I love it.
i've always liked tatoos and disagreed with the wt's stand on them.
i just turned 42 on may 14 and think its about time i get one.
nothing drastic, just a small lilly flower on my left shoulder.
I love it.
this is the purest example of an oxymoron.
repeat this sentence over and over again and you will realize why it's impossible for some people to accept the big bang model.
Prophecor & Ixthis right on! I pity those who cannot see that there is a CREATOR. I marvel of what man has invented and we get to enjoy these inventions, buildings, bridges, highways, TV's computers, radio, etc, etc, etc. All this came about by sheer chance? Yes, I pity those who don't believe in a CREATOR.
this is the purest example of an oxymoron.
repeat this sentence over and over again and you will realize why it's impossible for some people to accept the big bang model.
poopsiecakes, are you old enough to understand what I meant?
this is the purest example of an oxymoron.
repeat this sentence over and over again and you will realize why it's impossible for some people to accept the big bang model.
Prophecor, awesome pictures, I'm into nature and it's unbelievable beauty, especially lightening. I have family friends who hide when there's electrical storms,but I adore it. I pity people who can't see the beauty in creation. They can't see what their missing out on. Let them sulk and be miserable.
this afternoon i had the pleasure of listening to my dad, husband and son discuss timing belts, the teeth they rest on, camshafts, and other car parts that i cant recall at such a late hour.
they were totally engrossed in the conversation and it was fun listening to them talk.
the air was thick with testosterone and they were so manly that i just had to smile about it.
Great read, inspiring to men.
there are 3 really basic releases for the dc this year.
revised vol 1 of young people ask.................hmmm lot of work in that one.
new brochure.
Ah, truth is stranger than fiction. Wow, I remember the days when witnesses were waiting for the new releases, where are they now? Ah yes, the good old days.
some here like to perpetuate the idea that there is a hidden group lurking in the shadows playing democrats and republicans against each other for their own benefit... or that a new world order is about to annihilate herds of common men to stay in power.. please name one specific living person who is a member of this elite group..
Right on, these guys siezed all the cameras when JFK was shot by a lone gunman. Do you think for one minute a thief will tell you he steals or a liar telling you he lies?
9:30 song no.
10:50 song no.
12:10 song no.
This org. keeps the saying alive, "The more things change, the more they remain the same."
some here like to perpetuate the idea that there is a hidden group lurking in the shadows playing democrats and republicans against each other for their own benefit... or that a new world order is about to annihilate herds of common men to stay in power.. please name one specific living person who is a member of this elite group..
What about the size of the damage on the Pentagon? Why not as massive as the WTC? Less fuel, smaller plane, etc? Apparently all the debris near the blasted opening didn't burn!!!!!
some here like to perpetuate the idea that there is a hidden group lurking in the shadows playing democrats and republicans against each other for their own benefit... or that a new world order is about to annihilate herds of common men to stay in power.. please name one specific living person who is a member of this elite group..
ProdigalSon, as I said before, there's is no way to get a person to even imagine the WTC was a planned demolition. Tell me, who's to say that these dogs were sniffing dogs? Why couldn't they be a front to make it a appear they were sniffing dogs. As to the bombs, where the hell did all the smoke come from, who was puffing massive cigars WC Fields?
I maintain what the fireman heard, it was a continuous bang bang noise on the LOWER level, LOWER LEVEL!!! One must disprove what the firemen heard not for you to prove that bombs were planted in the WTC. Yeah, one single aircraft can collapse a tall structure when you have pictures of other buildings ravaged with fire and still standing!!! Disprove what the firemen heard on the lower level. As to building 7, why has there been so little talk about it? Insurance money?