At times, it was a bit tough standing out because I didn't stand for the flag salute or the pledge. Fortunately, the flag saluting was only an issue in elementary school up to about age 9. National anthems never came up except at sporting events. I was in marching band in high school. I stood with the band the first time I was with them at a football game, but did not play. Then my dad talked to me and I didn't stand any more. I always felt subconcious then. But there is some value in having the strength to go resist the crowd and do your own thing
Despite the discomfort with standing out, I don't feel anyone should be coerced to pledge allegiance to a flag or stand during a national anthem. Refusal to do either is does not even hint at treason or wanting to harm your country and it should be a personal choice. I once went to a graduation after I had left the JW, but I was sitting with some of my JW family members. Though I personally had no problem standing for the national anthem, I decided to sit with them while the national anthem was played, because I wanted to stay seated with them. On the other, I am now in a community concert band, and I had the opportunity to play the National Anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner" for the first time last summer at 5 concerts. It is a great song and I feel proud of my country when I play it. But the freedom it represents extends to the choice to stand or not while it is played or sung. Nobody should be a patriotic nationalist robot unquestioningly doing everything the Mother country tells them to do.