The GB also is too proud to admit their mistakes. When they do this, and it's not often, they blame others.
JoinedPosts by mcsemike
New Aussie Blood card released last night= It will make you sick! Shocking!
by Witness 007 inmy wife was invited by her cousin to come back to the meeting on tuesday since she had not been to one for over a year.
the reason?
"there's going to be a special anouncement regarding blood for all publishers, you should come!!
Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting
by sir82 infrom the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
To proplog2:
I found a few more of your "gems" slipped into your comments. Number 2276 to be exact. You said that if someone leaving Bethel had a mental breakdown, is that Bethel's fault?? YES, IT IS! Those people should get pensions. Most of them had at least a verbal understanding (based on past history) that older ones would be cared for. Bethel doesn't understand the world, so they can't prepare those they "fire" to live in it. They should hire a professional counselor/headhunter to help with jobs, but they are too cheap. "Jehovah will provide." Yeah, right. I also don't understand why the GB shouldn't be "experts" on the world and all its problems. They are so conceited it isn't funny. They know everything about everything. And if one GB member doesn't, they will pull their usuall stunts by misquoting reputable sources and truly "PUTTING THE BIGGEST SPIN IN THE WORLD ON HOW THEY TWIST WHAT THE WORLDLY PEOPLE SAID AND MEANT." The WT is being sued in several courts for "journalistic dishonesty", "taking things out of context", and outright lying. Really, if you just faithfully adhere to the WT's ever-changing lies and deceptions, you will automatically do some "spinning" since that's what they do most and they do it so well.
They kept Freddie Franz till he died, although he was a total invalid. Is his life more important than anyone else's. Jesus said "you are all equal". He also said there was no clergy class, but the WT clearly has one. And if programs to help these people fail, perhaps it is the fault of those who wrote the program or implemented it. Bethel may have a few "doctors" on staff, but their views are slanted in favor of the WT and everyone knows that. If you don't, you are blind.
You've had "low points"? NEWS FLASH----- A child who has been molested doesn't consider that episode in their lives as a "low point". Are you for real??? Those scars remain forever. I know firsthand. If you're so smart, post the proper clinical name for this condition and quote TWO sources (who have at least a Doctorate degree) who have published a thesis on empirical studies in the field. (If you don't know what I just wrote, then quit now. You won't cut it.)
Yes, there should be a fund. But the WT should be paying it. The Amish don't have to pay Social Security because they have sworn that they will never attempt to collect it. Does the WT deduct SS from the Bethel workers so that they have a pension when they hit 65?? I'd like to see that in print.
Sometimes feelings DO obscure logical thinking. But not in this case. Common sense, feelings of fair play, and the things Jesus taught should convince the WT that these workers deserve financial assistance when they leave. Most mature people have both feelings AND logical thinking and they can put each in its proper place. Those two concepts are "symbiotic" to some degree and an intelligent person can use both of them to the proper degree.
I know dozens of Bethel workers. I met most of the Governing Body. During the lunch break at Monroe, NY, I played a concert of kingdom songs for the GB and other visitors from Bethel. I also performed on the piano in the main lobby at Bethel. These same men could clap and appreciate the beauty of music (that God gave us) and told me I should be thankful for my gift (part of it was a gift, the rest was MY hard work, ten hours practicing a day for 5 years.) If I had joined the orchestra, which they used at CO meetings, they would have used me. The second I got arthritis and couldn't play, I'll bet you anything I'd be asked to leave with NO PENSION.
As to comparing the WT to wicked cults, Nazis, Jim Jones's group, the KKK, or the Mafia is NOT unfair. They ALL punish defectors. All of them try to various degrees to eliminate those who try to quit or leave or expose them. The Mafia rarely allows someone to "retire". Neither does the WT. A slow fade might work, but they usually hunt you down and demand you come back or get DF'd. You might be allowed to DA yourself, but you lose your entire family as I did. It is NOT violence to look forward to the destruction of wicked men and corrupt groups. I have heard hundreds of JW's at the door, after the call went badly, that "well, there's another sheep, I hope I get this house after Armageddon." A very sad attitude indeed. And before you say it's the minority, you are wrong. I was a Book Study Conductor, accounts servant, library servant, steady Watchtower reader, the the "asst. elder" who was always left in charge when the elders went out of town on a traing class. I was a public speaker and scheduled them. Doing all these jobs, I was able to pick up that most publishers joined the WT due to their OWN psychological weaknesses and needs at the time. They were promised all their questions would be answered later, but they never were. Then, if you asked them later, you were an apostate. You objected to name calling and character assassination by those here on the board, but the WT has been far more cruel and unfair in its attacks on religions and individuals. Yet they do the very same things themselves. HYPOCRITES!!!!!!
