inmen or women who cheat on thier spouses, not just once, but repeatedly, with various people.
also, do you find those actions mature, or... immature?.
I think people choose to do what they choose to do, and I couldn't describe that particular action as mature or immature. Neither do I think a loveless marriage or cheating for emotional reasons justifies cheating any more than cheating because one likes sex. They are both human urges and neither is more important than the other. If I knew someone was cheating on their spouse, no I would not tell on them. I have no idea what their particular situation is and it isn't my place to be some type of moral policeman.