Yes, I've heard about the reversal procedures, but the doctor did stress during my initial visit that it should be seen a permanent procedure as the reversals don't always work. And that is how I look at it. I plan to die this way. That's why I said it's something for a guy to consider if you know you "don't ever" (or stated differently NEVER) want to have children or additional children if you already have as many as you want. I would have continued other methods of contraception if I thought I might want to have children one day. Reversals attempts also cost more, are more traumatic to the body, have a longer recovery period. My health insurance covered most of this. They don't cover any part of a reversal. I don't think my doctor would have performed it if he had thought I was planning on trying for a reversal in the future. Reversals procedures are probably better now than they were a few years ago, but I agree it is still not something to be taken lightly. Now, if only everyone would think so seriously about things before they had a child, which I think is a far more serious step to take.
JoinedPosts by maxwell
I got myself snipped.
by maxwell ini wasn't sure where to post this, but since it has to do with family planning in a permanent sort of way, i am posting here.
i have stated on two previous threads, that were about the choice to have or not have children, that i was planning on getting a vasectomy.
about a month ago i went to see the urologist and i got scheduled for the procedure which i went in for on last friday.
I got myself snipped.
by maxwell ini wasn't sure where to post this, but since it has to do with family planning in a permanent sort of way, i am posting here.
i have stated on two previous threads, that were about the choice to have or not have children, that i was planning on getting a vasectomy.
about a month ago i went to see the urologist and i got scheduled for the procedure which i went in for on last friday.
I wasn't sure where to post this, but since it has to do with family planning in a permanent sort of way, I am posting here. I have stated on two previous threads, that were about the choice to have or not have children, that I was planning on getting a vasectomy. Well I did it. About a month ago I went to see the urologist and I got scheduled for the procedure which I went in for on last Friday. So my family is now permanently a family of two.
Anyways it was a very short procedure. It took 45 minutes only because the urologist was going slowly to show a resident how it is done. He said he's usually done in less than 30 minutes. Very little pain at all. A local anesthetic worked great. I was given a prescription for pain killer before I left, but I have not used it. I was told not to do any heavy lifting, no children bouncing in my lap and no riding my bicycle for two weeks. I feel good enough to ride now and that seems a little over cautious based on what I've read on other websites, but I will try to follow his instructions. And should I say this? All of the equipment works just as well as before. My wife and I have confirmed this. Of course, we will have to continue using other protection until the Doctor has made at least one check to see that the system is cleared out in about 6 weeks or so. So if you're a guy and you know you don't ever want children, it's something to consider. It may seem like a sensitive area to allow them to be using cutting tools, but there's really very little pain, the incisions (I think technically some don't even call them incisions in the "no-scalpel" method he used.) are very small, and the recovery is quick.
Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God?
by desib77 indo you believe the bible is the inspired word of god?
have you somehow attempted to prove this to yourself or have you just accepted it?
No. In addition to all the points already mentioned, there is the inconsistency and the vagueness. Surely, an almighty God could write prophecy better that is supposedly written in the bible that is less open to so many interpretations. Books like Isaiah, Ezekiel and Revelation are written in such a way that anyone could take these writings and make them fit whatever world view they choose. Why such vagueness and supposedly symbolism? If an Almighty God meant to say that certain secular and government organizations would do this or that, I think he could have just stated that instead of, as the JW claim, inspiring some guy to write stories about beasts, statues and images. Surely, he would have written it so that all humans could understand it and not just a select few, for example, some guys who call themselves a governing body.
Blues music
by Markfromcali inthere's gotta be some blues fans out there.. i have been listening to a recording of a live show back in '68 with b.b.
king, jimi hendrix and probably other greats i don't know about and i'm finding i really enjoy it.
any blues buffs out there want to make some suggestions etc.?
I'm more into jazz, but blues is the parent of jazz. And I like blues a lot too. The only blues CD I've bought is a B.B. King live concert at Cook County Jail. There audience response to the annoucement of the sheriff's presence at the beginning of the concert is quite "interesting". Also interesting that they allowed people in jail a concert, but the music is great. "How Blue Can You Get" is my favorite.
I found the lyrics to that song. I'm only putting part of them here, because this is the part that always trips me out.
I gave you a brand new Ford, but you said: "I want a Cadillac"
I bought you a ten dollar dinner, and you said: thanks for the snack
I let you live in my penthouse, you said it just a shack
I gave seven children, and now you wanna give them backYou have to hear how he sings it to get the full effect. Of course you have to remember that this is an old song, and a ten dollar dinner might have been somewhat impressive (though obviously not to this particular woman he's writing about) at the time it was written.
When I was a JW, I played with an amateur JW band and about 1/3 of our songs were blues from the 60's and 70's. Stuffy like "Stormy Monday" and "The Thrill is Gone". I loved playing that stuff. Blues has a simple basic format, but it is definitely fun to play even if you haven't really lived the life to be truly blue. I grew up down there in Memphis, but never actually went into a club on Beale Street. I did walk down Beale Street a few times and I saw a few bands playing outside and the people dancing with their drinks wherever they got them. Very interesting atmosphere. Of course, I was a JW then, but I knew a few JW who did go into clubs there sometimes. I was only 22 when I left. Come to think of it, I've only gone to one blues club here and the two nights I went it was because a saxophonist I know was there playing with a Swing/jazz band. But there's this oldies place downtown, I plan to check out one of these days.
I want to be cremated. Everything else is up to those still living. If they want to have a funeral with an open or closed casket before they burn me, fine. If they want to throw my ashes to the wind, fine. If they want to put the ashes in the ground with a tombstone, that's fine too. What I don't want is a big expensive casket in the ground with my body taking up space down there. If any of my body parts were good for transplanting or for science, it would be nice to have the useable parts removed before they burn the rest of me.