Grossly unfair to compare them to Nazis? Ha ha ha. That is really a joke. I have seen elders hunt down individuals, trying to visit their home and snooping around because the faithful wife told the elders that her husband was reading C of C by Franz. I bought that book and was reading it. My wife asked me to keep it in my car. And of course, she wouldn't ride in my car. Was it radioactive? I was the Senior Instructor at the largest computer school in all of central NJ. One "brother" heard me mention the book and wrote a letter to the congregation that had my pub. cards. (I was inactive.) They brought me up on charges TWO YEARS AFTER THAT LETTER. I would think a grown man had better things to do with his time than squeal llike a rat-weasel just because I wanted to hear the other side of the coin. Doesn't the WT encourage people to examine their religion? But once you are a JW, you no longer have that right.
So now we have to find a way to tell the publishers that a certain "brother" is an animal who should be executed. Child molesters rarely change, even to become a JW. One out of 200,000 change to normal. The rest are pedophiles the rest of their lives. But the elders don't warn the flock. This sounds a lot like some of the bad organiztions that you mentioned above.
I'm glad Breaking Away made that statement. I also agree with him. Now, how many people have to agree with him before you might start thinking that YOU could be wrong. You really are conceited. You said I was, but you take the cake. I can back up my claims about the WT, about the things I could have done with my life, etc. What are you??
Any time you or any other JW wants to have a radio or TV debate, just post it and I'll find you. We'll see who has the truth, but more importantly, I'll save thousands of lives from being ruined by the hubris displayed by the WT and its robot clones. Don't get me wrong. Many of the rank and file are kind and decent (mostly the women). But the elders on up are crooks. If the sheep follow, they bear the blame also.
Good luck trying to defend the WT's latest "spin the big wheel on the Price is Right" and let's all obey whatever new law comes up for today. Don't worry, we'll cook up a feeble defense for the new belief in the back kitchen. Oh, no. Fred Franz is gone. NOW who is going to come up with the "new light"? I'm sorry. I forgot. Back in the time Russell died, they said he was still alive directing the work. He lived near a star system called the Pleiades. Soon, it may be possible for the GB to take trips there to bring back new light.
How does this relate to the Bethel issue? Simply this. If the young come to Bethel with the clear understanding that they can stay for life if they behave and do their work, that promise should be honored. My point was to show the assinine conduct and outright lying about the WT's past beliefs and behavior. So all the young should think very hard about going to Bethel. If they have money or wealthy parents, then they could be thrown out with little damage. But most don't have that luxury.
Proplog2: I wonder how much of this you knew when you got baptized. Most didn' t know any of it. Only I did in our whole circuit due to my library. If you are the sincere person I wanted to hope you were and you check these things out, change your mind and apologize on this board, I will be your friend for life. I'm not the person you think I am. I use sarcasm because it's the most effective tool to display illogical statements. I never mean outright cruelty and it truly would pain me if you suffered. You might come back with something about a tough skin and it will take more than I can dish out to hurt you. I hope you don't. I hold a royal flush and if you play cards, that is the very top hand. I cannot be beaten by the WT's reasoning. I rest my case.
Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting
by sir82 infrom the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
PropLog2: All it took for you to give up and leave was you posting bullshit excuses for the WT and then getting your ass kicked to the curb? Gee, you could have saved yourself the trouble. You were warned that you'd find no sympathy here. Your motto seems to be: "My religion, right or wrong, but my religion." How narrowminded can you be?? I've read every single book the WT printed since 1925. I have Studies in the Scriptures and read that. But we'll leave Russell's and Rutherford's psychopathic behavior for another thread.
