JoinedPosts by SafeAtHome
Why does this crap happen to me?
by Darkknight757 ini swear i must have bad luck or just happen to be in the wrong place at the right time or maybe i'm just blowing this out of proportion.. so the other night my wife and i are packing the car to head home from vacation in the smokeys in tennessee when i get the brilliant idea to take out the garbage at 9:30 at night.
i walk in the dark to the caged garbage can with a flashlight, put the trash away and walk back to the house.
afterward i decide to load up the car.
Well that story is better than looking at someone's vacation pictures! What a hoot, you gave me my laugh for today. Hey, maybe you can tell that story at the next assembly as an example of what could happen if you choose not to take the kiddies to Bethel for vacation. -
Last night's talk re sisters wearing head covering, puke making!
by purrpurr indear sisters,.
when you are fortunate enough to be in the presence of a jw penis you must take care to show the proper respect for it!
doesn't matter if said penis is prepubescent!
OMG purrpurr, that is hilarious! Makes you think Taliban and burkas, yes? Never forget soooooo long ago when I actually was in service groups when one of the women would sit there with a hanky on her head if no penis showed up to conduct before going d2d. 😂 -
New K.Hall Design, Mansfield
by BluesBrother innot mansfield u k , but mansfield in u s a - it doesn't look much, does it?
in fact even the uber dubs on j w talk are not impressed (that must be a first!
this thread of theirs is publicly readable:.
Put some big double garage doors on the right side where the big white area is, put up a big neon sign and you got yourself a new Mr. Tire store!🚗 -
Military service in Mexico and party affiliation in Malawi... Any letters from BOE?
by Billzfan23 indoes anyone have a copy of a letter to the boe in mexico or malawi from the 80's/90's - (it can be in spanish or some other language) from back in those days regarding organizational policy and direction?
of course the cult teaches that it's a sin to be involved in politics and the military.
in mexico - every young man was expected to complete a year of military service.
"There is no reason for us to decide another mans conscience". Really?? They say this with a straight face? -
Shiver Me Timbers I Gots a Bible Study Matey!
by RayPublisher inthe new wt 2013 june tells kids that they might get to study with a pirate someday!
perhaps johnny depp will be resurrected for just that purpose?.
How embarrassing to have to place this with the public. But I guess they have to do something to keep the children interested. -
As a JW: major personal blunders
by Hecce into make mistakes is human, to make mistakes dictated by faith is also human but foolish.
i am pretty sure that as jws we all have made decisions that later on we regretted, in some cases they have been minor and in others they had profound effect in our life; major items were like blood and education related.
i am going to post one decision that was a major disaster for the person involved and if you know of something similar please contribute.. in a spanish speaking country where "machismo" was the norm and it was common for a man to have several mistresses, there was a sister married to a wealthy man and they had four children.
At least the congregation probably lost the generous contributions this woman would have given. -
JW TV - Britain Branch Report
by Listener inalthough it is titled as "britain branch report" it's not much of a report.
it only goes for just over 6 minutes and half of it is some 'wild talk' about romeo and juliette, i say wild talk because it has nothing to do with the british branch and if there was any point to it, it's lost on me.. anyway, about the only thing said that is of any importance was this (at the 2.20 mark) -.
"the governing body, very kindly, have given us permission to continue construction once we have reviewed the scope of the building so we hope to be underway very soon".
Wonder if any who regularly collect the magazines from him are undercover apostates who promptly deposit them in the nearest trash bin? -
We've Come A Long Way Baby!! Compare these two pieces of propaganda
by Terry ini was one year out of high school and attending the assembly in dallas, texas when i heard the buzz about this new half-hour move--an actual movie the watchtower had produced called "heritage.
"so, all of us teens (i was 19) sat in the vast audience and the lights went down and the screen flickered as our hearts beat a little faster in anticipation. don't think our reaction (those of us young jw's) was quite what the propaganda master minds in ny had in mind!we were embarrassed at how awful this film was beyond being a 1950's style b-grade teen rebellion film.
this piece of crap reflected badly on the very idea the supreme being was directing it!
And look how happy you look Terry! Could only get into about 3 minutes of "Heritage". (Barf) The other link doesn't work on my Kindle. Says it has been moved or deleted? -
2016--Working Together Safely Booklet!
by Atlantis in2016 working together safely booklet..
.. .. atlantis!.
You have to be 17 to work on a site (by law I would imagine) but you can get baptized at 10 or 12. Shouldn't that tell them something? -
The restaurant at the end of the universe
by Xanthippe ini sat outside at a cafe with my cappuccino for the first time today.
the sky was blue, the birds were singing, i could hear a woodpecker in the tall trees.
i closed my eyes and felt the sun on my face for the first time in months and i thought, i could sit here until the end of time.
Yes, the motto here is if you don't like the weather, wait a minute, it will change. Case in point: yesterday, Sunday, was sunny, light breeze and 74 degrees. Went for a walk in a park then got ice cream. Lots of people sitting at sidewalk tables enjoying their coffees too. We had a wild thunderstorm overnight that brought in a cold front. Today it is high of 42 with a wicked wind chill in the 20's.
LisaRose that is so charming and clever! You are very talented.