The new WT 2013 June tells kids that they might get to study with a pirate someday! Perhaps Johnny Depp will be resurrected for just that purpose?
Shiver Me Timbers I Gots a Bible Study Matey!
by RayPublisher 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Coming to your KH -- Blackbeard!
Further proof the WBT$ is Out of their Minds..
JW`s will be going door to door with WBT$ Crap..
Look stupid at every one of them..
In the New System we`ll be able to Pat Lions..
Preach to Pirates!..
*face palm* .... where's me rum?!
Evidently there aren't going to be re-runs of Seinfeld in the new world - otherwise the resurrected pirate would know that puffy shirts are blase.
Honestly, can these guys possibly get any more moronic? "A Bible study with a pirate".
Bloody hell, that is one crazy article. Looks like the Watchtower's writing department is really now scraping the very bottom of the barrel (if you'll excuse the pun).
Just imagine - this magazine is being left with non-JWs, many of whom will have brains. What on Earth will they be thinking?
Apparently Jehovah will resurrect the wardrobes we died in.
Wasn't that Johnny Depp movie rated aargh, matey?
And the pirate in the upper left is going to......what exactly?
Attack a flying fish with his sword?
Telescope boy must have got a good deal - I saw that same vest at Banana Republic for 30 guilders, er, dollars.
This is like shooting fish in a barrel of grog.
And what poor sod in the Bethel art department had to accept this soul-sucking assignment?
"OK, Brother Toadie, our next article is on the resurrection, so naturally we need a picture of some pirates."
"Makes sense to me, Brother Pompous, I'll get right on it."