The attacks didn't have to be personal. YOU made them personal when you belittled our pain, didn't believe our stories about being abused, and then attacked us by saying it was OUR fault. Typical WT brainwashing. Any freshman Psych student can read you plain as day. You are right, discussions won't be productive when you have already made up your mind that the WT is right and God will fix things in his own due time. But in the OT, many prophets scolded kings and pointed out corruption without a direct order from Jehovah. So "new light" (which is a bunch of crap anyway) doesn't always come from the top down. It can be a sister's idea or even a worldly person showing the WT how it can be more efficient.
I said I had a temper when children were being hurt. I would become angry and I'd rush up and take out the attacker. If you would not do even that, then you are the sick one. If I really had a mental problem with my temper, then how do you explain the analytical posts I have put here? And don't forget: Jehovah and Jesus got angry many times when seeing depravity involving children. So why can't I? I had many elders tell me they would have killed the abuser no matter what happened to them for doing so. Many "sisters" and women I worked with offered to load my gun. If I had a temper, at least 2 dozen people would be dead today. Maybe even your type. I think I've done a very good job at containing my anger considering the treachery, lies, brutality, and hypocrisy I've seen and endured and was told if I opened my mouth, I wouldn't see my daughter again. I told the committee if they taught her to avoid me for the rest of my life, they would pay for it with their lives. That is GOD'S promise, not any threat of mine. Predicting or reminding wicked JW's about what will happen to them according to the Bible is not the same as me saying I'm driving from Florida to NJ and will kill 8 men. Maybe if you wife, child, or mother were raped and you were told that you'd be DF'd if you went to the police, you might grow up and see the horrific injustice in this cult. You should watch the Silent Lambs videos where elders act so snotty when interviewed on camera that even the crew wanted to smack him in the face.
Your implication is that you are a civilized human being, and I must not be one because I become righteously indignant or angry when I see the helpless beint abused. You are NOT civilized if you defend the WT. I will go on record now as saying that any one who knows the full story of the WT's molestation and coverup actions and does NOT leave that cult, is a disgusting human being and morally they bear much of the blame. This makes THEM a goat, not the helpless children.
NO one tried to impress you with chest beating. If I was going to come after you, I certainly wouldn't warn you first. (Try Sicilian thinking.) But if you are over 6j0, you can't be that tough. If you ever share any part of the blame for the abuse problem, or perhaps some father whose child was raped meets up with you, you might get your just desserts. Maybe a "beating" might occur. And don't preach to me about violence. Isn't Armageddon all about violence?? Six billion people killed because they truly didn't understand what the hell the JW at their door was talking about. You call that loving? How much violence would occur to kill six billion people??
You think that be isolating a few of my momentary lapses that you can peg me as the nut, and then show yourself as the "great teacher whose students refused to listen." You have NOTHING to teach anyone on this board. We've seen and heard it all. Try going to Silent Lambs and spew your manure. They will rip you apart. And you would deserve it.
Child abuse is the worst crime in the world. It scars an innocent life forever. Some victims commit suicide because they think it was their fault. Some parents commit suicide because they blame themselves. The WT is a bunch of wussies hiding behind the laws of each state. When the WT wants its rights, they sue you to death. but when they are wrong, they lie in court, drag out cases, or pay off victims quietly since they know they are wrong.
And what the hell do you mean "acquiescence" by those on the board??? Are you a lunatic??? The ones doing the acquiescence are the JW rank and file for not speaking to those who tried to warn them to save their kids. The GB also is guilty because they bury their heads and refuse to listen to reason. (No, they don't bury them in the sand.)
"Loud silence"? You got trounced every time you opened your stupid mouth with more bullshit. Why don't you visit Patterson and stand in the field with the jackasses and preach to them. I'm sure the farmers could use the manure you produce. The cows would probably die from cognitive dissonance. (Please feel free to look up any words that are two syllables or longer. We want you to understand these points.) Oh, and if you want to reply, maybe you shouldn't use the Internet anymore. Take a box of crayons and write your note and send it to the WT. Tell them how "mean" everyone's been to you.
I wonder how you'd react if your wife or daughter were raped? I doubt it very much that you'd calmly call the police and say "We'll leave it in Jehovah's hands." How do you know that the current anti-WT crusade is not Jehovah's way to clean house?
