Land of ten thousand lakes here
JoinedPosts by Lied2NoMore
Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses Wisconsin and Midwest
by Watchtower-Free inso who's from wisconsin and the midwest usa.
May 2014 Watchtower Study Article Are You Moving Ahead With Jehovahs Organization?
by objectivetruth inif jehovah resurrects the inhabitants of sodom & gomorrah, to give them a fair chance to life.. he truly is love!.
please see the wt and related articles in the resurrection of sodom & gomorrah : 1879 resurrection confirmed : = yes "let me give you an illustration that will be forcible: the sodomites.
surely if we find their restitution mentioned you will be satisfied.
"1 Peter 3:15, We are told in the Bible.
But sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper and deep respect."
The problem is no JW adheres to this...if questioned or pressed to explain why the ORG has had prior false doctrines or done things that reek of hypocrisy the JW will get angry, defensive, and resort to name calling and a staunch refusal to even hear anything critical of the sacred WT or the ORG.
If questions or accusations are made in front of elders it results in disfellowshipping....
So the GB stance is Don't you dare question us or demand an explanation from US!
effective use of illustrations
by Lied2NoMore inimagine driving along the road and on the side you see a sign that said road closed ahead..... just as you finish reading the sign wham!!. crash into a barrier and total your car....this wouldn't be much of a warning ...hardly fair would it?.
thankfully jehovah's wonderful organization has been sounding a warning for over a hundred years helping people to establish everlasting relationship with all mighty god jehovah!.
I thought of the same thing....I should copyright the illustration and sue if I hear them use it...dose of their own poisonous meds
effective use of illustrations
by Lied2NoMore inimagine driving along the road and on the side you see a sign that said road closed ahead..... just as you finish reading the sign wham!!. crash into a barrier and total your car....this wouldn't be much of a warning ...hardly fair would it?.
thankfully jehovah's wonderful organization has been sounding a warning for over a hundred years helping people to establish everlasting relationship with all mighty god jehovah!.
imagine driving along the road and on the side you see a sign that said road closed ahead..... just as you finish reading the sign WHAM!! crash into a barrier and total your car....this wouldn't be much of a warning ...hardly fair would it?
thankfully Jehovah's wonderful organization has been sounding a warning for over a hundred years helping people to establish everlasting relationship with all mighty God Jehovah!
this warning work has been giving people ample time ample warning to see the danger ahead...
my god I'm good and so full of s***
What do you love about being a JW?
by FL_Panthers inas the title says, share what you love about the truth!.
we know that the gb or anything else in the truth is all true and nothing is false!.
love u guys xxx.
If the end came next year I would congratulate god after destroying the WT and its JW followers for finally ridding the earth of false prophets, false teachers, and those like you that set themselves up as judges who have concluded that all those not like you deserve death
I would give him a nice high five
Scriptures for brother taking field service group
by FL_Panthers ini have recently been given the privilege of taking the field service group.. .
can anyone give me some scriptures i can use to encourage the group?
can you also give a reason as to why these scriptures are helpful to our ministry.. .
Hey fl_panthers...I used to recently be in your shoes..thinking it a privilege to lead a service group...was encouraging to all there and hyped up enthusiasm for the ministry...but in the end...I discovered and verified some very disturbing things about the WT organization that brought my recruiting efforts to a screeching halt...
If you read other posts you will see recommendations of various books that will shed unflattering and very truthful light on an organization that claims to be gods sole channel of communication to mankind but has nothing to back it up. More wrong than right doctrine has been spewed and recent doctrine changes happen more and more frequently with blinding speed...but none of the criticizm will make sense unless you first hear it in full then go verify it with WT history...I was all in and still would be if the WT could back up their claims to be "the truth" and willing to be scrutinized without DFing someone for disbeleiving one doctrine or several or all of them....that indicates fear of scrutiny and truth shouldnever fear scrutiny
Arguments to prove Noah's Ark story is just a myth
by will-be-apostate ini've been thinking for a while about the topic mentioned in the title and came to the conclusion that the flood story from the bible provides a very good starting point for proving the bible wrong.. in the following paragraphs i'll be only presenting ideas and potentially logic errors, and possible answer.
i didn't do any serious research yet, for in order to answer various questions a good base in specific branch of science is required.. according to the bible (the internet) the volume of the ark was 137.16 m * 22.86 m * 13.716 m = 43006 cubic meters (roughly).
if we was to subtract the volume of the interior structure (elements like walls, stairs, etc.
If the ark was floating in water as deep as highest point on earth it would have been like 35,000 feet up from land.
If we suddenly could be elevated to that height the first breath we took would instantly freeze our lungs and you would be dead within a few minutes. Air temp at that height is in the -55 to -60 degree range.
My figures are estimated but even anywhere close to that height and your quite dead quite quickly
Today's day's text
by tornapart ini fumed when i read this.
enjoy picking it apart friends.... become imitators of god.eph.
one way to imitate jehovah is to adopt his viewpoint regarding matters.
Thats why I no longer read printed material by WTBTS and why I don't visit JW.ORG
Combatting Agoraphobia in NONJWland
by Jon Preston inmy daughter starts school soon.
and i cant help but be afraid of the big bad world....the freedom we have is scary and im irrationally afraid of my kids getting in with the wrong jwland it wasnt so bad becaus you felt safe.
so now i know that safe haven is actually bs how do i get it out of my head?
From one little girls daddy to is the secret...spoil that kid and treat her like she is the center of the universe..never ever let her doubt your deep love..even when she misbehaves...keep her close.....the result?
She will be reluctant to ever do anything to disappoint you and when she gets interested in boys all of them will have to meet the standard that you have set for her on how she is treated and when she decides to get married as mine is very wont have to worry who your handing her off to.
I still am gonna miss my little buddy but she will be treated well..
How many in the cong visited you when you started fading
by joe134cd ini'm just curious speaking from a person who has stopped going to meetings.
i have heard reports from inactive ones (or from ones who the elders suspect of going to the dark side) of having so many visits from elders (cong members) that it got to the point of harassment.
surprisingly i have to say from personal experience and from numerous others that i have spoken to that the exact opposite has been the case.
No visits except attempts by elders until I filed harassment complaint against them...but its interesting..the ones who treated me and my family like utter shit are suddenly VERY nice...I think they know they fucked up by being assholes..I became very vocal about mistreatment by certain ones in our Cong and they now see the result of their error..
.I'm gone....