Should have spent more time studying about David.
He was a musician and designed and made musical instruments.
All that and he was an adultering murdering king to boot!
Should have spent more time studying about David.
He was a musician and designed and made musical instruments.
All that and he was an adultering murdering king to boot!
DON'T buy a NOOK. Mine is ok for reading posts, but can't post..something about android OS is funky
my 2 cents
i have just had a sister for lunch and we discussed the increase in emblem partakers last year to an astonishing 12,600. she said "anyone" could just walk in off the street and take the emblems and thats probaly why the numbers have increased so dramatically,but surely elders are only obliged to report the number of" baptised" brothers or sisters taking the emblems?.
If your mentally ill your qualified
when i was bringing my daughter back to her mother's house two elders stopped me and told me they wanted to talk.
i said i didn't have time, they asked me if i wanted to stop by the kh on saturday to talk to them.
i said i didn't have time.
Put them on the defensive right from the start if they say they "heard something" and ask who said it, because spreading around false information could lead to defamation lawsuits for the WT and them personally. They will never reveal a source of information for this reason so tell them if they insist on taking here say as gospel truth, then there would be no reason to meet with you to confirm it. Then walk away and say, "see you in court"..
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Double post deleted
But that makes me think....if security and personal protection are needed I make a great marble column...
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
The video made this hulking mass of brute male strength break down and cry. Bravo and best wishes for speedy results. I would love to be involved.
so i have a friend that is still "in" because of his elderly parents.
he attended the memorial and reported back to me what i thought was encouraging.
we have two congregations in the city i live in.
our their attendance was DEFINATELY down..........round these parts.........
if so, please email me at [email protected] - i need your help!.
An arrogant DO used this as part of a talk at an assembly day a while back. As I sat there listening in horror at the seething hatred he spouted, I kept rolling over in my mind that Jesus refuted this exact sentiment when he stated to love your enemies and pray for those persecuting you...which the DO made NO reference to of course, very unchristian teaching if I say so myself....
blondie i was reading where you posted information from 1952 onward on how we are to treat disfellowshiped members of our spiritual and physical family.
you posted information from the kms, wt and other sources.
i did a search and can't find it, one of the tidbits of information said that if a brother or sister has contact with the "disfellowshiped member" they should be disfellowshiped too.
Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws. The law of the land and God’s law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family...
Isn't this an admission to the world that the WT god is limited and controlled by human governments...dare we say the same governmental authority that is controlled 100% by satan and his demon hordes?????
this is another point that passes unnoticed by mind numbed JW's that Jehovah the "all mighty" has to cower to mans rules
i was in business with my jw family and they took that over because i am now a worthless apostate.
i am 50 years old and need to make some moola.
i am good with ebay and i can build websites.
geez its so simple,,,,,,start a publishing cult,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but seriously.........
then move on from there...........