I'm not going to celebrate. I gave it to you good because you asked for it. I would have been your friend if you had asked nicely and looked up the evidence. The people on this board are some of the most intelligent and emotionally mature people I know. A soul here in pain who zaps you a few times is to be expected when they've had to listen you your kind before and also to know that the conventions are trashing all people who don't "toe the line". This isn't the Marines, buddy. This was not the way Jesus taught. I think you're annoyed because you lost, you didn't expect so many people to beat you, and you didn't realize the evidence we had that allowed us to beat you. That's jealousy and pride. Not our problem, but YOURS!!!!
I don't know who would want your posts unless we needed a few JW sheep comments to show the world how brainwashed you all are. Again, if you had been nice, you might have been helped in a more kindly way. But when you attack our reasons for leaving and you defend the WT, you get no sympathy.
You said the brothers should be given the benefit of the doubt. Not when I have 2 witnesses. I'd be DF'd with 2 witnesses, so why aren't the elders removed if I have 2 witnesses? The old double standard. The WT lies again.
I'll finish with this. I can become angry when necessary. God and Jesus it. I told the elders and I gave fair public warning. My daughter has a 25% chance of dying before she turns 25 years old (in a few years) whether suicide (which many victims do) or heart damage from anorexia (it killed Karen Carpenter). If something happens to that child, there will be blood. You can get on your moral high horse and point and say "See, he's crazy, he's a murderer." Perhaps you should read the old testament where whole tribes were killed for the sins of one person. And Armageddon is no picnic, yet the JW's are just drooling for it to start so that 999 people out of 1,000 will die and the JW's will get their revenge for having had doors slammed in their faces for 130 years. Doesn't sound very Christian to me. And don't say I don't sound Christian, because I'm NOT. I'm an agnostic and will never change.
Good luck to you proplog2. You want to stir up a hornet's nest? Go to Iran and preach your nonsense. Your troubles will all be over and you will be at peace. (Dead.)
Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting
by sir82 infrom the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
Hi Everyone: I wanted to thank all of you for your support and comments to our "troll". I could have out-argued him just as you all did, but I can't see wasting time on an idiot. Your answers are better than mine. My professional training has to live next to my Sicilian anger and righteous indignation. God and Jesus got mad, why can't we??
I truly care about people but have no patience for someone who is playing me and wasting time. Proplog (sp?) doesn't want to learn the real story, he wants to agitate the pot and bait us. I won't brag for myself. All of you are very smart and your answers and reasoning proved it. You also bring a fresh approach to the issue.
We all know that the WT is NOT God's people. There may be a God (although I can never accept him or believe in him for allowing all the suffering on this planet no matter what his reason). But I highly respect anyone else's belief. We are all different and we respect each other. Why? Because we listen to facts and reason things out. If someone is wrong on a black and white issue, others kindly steer him to another way of thinking. Maybe he'll see the light. But Prop was not interested in learning anything new. He was interesting in wasting our time, hoping to get a few of us to go back to the WT (I'd kill myself first) and also doing this for his own amusement. I won't threaten to assault a 62 year old man even though I'm almost 58 myself. But someday he'll mouth off where a father has just discovered his child raped by a JW and then he'll take Propboy out for good.
I'm Sicilian and proud of it. We don't take people's crap. Tolerance is for when all the facts are not in yet. But once they are, and a person won't look at them, yet claims to have the truth and attacks my daughter's morality or my care for her safety, then I'll go after him.
The very idea that we were negligent. A CO could have had a girl in his car while 2 brothers went to a door and he could have molested her. They are sick from the GB down. (I assume most of you know about the homosexual GB members.) All I have to hear from him now is that I didn't care about her and I'll punch his nose in. I'm sorry for the violence, but this cost us a quarter of a million dollars and my health. The man who molested her got SIX months in county jail. I could have had him killed right in prison but I spared his life. I knew he'd molest again and he did. Now his family and some JW's are eating humble pie. Did I get one apology?? NOT A GOD DAMN CHANCE!!! Why?? The WT never makes mistakes. Right???