How many raised in "the truth" have left??
by L_A_Big_Dawg inthis subject has been gnawing at me for awhile now.. so many of you:.
1) were raised in "the truth?".
2) did you get baptized and at what age?.
1) Yes, raised as a JW.
2) Baptized at age 12.
3) Was disfellowshipped only a few weeks after I turned 25.
My opinion is that people are more likely to believe many of the negative black stereotypes than they are to believe negative blond stereotypes. Further, blonds women are more likely to benefit from their physical characteristics than a black person is. The blond hair/blue eyes combination is still pushed as an ideal look for a woman. Witness the number of women who color their hair blond. I am not sure that can be compared with the number of people who go for the tans.
Speed Limits
by Abaddon ini had to drive about 600km (370 miles) to hamburg and back again yesterday on business.. for those of you that don't know, large parts of the german network of autobahns (freeways) have no speed limit.. of course, those who say german's don't have a sense of humour won't have though in detail about having a network of two-lane dual carriageways with no speed limit.
a very funny idea.. it was still a pretty good average speed (about 135km/h, 83mph) for the part of the journey in germany, and we , but as i got up to 220km/h (135mph) at various points and cruised over 160km/h (100mph) a lot, if they'd been a third lane it would have been a lot higher.
one side effect is once you are back down to normal highway speeds (120km/h) it feels like you're doing 50k/mh.
The mention of governors on cars reminded me of a story I saw on tv magazine show. It was 20/20 or Dateline. There are some people doing research on cars that drive themselves at least on some highways. The car has sensors and a computer and the road has devices that the car also senses other cars on the road. The technology allows cars to operate at high speeds with less room between the cars than a human driver is comfortable with or is able to handle. And if a car needs to enter the highway the technology automatically fills the car into the flow. It was sort of like the flow of cars in the city of the Movie Minority Report except only on level ground with cars that we have now. Of course, many people, including me, would resist the idea of giving up control of their car to a computer just as they would resist having a car with a governor, but there are people doing research with the technology. However, the primary purpose of the technology would not be to limit your speed, but to speed up traffic in congested areas.
Speed Limits
by Abaddon ini had to drive about 600km (370 miles) to hamburg and back again yesterday on business.. for those of you that don't know, large parts of the german network of autobahns (freeways) have no speed limit.. of course, those who say german's don't have a sense of humour won't have though in detail about having a network of two-lane dual carriageways with no speed limit.
a very funny idea.. it was still a pretty good average speed (about 135km/h, 83mph) for the part of the journey in germany, and we , but as i got up to 220km/h (135mph) at various points and cruised over 160km/h (100mph) a lot, if they'd been a third lane it would have been a lot higher.
one side effect is once you are back down to normal highway speeds (120km/h) it feels like you're doing 50k/mh.
I don't own a car now and when I do drive one, I follow the speed limit very closely, partly because I live in a city, and partly because I'm concerned about being kicked out of the car-sharing company I am with or having an accident with the car. Cops in DC can't chase and I'm not sure I've ever seen them light someone up for speeding, but there are speed cameras in some places. However, I have definitely driven in areas where I viewed the speed limit as a suggestion. In fact, when I was a JW and living in an area where I needed a car all the time, I always told myself that the "real" speed limit was the posted limit+10, so I was following Ceasar's law practically. When I lived near Memphis and worked part-time at night, posted speed limits on the Interstate were definitely only suggestions at night. Posted limit was 55 or 60 (All speeds in mph). Coming home at 3 or 4 in the morning, I would cruise at 75-80. People would pass me at 90 and the cops would pass me and the people who passed me at 100 (no lights or sirens) and not even blink. I suppose they had better things to do. Not so in the little towns outside of Memphis. I have gotten two speeding tickets in the 11 years since I started driving at 16, one in my small hometown about an hour away from Memphis and one in a suburban community/city right up against Memphis. Both tickets were for going somewhere between 10-15 mph over the speed limit in 30 or 35 mph zones. I'm a black guy and it was simply out of the question for me to argue with or question a white cop in those little southern towns besides being out of character for me. And although at the time I didn't think the infractions were severe or warranted being ticketed, I did break the law, so I simply paid the tickets.
When my parents moved to the small town outside of Memphis, the road we lived on didn't have a posted limit. It was a two-lane country road with curves, but after you learn the curves, doing the 5 miles from town at 70-75 could easily be done. There were too many sharp curves to go much faster, but I did max out my old '85 diesel (yes diesel) Mazda 626 on one straight portion at about 90 one night. It wasn't a very powerful car. I had trouble keeping up with some people I was trailing while driving it through the Ozarks in Arkansas. You probably would not be able to max out more powerful cars on that back road I lived on. However, curves do make for more interesting driving, and in my humble opinion, sort of separates out levels of skills. None of the curves on that road were too sharp to hold at 55, but I often saw people slow below 55 or come out of their lane going around bends. It's a wonder to me that more people don't die on those two-lane country back roads.
did any of you read the entire bible once...?
by Richie injust wanted to know if any of you have read the entire bible?
- i remember that it was mentioned in the congregation many times that this would be a requirement that we were to read the bible in its totality at least once and especially as elders!.
i myself never had the time (or energy) to read the scriptures from cover to cover.
Yes, once through the NWT in my early teens. I never got through it again although I started again a couple of times at Genesis and tried starting in the Greek scriptures a few times. But I took no notes nor did I study anything. I might have looked up some words I had never heard before but that was it. What I "knew" in the Bible came from the incessant JW indoctrination through studying their publications and looking up scriptures during the weekly regiment of study and at the meetings. Basically, the only thing I gained from reading it through once was the ability to say that I had read through it.
So who has read through all of Darwin's main publication(s) (sorry can't remember the name now) once?