Can someone go to one of these hearings and testify how WT turns around and violates the civil rights of its members by restricting freedom of association, freedom of thought, speech and behavior? If so I found my new mission in life.
JoinedPosts by Lied2NoMore
Jehovah's Witnesses submission to the United Nations | July 2013 Human Rights session
by jwleaks injw leaks has published an advanced copy of a submission in relation to jehovahs witnesses in kyrgyzstan lodged with the united nations human rights committee session to be held in july 2013.. this submission, dated april 24, 2013, was made by the european association of jehovahs christian witnesses..
executive summary of the submission .
this submission to the human rights committee (the committee) on kyrgyzstan highlights violations of the following provisions of the international covenant on civil and political rights (the covenant):.
JW's are refrigerator magnets.......
by Lied2NoMore inwt has deified the a/c outlet as "god".
the cord carrying power from the outlet to the refrigerator is the "gb" .
the inner workings that make the freezer and cooler, well...."cold" are the legal dept, writing dept, and to save ink, the wt "bureaucracy" that stores and dispenses "food at the proper time".... and the body of the refridgerator which insulates and embodies all the contents of said refigerator is the "organization".... loyal jw's simply need to "stick" themselves somewhere on the refrigerator, or "organization" wherever there is room, and salvation is assured.. so its a large refrigerator, because some 7 million have affixed themselves to the "organization" or "cooler of salvation"........ but as you look on the floor, several have fallen off, and more have been peeled off by wt df / shunning policy.. so watch your step, someone may get trampled!.
I was often complemented on my use of profound illustrations and I think the whole WT \ JW mindset is just that....cling to the organization
Epitome of stupidity and controlle. And I was there myself
JW's are refrigerator magnets.......
by Lied2NoMore inwt has deified the a/c outlet as "god".
the cord carrying power from the outlet to the refrigerator is the "gb" .
the inner workings that make the freezer and cooler, well...."cold" are the legal dept, writing dept, and to save ink, the wt "bureaucracy" that stores and dispenses "food at the proper time".... and the body of the refridgerator which insulates and embodies all the contents of said refigerator is the "organization".... loyal jw's simply need to "stick" themselves somewhere on the refrigerator, or "organization" wherever there is room, and salvation is assured.. so its a large refrigerator, because some 7 million have affixed themselves to the "organization" or "cooler of salvation"........ but as you look on the floor, several have fallen off, and more have been peeled off by wt df / shunning policy.. so watch your step, someone may get trampled!.
but even if the WT "machine" was unplugged, many would still cling to an "imagined" organization and try to keep it going somehow.
maybe it would be equated to filling a cooler to keep things preserved
a persecuted JW still tries to keep the illusion going
What would you tell someone who wants to become a JW?
by slimboyfat inwhat would be the most important things you think someone should be aware about jws if they are planning on getting baptised as a jw?
imagine you are on a plane and get talking to the person next to you.
you find out they are considering becoming a jw but they are not sure.
that if you ever disagree with a doctrine or policy you will be DF'd
even if the doctrine or policy is changed or reversed, you have to go along with it or be Df'd
and WT violates basic human rights for its members, yet hypocritically goes to european court of human rights to fight for the same rights it disallows for its own members..
JW's are refrigerator magnets.......
by Lied2NoMore inwt has deified the a/c outlet as "god".
the cord carrying power from the outlet to the refrigerator is the "gb" .
the inner workings that make the freezer and cooler, well...."cold" are the legal dept, writing dept, and to save ink, the wt "bureaucracy" that stores and dispenses "food at the proper time".... and the body of the refridgerator which insulates and embodies all the contents of said refigerator is the "organization".... loyal jw's simply need to "stick" themselves somewhere on the refrigerator, or "organization" wherever there is room, and salvation is assured.. so its a large refrigerator, because some 7 million have affixed themselves to the "organization" or "cooler of salvation"........ but as you look on the floor, several have fallen off, and more have been peeled off by wt df / shunning policy.. so watch your step, someone may get trampled!.