I read all your comments with moist eyes. There is more love here than any place in the WT. Everyone knows I have a temper. Some elders told me they would kill anyone who molested their daughter so why can't I desire that? All of you have excused my sometimes violent comments because you understand the pain. She was my only child. My future has died. I will not see her married, nor will I see my grandchildren. All the reasons that make old age worth putting up with are the children. I won't have any. I wanted to teach her to drive. No. I wanted to teach her the piano since she showed much talent and it runs in our family. She could have been a concert pianist. She said no. I wanted her to learn German, to play the flute, dancing, and deaf sign language. Again, no.
We may have spent a few pages more on Proplog the Brain Donor deserved, but I think he'll think twice before doing this again. If he shows up again, I won't use a squirt gun. The nuclear missiles come out. (Just a metaphor, I'm not nuts. But honestly, haven't any of you wished once just for a second that you could smack someone stupid?) Also, any lurkers learned a lot about brown nosers with the WT.
I've read every single book the WT published since the 1920's. I had them all. I saw the changes, I saw Ray Franz try to bring some sanity into the GB. But the old guard, like Teddy Jer-ass won't give up their jobs. Where else in the world would any manager put up with the shitty nose in the air attitudes of the top men at Bethel? I would fire them the same day. I've seen them on tape being interviewed by Silent Lambs and the arrogance is astounding. (Watch the one that the Australian elder does when asked by the news people why he didn't report.) He said, real smart, "are you hard of hearing?" I would have said, "No, I'm not, because I just heard you hit the pavement." (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Humor, lampooning the blowfish (pun intended) in Bethel, and the occasional threats seem to work very well. One troll was terrorizing a thread once and I told him I had relatives in NYC. He never did it again.
I love children as I'm sure all of you do. Many injuries occur here. First, the child is traumitized. Next the parents are accused. Then the elders learn that lying is okay with Jehovah. (I believe that, when they die, they'll find out it's not okay.) Thank you all again for your GENUINE LOVE, something the WT wouldn't recognize if it bit them in the ass.
Ask yourselves a question: (Reagan asked it of Carter, and it cost Carter the election.) "ARE YOU HAPPIER NOW THAT YOU'VE LEFT THIS CULT COMPARED TO WHEN YOU WERE A PART OF IT." I think that you answer will allow me to say to the WT "I rest my case."
I know their lawyers will come after me when I publish my book. I hope they do. I have newspaper people friends all over. I'll keep everyone informed.
Again, your defense of me and putting that idiot with an IQ of a potted plant in his place, was very much appreciated. This is the first thread I've ever posted on that thrashed someone who was a liar and scumbag.
Good health to all. Michael.
Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting
by sir82 infrom the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
Dear BabaYaga:
I just read your post. I also wanted to thank you for your kindness. I wanted people to know some of the details so that if anything similar happened to them, or they knew someone who had suffered, they might be able to help them. I mean no offense to those who believe in God, but I could never believe in the WT's Jehovah. If there is a God, he in not the way the JW's explain him. I gag just reading the Old Testament. My recovery was aided by friends (the few left to me), my fleshly family who never believed the JW's, research, and self-applied therapy. I needed it sooner than I thought.
After they separated from me, I lost my job a week later. Shortly after that, my mother died. Then my 101-year-old grandmother died. Then 8 more uncles, cousins, etc. My daughter and my mother were very close and her death made my daughter spiral down. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical care. We paid. My wife and daughter went to a different hall. I'm glad they are happy if that's their choice, but I cannot do it. My strength was finally developed from within, not from the WT.
I also wanted to clear up one point. When I listed my accomplishments and abilities, it was not to brag. I was adding to the point in the thread about how many people gave up very good careers, either financially or those that would have made them happy. I realize now that we could have had a paid off home, a few kids, and my wife staying home with them. I'm sure the molestation would not have occurred if she had been home with 3 or 4 kids to watch. I don't look down on people's jobs. If a person would have been a manager at McDonald's and could support his family, but instead worked the register and went broke, then I think he should become a manager. People have the right to support themselves. And as many have noted, most Bethel "retirees" have problems finding work in the world.
My sympathy goes out to ALL who have suffered because of the WT's lunacy. I hope everyone can heal and find a measure of peace in their lives. I strongly suggest that if anyone is in a bad way, they contact a professional who can assist them. There have been suicides by victims and/or parents because the child blames himself for the abuse and the parents blame themselves for not seeing it. I know of one teenage boy in England who reported to the elders that a MS molested him. The MS denied it and the boy was DF'd for gossip and a "homosexual act". CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??????.
