So, I am not clear on how this works. Did the JW convention and others receive discounts on the facility that was covered by this economic bureau, then what, tell the rank and file they need to contribute to cover the cost of things that are already covered? I know I have read on this site before where they have done that with parking, charging the dubs to park when they got it free.
JoinedPosts by SafeAtHome
So... how much were the dubs really paid to have that RC in Detroit
by SadElder infrom the detroit free press.
"for the two jehovahs witnesses conventions, each brought about 45,000 people to detroit, the bureau got $300,000 in state money to help with the cost of hosting the groups.".
Any Experience with a Nook, the Barnes and Noble e-reader
by Band on the Run inmy nook has been so much fun.
the nook was chosen b/c you could get in store support.
i was always driving to barnes and noble in the beginning.
Lisa, I use a Kindle too. The main thing I dont like is that it wont open a lot of videos, like when a post has a link, I will click on it and it tells me I need Flash. Well, the Kindle says I have Flash, but it still wont download or play. So if I really want to see the link, I go to my desktop. My friend has a Nook but I dont think she uses it. She is old fashioned and likes to read a "real" book from the printed page.
They came swiftly and left like a speeding bullet, JW.ORG
by jam ini was in the den when the old lady yell, "your friends are here".. at the door stood a jw.
hi sir (no good morning sir) we have a web site,. in different languages.
I feel left out. I haven't got mine yet. The last tract I got was for the 2013 Memorial and I found that a couple months later cause I don't use my front door. I found it when I was changing my seasonal door wreath.
No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit...Elders
by jam inhow many elders do you know that have produced bad.
fruits, their kids???.
i was thinking and three prominent elders one a co.. i realize that young people leave when they become adults, but.
Well I never understood why, unless the "child" is still living at home and is being fully supported by the parent...why would they be held responsible for what an adult child does? That doesn't make sense, but then, what does in JW World?
Not invited to my nephews wedding
by outforever inknew that this would be the case - so not surprised.
quite happy to not go - as i would not like to see my mother / or my big sister at all.
this nephew is my small sisters son - my small sister and myself are very close - she does not go to the meetings anymore for quite a while now, her eyes have been opened.
I was excluded from a wedding last year. My cousins son got married (a cousin who was as close as a brother when we were growing up) and JW relatives from all over the country were invited, but I wasn't. I live 10 minutes from the KH! Their excuse was they had a small venue and had to keep the guest list short, yeah right. This was the first real family shunning I had, but I also dont think I could have stepped inside a KH. And if they would have passed out instructions about not wearing slacks, well that would have excluded me anyway. I have not had a dress or skirt in over 20 years. Geez, what a cult! outforever If nothing else, that was good advertising to all who got invites and are not JWs what a controlling cult they are., right down to what you can and cannot wear. And as in your case, I think it was the bride's doing, her father is an uber elder, so of course, no inactive family members allowed. Look at it this way, you saved on a gift.
JDubs and home schooling
by Ignoranceisbliss inrecently i had a conversation with a close witness friend.
i have always viewed him as moderate.
not full j-dub nut bag witness style.
Statistics show that home schoolers do as well or sometimes better than others in college testing, and so forth. I myself am not for home schooling, I think it puts kids at a social disadvantage, but that can have an upside too. What I didn't realize, well in this area anyway, is that if a child is home schooled, he can participate in some activities in his school district. When my daughter was in high school, there was a home schooled JW (I knew the family from back in the day when I was in) and he was in the high school band with my daughter. They were really good friends, although his mother didn't like it when she found out I was an inactive JW! Anyway, when he turned 18, he moved out and came out as gay. He is still good Facebook friends with my daughter, he has moved away, I think to get away from his mother, HA!( By the way, I never did understand how a JW could be in the school band, playing the alma mater, national athem, and holiday programs. Dont know why I never asked him that.)
I think the big problem with JW home schooling is that they would not get as rounded and as an inclusive education of all theories, science, etc, that "normal" home schooled kids would get. I am sure JW parents would exclude a lot from the curriculum, as well as promote some things that are just not correct. Can you imagine, for some JW kids, contact with school mates is the only normal interaction they have, and if that is taken away, imagine how unprepared for anything they will be.
What did you do with old WT/Awake magazines?
by naazira inwhen you were a witness, what did you do with your old watchtower (public/ study versions) and awake magazines?
i know for some throwing away a magazine is comparable to burning a quran.
i never threw them out!
Ah yes, the little blue Truth book. Wasn't that the one that was so wonderful and concise in it's teachings that we were to study with someone for 6 months, and if they did not commit after studying that little gem, we were to discontinue the study? Do they not understand the absurd irony in this? That little book of changed teachings is not even allowed anymore, yet not so long ago people were being judged on the basis of whether they accepted what was taught from it? God, I want to scream at my relatives and slap them (like Cher in Moonstruck) and say SNAP OUT OF IT!!!
What did you do with old WT/Awake magazines?
by naazira inwhen you were a witness, what did you do with your old watchtower (public/ study versions) and awake magazines?
i know for some throwing away a magazine is comparable to burning a quran.
i never threw them out!
Yes, good point Phizzy. No one asks me that since my mom and dad passed away. I think they always held out hope their little girl would come back. Well, if anyone asks me that now, I could say, "come back to what, the "truth" from 30 years ago, or the "truth" as you are told today! The truth that kept me from college and all of you from planning for your retirement that is staring you in the face now??
I just remembered, one elderly brother that was extremely frugal would roll the magazines up and soak them in water, I think, let them dry and use them in his woodburner. I think people do that with old newspapers?
What did you do with old WT/Awake magazines?
by naazira inwhen you were a witness, what did you do with your old watchtower (public/ study versions) and awake magazines?
i know for some throwing away a magazine is comparable to burning a quran.
i never threw them out!
Back in the day, I would keep a copy of each magazine throughout the year then throw them out when the bound volume would come out. I had the bound volumes from 1972-1984 (the years I was married to a JW). When I was no longer attending and moved into my new home, I asked my parents if they knew anyone who would want them. My elder dad knew of several families in his congregation who were poor and would appreciate having them, so he took them. I didn't have to worry about throwing them out.
I have kept only a few of the books, an outdated songbook, "Aid to Bible Understanding", "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose", "All Scripture is Inspired of God and Beneficial", and my old green Bible. Geez, why did that chose that awful color for a Bible??? I kept those books thinking if I ever needed a good Bible reference I would have it. Knowing what I do now, I wouldn't rely on those books for any accuracy at all.
And P.S. Back when I was a Witness, there was only ONE version of the Watchtower, at least have to give that to them. From what I read on this site, the "Truth" as I knew it has greatly changed!
If you like Baseball, Little League baseball, I think it's wonderful
by jam inpennsylvana vs. texas.
first female in world series.. the little lady throws a mean fast ball, and playing.
with the boys.i think it's great, her team mates have.
Well, they do have women's pro softball teams. One of them is based right here in my hometown, the Akron Racers. They are pretty good, also draw a great crowd. They play in the picturesque old Firestone stadium in south Akron. Dont know if they make a living of it though, probably not, but I bet the Indians could use some of the pitching! The Indians seem to take a step forward and two steps back. We had season tickets for 5 years, till 2012, then it just wasnt fun anymore. Oh well, we do have Lebron back and Johnny Football Manziel, so who knows, maybe in my lifetime Cleveland may have some kind of championship.