To Jeremy C:
Very well said. We should look at the whole picture, the "big picture". How many times has the WTS, when losing a point, said, "Remember where you learned the truth." As if the fact that they THINK they were first in saying there is no burning Hell is supposed to make everything else okay.
First of all, other religions were teaching all the things Russell "invented". He was a fake and a liar.
I'd also throw at them the verse about "debating over words". But if words are all we have to reason with and use to communicate, then ALL discussion in the world will be "debating over words" if some people disagree with others.
The overall picture is that WT's failed predictions, mind control, and sexual perversions. Out of 1,000 things they have said, maybe 3 or 4 have been correct and have been their own unique claim. So what?? How about the 996 things that they've stolen from others and claimed as their own along with their own unique teachings, which they admit are unique? What is their percentage of accuracy??
I'd tell every JW that he had to step out of the box and look at the WTS and himself with a critical eye. And this includes the fact that many don't even believe in God, much less any Bible.
Oh, and "scholarly" means that "school" was involved. Using that word to convey the idea that the WTS is correct is no more valid than Captain Kangaroo saying something and demanding that he was correct. I'm sure he and Farmer Green Jeans went to school, did they not??
WTS=idiots+liarsx(morons-pedophiles) divided by mentally ill minus lack of therapy and medications
Mathematically, a perfect equation. I love it when there are no loose ends.