He went to the police and the congregation trashed his name and his life. But the police weren't fooled. The molester in now in jail. I just wanted to show at least one incident of the type of behavior exhibited by the WT, yet defended by the ones still going to meetings willingly or those who post sick and twisted comments concerning this issue and the WT's conduct. Again, Silent Lambs helps many to heal. I posted regularly for years.
I'm now shunned and haven't seen my daughter in three years nor heard her voice. She graduated high school (I was told if I showed up, they'd leave) and she got her driver's license and started college. I missed all this and cannot get it back. This is the price we all pay for following our hearts and the Bible instead of a cult that is run like the Marines who first consult with the Pharisees. I bet Russell is turning over in his grave. (No, JW's, he is NOT in Heaven being crowned as a special guy.)
Again, I hope anyone in pain will find solace and peace someday.
Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting
by sir82 infrom the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
To Horrible Life: Thank you for your compassionate assessment of the situation. "Unfortunate?" Unfortunate is when you lose your job, your car breaks down or if a dear friend moves away. A nine-year-old child who is regularly molested over the course of four years is CATASTROPHIC, just like you said. I know many families who have suffered this fate due to the WT's insane desire to "not bring reproach on Jehovah's name" and/or to teach the flock that they WILL listen to the elders or else. Well, lying about their policies and threatening parents with disfellowshipping if they warn other parents about a pedophile in the congregation is just about the worst violation of Bible principles I've ever seen. They will answer to God. I left them because of the command "get out of her, my people". Since the WT is NOT God's organization and never will be, I left, as have many others.
My world was shaken, it was destroyed. My health, my daughter's missing out on a father in her life, and her health. Victims cut themselves, develop eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia are very common), have trouble in school/college and often marry a mate who is no source of comfort to them. It has been estimated that the average family loses at least $100,000 in lost wages and medical bills. And the victim usually needs therapy for decades. Sometimes they cannot stand to get married due to what happened to them. They trust no one.
As far as my reaction goes: I've had several elders tell me that if anyone molested their child, they would kill him. And they meant that literally. I think they expected that I might do the same since I'm Sicilian and was born in New York. I know someday I will get justice, whether someone else takes care of it or I do.
It will take me years to unravel what is in her mind. I even took extra college courses on the subject. But this crime is widespread. One out of every six females will be molested before they turn 18 years old. And one out of 3 females will be the victim of any attack or an attempted attack. That's why I like Florida. I can carry 2 guns concealed on my person anywhere I go. Why? To protect myself and others with me. One ex-JW swore under oath that he had been shot at by a JW from a car as it drove past. I couldn't verify that story but it won't happen to me. My book will name names and addresses. I have connections in the media and my book will be widely distributed.
Regarding your second post, I want to thank you for your sympathy. Abuse victims are sometimes called "the walking dead". Some attempt suicide. I won't go into details so that my daughter can have some privacy but if anything happens to her due to the molestation (suicide or dying of malnutrition like Karen Carpenter did), I WILL personally settle the score.
My wife defended the "arrangement". She said if there were bad elders, Jehovah would remove them in his due time. I told her that this might be his way to expose the sins of the WT just like the prophets did to the wicked kings. She didn't care. She doesn't care about the world's problems. You are correct, my wife should have done those things. The pedophile got 6 months in jail. NJ is notorious for it's insane criminal justice system. If anyone had called the prison while he was there and told an inmate why, he probably would have been dead within the week. Even murderers and thieves have a better code of honor than the WT. The Mafia doesn't involve wives or children either in their conflicts. It's sad when organized crime views children with more care than the WT does.
My wife might have told a few people if she had quit the JW's. I know I did. I visited all the congregations in the circuit and told them the story. Many knew that this man was a pedophile. Others covered their ears and said they couldn't listen to gossip. When I tried to tell them it was true, they walked off still holding their hands over their ears. Now how childish and sick is that?? Some of them had children who came in contact with the molester, but they wouldn't listen. How will God judge those parents if their children are molested because the parent was being self-righteous? I doubt they will get a gold star.
