But why are they never kicked out for gross obesity? I sometimes watch Hoarders and remember one episode where some Watchtowers were clearly visible. Don't know if the person was a JW or just took them because they wanted more trash in the house.
JoinedPosts by SafeAtHome
Is This a JW on The TV show called Horders?
by greenhornet inhttp://www.aetv.com/hoarders/video/stacey-roi.
this is the link.
however it may not work because i am logged in on my account.
All you men here, who does the house cleaning?
by James Mixon indo you help or is this a woman job?
have you change your ways since.
leaving the borg.
I do all the work inside, but I'm fortunate my husband is not a slob. I also do all the cooking, he generally won't even heat something up for himself if I am not home. He does everything outside. I wouldn't know how to start the mower or snow blower, but he enjoys yard work. I shovel snow sometimes for the exercise, but also to help him a bit cause you always worry about men shoveling snow. We each wash our own cars, except he does mine in the winter, nice guy! I guess you could say we are pretty even with chores, each doing what we are best at. -
Hounded to his Death
by Slidin Fast inhttp://www.thanetgazette.co.uk/inquest-concludes-dad-died-margate-night-went/story-26272711-detail/story.html.
this story makes me ill with rage.
this man's crime?
How were they monitoring what was on his computer? -
she passed faithful to the end to them!
by jookbeard injust found out (second hand of course) and by someone on here that my faithful jw mum passed away within the last couple of days, dont know the exact day, and what cause, she spent the last few years living with my fanatical sister, she was 65 and survived my father by 10 years, bitter, angry and hateful till the end and never as so much enquired or asked how her 2 grandchildren ever were , they are 5 and 7!
feeling a mixture of emotions right now, they were lousy parents in all honesty, she suffered health wise so maybe its for the best, dont even know when the funeral is!
So sorry for you, and so sad on so many levels. When something like this happens I think it can be the best "witness" ever to the outside world of what this cult is really about. I would let everyone I speak to know how things went down with your family and this cult and let them judge for themselves if this is just a small, harmless religion that doesn't celebrate Christmas or take blood. That is about all most people know about them, not their hateful, shunning policy. -
I'm a father first!
by FatherFirst inhi guys, this is my first post; i thought i should introduce myself.
i was raised and spent most of my life a jw before i was disassociated, because i refused to stop seeing a non witness girl.
i must say their decision to cut me off from my family and friends although initially traumatic ended up being the biggest blessing in disguise of my life.
Wow, what an eloquent post, and welcome to the board. I am going to print it for future use when I run into someone who asks why I am no longer a JW. Your daughter is a fortunate little girl to have a father like you. "After doing my own extensive research", well you know that is simply not tolerated by the Witnesses! Congratulations on your awakening. -
Please help me figure out my dreams
by Socrateswannabe inhi everyone, this may be the stupidest post ever.
i am stumped for an answer and would love to hear your opinions, though.
every week or two for the last couple of years, i have a dream--or at least that's what i'm calling it--that consists of me waking up or thinking that i've waked up, and seeing the ceiling of my darkened bedroom filled with algebraic equations.
Hey, maybe you are watching too many episodes of The Big Bang Theory. You can't watch that show without seeing a blackboard filled with math equations. TBS has the reruns on late every evening so maybe you are seeing it right before you go to bed. But seriously, who really knows why we dream what we dream. I often dream of my parents and several beloved aunts and uncles who, sadly, have all passed. I read a comforting thought one time that that is how they visit us after they are gone. Comforting, yes, true, who knows? But along the line of dreaming of numbers...I have been out of high school for 47 years and I still have a recurring dream of forgetting my locker combination, hearing the bell ring as I fumble with the lock, and being late for class. I can't recall that ever happening in my years at school, but I can remember my combination which makes it really funny, given how simple the combination was: 0-30-20! -
Do JW Children Still Call Adults "Aunt" and "Uncle"?
by cofty inwhen i was young we were taught to refer to other adult jws as aunt or uncle.. was this also the case in other countries and does it still happen?.
was it just a custom or has the literature ever commented on it?.
Agree. ecan6. But the brother, sister thing has the same connotation, maybe more cult like. When I was growing up and even as an adult it was always "brother or sister", never heard of the aunt, uncle thing. Funny how when you are away from it all (I have been out 30 years) and you are around people calling themselves brother and sister so and so, funny how cult like it sounds. A few years back my mother was in the hospital and some Witnesses who did not know me came in to visit her (yes, it was a Wednesday so they were no doubt in mid-week service counting their time). My mother was living in another state with my brother and they were all still "in". Anyway, when they left they called me "Sister ____" using my maiden name. I can't explain how really creepy that made me feel. Obviously my brother hadn't explained to them that I was a raging apostate. -
I just stumbled across this rabbit hole!
by kairos injust wow!.
some of the comments i read were hard to stomach.. https://www.facebook.com/myministryideaz?fref=photo.
Yes Magnum. Hollow and tired. When I see ones I havent seen for a while, my first thought is how tired they look. -
I just stumbled across this rabbit hole!
by kairos injust wow!.
some of the comments i read were hard to stomach.. https://www.facebook.com/myministryideaz?fref=photo.
BU2B That is how I have begun to feel about my family still in. They all seem perfectly intelligent and have the internet with so much information to be had, but they seem such morons, closing their eyes to it all. And we are the generation who grew up with 1975 pounded into us, so no college, most with no retirement money and our parents, the generation who got us into this: all passed away! I have lost respect for them in so many ways. -
Jehovah's Witness pi$$ing contest
by hoser inok more about the jw wedding i attended.
there were these two couples at our dinner table that were having an all out pissing competition as to who was the most spiritual.
they were comparing who was in "the truth" the longest, who pioneered where and for how long.
Uh, oh. Looks like the congregation is in for a local needs talk: no more alcohol at social gatherings.😕