WT has deified the A/C outlet as "god"
The cord carrying power from the outlet to the refrigerator is the "GB"
The inner workings that make the freezer and cooler, well...."cold" are the legal dept, writing dept, and to save ink, the WT "bureaucracy" that stores and dispenses "food at the proper time"...
And the body of the refridgerator which insulates and embodies all the contents of said refigerator is the "organization"...
Loyal JW's simply need to "stick" themselves somewhere on the refrigerator, or "organization" wherever there is room, and salvation is assured.
So its a large refrigerator, because some 7 million have affixed themselves to the "organization" or "cooler of salvation".......
But as you look on the floor, SEVERAL have fallen off, and more have been PEELED off by WT DF / shunning policy.
So watch your step, someone may get trampled!
let me see if i got this straight......thats what she said!!!
by Lied2NoMore inif a person who gets labelled as "apostate" says something truthful, yet, is unflattering or exposes the wt, it is automatically a lie......... because it came from an.... "apostate".... yet.... if the wt tells a lie, it is the "truth" just because it comes from the wt......and no-one checks to see if it is truthful...... is that right??
If a person who gets labelled as "Apostate" says something truthful, yet, is unflattering or exposes the WT, it is automatically a lie........
because it came from an.... "Apostate"...
YET.... if the WT tells a lie, it is the "truth" just because it comes from the WT......and no-one checks to see if it is truthful.....
Is that right???
What is the most damning watchtower publication?
by zound ini want to purchase a couple of vintage watchtower publications to help in my helping jw's break free.
some of the older ones are expensive or hard to come by - i know you can buy them on cd's but i'd like to own one or two of the "classics of propaganda"- some of the ones that speak for themselves as to the ridiculousness of this religion.. of course any magazine i pick up today speaks to me of the ridiculousness, but you need something much more hardcore for the jw's.. any recommendations?.
"children" has some pretty good quotes in it..
I tell everyone who will listen to read millions now living will never die and while they read it remember that if you didn't agree 100% with Rutherford s teachings you were DF'd just like what happened in the faith in action DVD. The DVD nicely documented how JR was berated for hours then he threw them out.
Governing Body - Consulting Demons?
by The Searcher inas a serving witness, i am not foolhardy enough to ask elders this question, because their 'praetorian guard' instincts would kick in, and i would be treated as an anti-christ.. w07 1/1 p. 28 par.
11- "it seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.
my question is simply based on this 'inspired' 'spiritual food at the proper time'; please put a little meat on the bone and tell all 7+ million of us, how do receive these "divine truths" from spirit creatures whom you cannot identify?.
you would think at the very least dead "annointed" ones would be granted the ability to communicate with living ones serving on the governing body so that once a doctrine was established it wouldn't be changed, altered, or invalidated in any way. Would bring much credibility to the clowns or rather Governing Buffoons now seated on thrones in brooklyn
Doomsday Cults.. Hidden in America
by Tater-T in
i'm surprised there wasn't a thread on this already... so i' guess i'll start it.. new series on discovery channel .. " hidden in america" first episode.
" doomsday cults" ... it aired about a month ago, did anyone else see it?
yup i watched it, if I remember, it came on right after a mormon documentary. I may have it still recorded on my DVR. good stuff and ALL cults work by the same playbook.
WT follows cult playbook to a "T"
Why Do You Come To This Site?
by minimus ini believe that this site, jwn, serves many purposes.
some are here almost, out of need.. others are here because they want to know the latest in watchtower world.. still others come here for the entertainment.. why do you frequent this place?
I stumbled on this site the first time when I needed to verify which public talk I was supposed to give a couple years ago.
I googled the talk title and it found a talk title thread jgnat had done compiling talk outline numbers and titles.
Of course, I had to snoop a little, then I lurked for a while, then I signed up.....
Thinking for myself began, and continues on................