I will advertise what I know however I can. I warned everyone in my development. I tell people leaving the Hall. I tell everyone I meet why I moved to Florida. The world will soon hear the message. I'll also use my skills on the Internet to alert millions more. If the WT sues, I'll run them over. And before the ignorant lurkers and posters who are proud of being uninformed, God's prophets also told the truth boldly no matter what.
Thank you again for your comments. I appreciate it very much. One by one we can take the bricks out of the Tower until it crashes down. I think I'll get a pin made that says: "Ask me why I'm Number One." or maybe "Ask me why some ministers hope I die." That should get their attention.
Email everyone on your list. Call local editors at the newspapers and TV stations. I have and it works. Leave flyers on windshields in parking lots if it's allowed. Tell all your reliatives and friends. Word will get out. Door to door and incidental witnessing works for the WT, it will also work for us.
My best to you. mcsemike50
Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting
by sir82 infrom the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
Prolog2: Don't analyze me, you aren't qualified. I hate the bad that people do while destroying lives. When those people are told or warned about their behavior, and the GB has been many times, and yet arrogantly ignore the obvious truth, then the Bible says to hate what is bad and those practicing evil would get no mercy. The GB are worse than the Pharisees.
Jesus took offense at how the the temple was being used. Jehovah took offense at the behavior of the Jews. And don't even insinuate that I'm stupid because I choose to expose the perverts. The stupid ones are the JW's who blindly follow an organization in spite of all the proofs that it is NOT the truth. You are just picking the verses you need to look good and to appear to be a wise sage. Nice try, but I told you you weren't going to wiggle out of this using psychology. You don't know enough.
My 9 year old child was raped by a MS who was known to be a pedophile. Those elders knew he was doing repair work on my house, yet they never warned us. I WILL hate that policy and anyone who knowingly supports it. It is the same as defending the Nazis and what they did to the Jews just because Hitler told you he had the truth. In fact, that's mostly why the Germans obeyed him.
I'm not stuck at any "sick point". I suggest you spend your time doing more research before you make ignorant comments about those of us who expose the cruelties of the WT or how the WT isn't that bad. You might soon find yourself pounced on by people who have endured unspeakable cruelties by the GB. Check out Silent Lambs if you don't believe me. The WT is a cult and that's final. I don't have to convince you, it happens to be a fact. We on this board see your kind come and go all the time. If you like the WT so much, then become a CO where you can be ignorant and proud of it.
I never said I was too special to suffer. We have all suffered, many more than I have. YOU are the one full of bullshit and it's a shame since you follow a cult that pumps out more bullshit than any group I've ever seen in my life. The ratio of the WT's hubris vs. truth is the worst of any religion. I'm not at any impasse. Next, you'll pull out a WT and quote how I've lost God's favor because of independent thinking or some other hollow excuse.
I don't need any work, especially compared to you. And you'll never be the one to know if I do nor will you be capable of providing that work. Try posting your manure on Silent Lambs and see how long you last. You've already received some criticism on this thread due to your stupidity.
How can anyone be too critical of the WT? First of all, they don't allow it. The GB knows EVERYTHING. And if they don't, they still claim to be better than the rank and file. With a zero percent success rate, that's quite an arrogant claim. There is so much you don't know about the WT, it isn't funny. Even Satan could hardly be too critical of the WT. They've broken every rule in the Bible.
I'm not going to read any more of your posts. You obviously don't care to know the truth. I've met many active JW's and those who drift in and out. Many of them want to appear as wise old sages so they learn second grade psychology and then try to explain how millions who have been hurt by the WT are the ones at fault. I bet you'd support Jim Jones if you were in that cult. You are still receiving corrections and continue to spew opinions on the level of a person with an IQ of 40.
You aren't supposed to be on this site if you're a JW. And if you are not, then you are allowed to do any research necessary to find the truth. Danny Hazzard (sp?) has a good site on how they ruined his health. Thousands of families have been destroyed by the WT's rules. The WT will not apologize and if you question why they changed things, you get booted out. I refuse to let a group of men who are this ignorant (the GB) to direct my life. Millions are now suffering financial and health problems because they didn't make a career with their lives when they had the chance. The WT doesn't care. In my opinion, they deserve all the "way too critical" comments they receive.
