I always found the the name identifying myself as a Jehovah's Witness awkward. Something about that possessive form in a religious identification just didn't roll well. Other people could identify their religion by saying, "I am a X", X being whatever their religion was, but in order to say my religion I'd have to say "I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses" although I guess "I am a Jehovah's Witness" isn't necessarily grammatically incorrect if you consider Jehovah's Witness a proper noun. But yeah, I had people identify me as one of those Jehovahs also. It is still funny now. We were all just a bunch of Jehovahs.
JoinedPosts by maxwell
"He's a Jehovah"
by logansrun inhave you ever thought that "jehovahs witnesses" is a difficult name to pronounce for a religion?
if i had a dollar for every time in my life someone said, "oh, you're a jehovah, aren't you?
i'm a jehovah.
Holocaust Museum/Cocentration Camp - would you visit?
by eyeslice inthis is a spin-off thread to one posted today about bethel trips.
i find the idea of bethel, holocaust museum and broadway somewhat repugnant.
i have written before about the society's almost sickening bleating on about the concentration camps.
I've been to the Holocaust Museum here in DC when my mother and little sister were visiting. We didn't have time to see everything, and even though I live here, I haven't been back to see the rest. I am sure I will go back to see the rest at some point. I didn't know about the concentration camps in Europe. If I ever have a chance, I would probably visit those also. I think Schindler's List was a good movie. I just bought the DVD, which came out this week.
For those always in somebody else's car
by JH ini always took my car to go to the hall and most of the times in the field service.
all i had in return was maybe 1 dollar of gas per person for a whole morning in the field service.
often it crossed my mind, if i had a parking ticket or any kind of bad luck, if it was only me that should pay for it, or should those in the car also chip in.. was just paying a part of the gas cost enough?.
I suppose they should chip in for the ticket if they pressured you to park in an illegal space or assured you that you wouldn't get a ticket for parking somewhere illegal, but personally, I would never have parked in a no-parking zone even if someone wanted me to do so, especially a none-driver who may not be familiar with the laws pertaining to automobiles. Parking tickets seem like a completely avoidable cost.
Yes or No----Do You Believe That JWs Are A Cult?
by minimus ini believe they are "cultlike" but i don't think they are a "cult"........and you?
In my unprofessional, fuzzy opinion, no. I can go along with the label "high-control group", but there's too much diversity of thought and too many people who are JW who break JW rules for me to consider them a cult. They also lack that single human leader with loads of charisma and charm.
Escape THIS !
by Simon intook me best part of an hour, quite good though.
I cut all the wires also and I ended up cheating. Someone posted a spoiler page for the last level in the chatroom. I don't remember the url. It told me about the cabinet in one of the rooms in the basement that I was supposed to unlock with the first key in order to get the last key. I had a security card and a key, and I knew the key in my possession had to open something where I could get the key for the last door, but I kept missing that one necessary cabinet in the dark basement even though I thought I had went over everything down there in detail. The spoiler page told me exactly which room to look in and I found the cabinet after I did that. The security card did nothing for me on that level. So I did figure out most of the level on my own, but I needed some help after knocking out the power down there. It is possible to escape on your own after cutting all the wires. You just have to be very thorough in checking out the basement.
When you asked a similar question, I think I rated myself about a 5 or 6 out of 10. My answer is in there somewhere.
Congregation is building a new KH
by dustyb inup front at the weekly tcs meeting they are commenting about how much money they've rose for the new kingdom hall.
but i was thinking about how they get all the money, and if i understand it correctly, they raise money and sell the old kh property and give all that money back to the society.
then from there, the society gives out a loan w/ like a 3% interest rate, and on top of that, takes the title to the kh and puts the kh in their names.
Every congregation I have been in, the cong has a local corporation formed to own the land, pay the bills, etc. Anybody remember the corporation annual meeting, a short little thing after the service meeting where not much happened but everybody voted in members to the local corp?
Looking for facts here, not hearsay, not rumors. Anyone?
I don't know the facts on who owned the building and the land, but I don't remember an annual meeting in any of my congregations. I do know that in one congregation I attended, there were three trustees for the property. This was rarely discussed. The only reason that I became aware of it was because at one point one trustee died so they had to replace him, so some announcement was made. I would imagine things might vary from state to state depending on laws about real estate ownership.
Whats the most unhealthiest place you've ever ate at?
by dustyb inthere's this place here in town called "babe's".
its soooooooooooooooo good, but the only drawback is that the hamburger is more grease and fat than it is meat.
they'll actually take the dripping fat with the spatula and throw it back in the burger and start smashing it in.
There was a burger joint on the campus of a college that I attended a summer program for high school junior and seniors. They had a great 1/2 lb bacon cheese burger that was dripping grease. Of course, at that time as an active 17 yr old, it didn't affect me much.
There's a great burger joint in this area called Five Guys. They sell fries cooked in peanut oil. The small size is as big as McDonald's large. They stuff a cup with them and put them in your bag which immediately gets grease spots from the overflowing fries.
Should obesity be a DF offense?
by jws ina headline on today's usa today says that obesity is the #1 killer.
if being fat is such a health risk (like cigarettes), why don't the jws disfellowship people for being obese?.
i know in some cases, people gain weight due to medical problems that are hard to control.
Obviously some people overeat. People over eat and over drink, smoke and take drugs sometimes in response to stress or psychological problems. And as stated sometimes other problems out of a person's control cause obesity. However, I have to agree overeating is not as cut and dry as smoking or not smoking. There's never a good reason to smoke. But you have to eat. Then there's the problem of defining obesity. Would they keep a scale to weigh people at the KH to determine how much over their ideal weight each person was. Would the threshold be 20 lbs over ideal or 40 lbs. over ideal. Would there be a graduated threshold based on height. Would they consider a person's percentage of body fat? I started answering this question thinking obesity, but after thinking about some of the other responses, it looks like the real question is should gluttony be a DF offense? And there as pointed out, it would be hard to prove.
by Phil in.
has anyone have any information on can or will the wt forgive a girl that gets pregnant out of wedlock.. my daughter has just revealed that this happened to a girl she knows who went full term on the pregnancy and was forgiven by the wt.
would such a person be given good treatment by the other members in kh.
There was an elder's daughter at a hall that I attended who got pregnant as a teenager, but she was only an unbaptized publisher, so she was removed from the status of unbaptized publisher, and the elder, who incidentally was the PO at the time, stepped down.
Others baptized women were always disfellowshipped or reproved. The disfellowshipped were usually reinstated. Reproved and reinstated women who had babies out of wedlock always seemed to get the normal baby attention when the came to the hall for the first time with the new born.