Obviously... no
We can rightly assume...yes
True Christians would...no
And the cycle continues...
Obviously... no
We can rightly assume...yes
True Christians would...no
And the cycle continues...
why are jws so afraid of apostates?
their view of apostates seems to be out of the realm of the ordinary, the natural.
its as if the words of apostates are supernatual or spiritistic as if apostates are some kind of jedi knights who can slightly wave their hands or twitch their eyes and bring one under a spell.
Same reason a murderer that has pleaded "not guilty" wouldn't want the one eyewitness with immaculate credibility to testify at his trial!
They actively engage in pre-emptive character assasination to ANYONE who sounds like they don't agree with the WT and their dictates!
the new revised larger print nwt bibles (nwtls-e) are being distributed now.. the margins are quite big in contrast to the skinny text columns.. the same fanciful mini-study material at the beginning and ends.. .
just added proof that another abandoned publication had serious enough flaws to get rid of......
.......until they abandon the new one because IT has even bigger flaws than the last!
a friend from the other end of the country just 'phoned and told me that a couple of days ago two elders knocked on his door.
he has been out for four or more years.. they told him it was c.o's visit, and the governing body have asked them to call on those whom they no longer see at the k.hall.. i guess this is an easier "field" than knocking on doors that never open, or where they are told "not interested".. my friend bill though, was not such an easy call.
apparently he managed to get in about 1914 being rubbish, the bible not being the word of god, because we cannot trust it, 1919 being rubbish as to the choosing of the fds and several other telling points.. i liked particularly that he said to them they were rather hypocritical asking householders to examine their faith, when jw's were simply not allowed to !.
this has been a push for a while now...when i was an MS I used to hear elders say each territory has enough inactive ones to start a new congregation....back then that should have told me something but that good old mind control thing had me.......
i was curious what might be some good things to say if i am questioned by the elduurs about my decline in fs.
anything too honest may get me a jc (although that would be for the best in the end..) the co visit is this week so they may be getting more agressive than usual.
Tell them your learning to use the force...its very time consuming...
Or tell them you are worried that time in service will delay completion of the Death Star....and you don't want the emperor displeased with you...
i was 13yo and largely clueless to what was going on.
i think i remember hearing something about an apostate being weeded out of bethel but really couldn't have cared less.
i didn't start getting zealous until a couple of years later.. .
Junior in high school..I think my dad made mention of it but I paid no attention..to busy thinking about girls...
so listen i am getting a tattoo.
if you arent familiar with liverpool fc and "youll never walk alone" then you may not understand what this represents to me.
see, it is t just a football (soccer in usa) club.
Im gonna get a kid peeing on the WT logo....
because they don't know what to do and they want to numb the pain .
especially for bornins..
Now that I thought about it..I used to get buzzed or outright drunk more often before but never admitted it...NOW I get drunk but less frequently but I kid around like I'm a raging alcoholic and drug user because I don't need to cover up and put up a false front..
my mom has been a jw since 1968...never brought anyone into the "truth.
" what are your experiences?
what was your "closing ratio?
@clarity..just my observation..sorry didn't mean to offend anyone..I just REALLY think that most who have brought others in DO have a certain mental disposition that drives them to want to manipulate others..the few times I actually studied with others I really was nonchalant about it..sort of take it or leave it kind of attitude..trying to bend someone into submission is too stressful for me. If it.really was the truth...it would be enough just to lay it out..I have observed many JWs who sort of "force" or "manipulate" others into baptism too fast...just to score points with onlookers
for family reasons, gorby and his wife and children has to visit the hall at april 14. our family accept that we are faders, but don't accept if we do not visit the memorial.. so, it seems a small investment: one evening love bombing for a year peace and rest.. but i hate the visit.
meeting the people knowing it's all fake love showing.. how do you get through it?.
I will meditate deeply about lying next to a scantily clad Eva Mendez....there that will do nicely