I told you I was done being nice with you. My final advice to you: "The proctologist called. They found your head."
Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting
by sir82 infrom the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
Hi MinisterAmos: I agree with your comments. I have no love for the WT. I'm considered to be one of the top ten "apostates" in Florida. And proud of it. I just wanted to say that A/C jobs are year round. LOL Today is Feb. 5 and it's 85 degrees and we have the A/C on. We eat Christmas dinner with the A/C on. I just wanted people to know there are jobs, I saw many today on the Internet.
To proplog2: The issue isn't the transition, it's where you end up. I gave up a career as a concert pianist to become the busiest MS the circuit ever had. I'm now 58, have no job, no health insurance and I'm divorced. And don't even get me started on the "child-raping" conduct of the WT. I did obtain a BA in Psychology after quitting the JW's. I am also a MCSE (Microsoft Engineer). I have that degree, that highly regarded Microsoft certification, and I play 30 musical instruments, ten of which are good enough to be in a symphony orchestra. I also was invited to join MENSA. My wife left me because I dared criticize the WT and I divorced her. I had to move to Florida and live with a family member while I try to find work.
BUT----------------------- I have NO pension. My social security will be low. My health was nearly destroyed because of what happened to my daughter. She'll be in therapy the rest of her life.
You either don't get it or you need to do the research, not us. We are on this board BECAUSE WE OURSELVES did the research already. Maybe one out of one hundred are let go from Bethel with some sort of help. But it's not enough and they don't do it for all the "WT rejects".
Please don't even try to use any psychology to analyze my "faults" or anything else. My GPA for the psych degree was 98.5. I've read Ray Franz's books and Steve Hassan as well. I'm writing a book and I have done MY research already.
I've been kinder to you than I usually am with JW apologists or people who support the WT without knowing the facts. I hope you learn something here.
did anyone on here ever have a paedophile in thier congregation?
by looloo inif so, did it bother you that he had been reprooved and forgiven rather than reported to the police?
It amazes me how any human being, much less a "spirit appointed elder", could punish the person who reported a terrible crime like child abuse yet protect the pedophile. I wonder how it would go if it had been an elder's child who was molested. These swine from Hell need to be eliminated ASAP. I can't wait to see the day when justice is finally done and the WT is destroyed for good. I put them in the same league as the Nazis.
Newbies Exiting the Witnesses - How Do You Feel ? Steve Hassan Explains
by flipper inhello folks, how are you ?
i am just about done reading the steve hassan book, " combatting cult mind control".
thought i would share some of the points here for newbies and all others to see just what a person exiting a cult, or jehovah's witnesses might go through psychologically so they can better know how to deal with the various emotions of anger, guilt , and sadness that can accompany leaving the witnesses.
Oompa: My situation has a few things in common with yours. My daughter told us in 1998 that she had been molested for 4 years. I investigated and learned that the WT is made up and run by the most disgusting swine ever to walk the earth. I quit and she left me 3 years later. I thought I still loved her and tried to get her to therapy. (I have a degree in Psychology and knew it could help IF she played fair.) She wouldn't go and whenever we had to talk on the phone, she said "We're not even going there." whenever I tried to tell her anything. I finally realized I didn't love her and could never love her again since she was so brainwashed and wrote off the molestation of her own child to "bad elders that Jehovah will take care of in his own due time". My apologies to those who still believe, but if this is how Jehovah takes care of things, he doesn't deserve the job and I fired him. I also divorced my wife last week on MY terms. She gets nothing. We'll see if "Jehovah provides for her" or not. I not only don't love her anymore, I don't even respect her and never will again. I thought people stayed together and worked things out. But I see that a husband is only tolerated in many cases for selfish reasons for the wife (and vice versa). I wouldn't expect her to choose me over God, but she has chosen the GB over me, and that I will NEVER accept. Those sorry old perverts have no clue as to how ignorant, arrogant, and self-righteous they all are. If God has any self-respect, he won't let them within 100 light years of his presence. I know this post is not the most upbeat. But I guess the divorce being final and my daughter, who is 22 years old now, and won't speak to me, makes me want to let the GB have it but good. It's bad enough that ten or 12 jackasses run the WT and choose to ruin and waste their own lives, it's another thing to hurt millions more.