Hounded to his Death

by Slidin Fast 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast


    This story makes me ill with rage. This man's crime? He looked at porn on his computer. The elders not only confronted him, they took it upon themselves to tell his wife and somehow monitored the site he had been on.

    All of this on top of the guy being under financial stress. The poor man then took his own life.

    What love, what compassion, what support for a fellow elder that had lost his way. They could not have killed him more effectively had they had used a kalashnikov.

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  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast
    Apologies for posting the same article.
  • gda
    elder stalking assholes
  • stuckinarut2

    how sad for his kids...

    They will be told some evil stories about their dad.....

  • Oubliette
    Someone should hire a private investigator to look for some dirt on the two other elders ...
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  • stuckinarut2

    Simon, do we know if he was a member here?

    Not that you would disclose of course, but just curious if the poor guy had a support network....


    I've been there! The guilt is so intense! The wife was so angry that I was so disgusting! ( Our sex life sucked because Jeehoober was watching and everything was "bad"!!)

    Work was exhausting, but Jeehoober needed all my extra time and he needed $$!! I remember one day being so guilt ridden about porn, that I literally had a knife to my wrist as I cried.

    I can only imagine the extra emotional and mental anguish of being an Elder and a "pervert" with financial issues! Then your "friends" investigate you! I can understand why he killed himself.

    If only he knew that he could lie, just like the GB! If only he knew that he was not under the authority of WTBTS Inc., just like Gerrit Loesch! If only he was given a free pass like pedophile Elders!

    I hope the assholes that hounded him are haunted for the rest of their lives. I hope the GB are exposed in public! Then these Eldubs, if they have one shred of humanity, will weep and gnash their teeth.


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  • DesirousOfChange

    Sometimes life seems to difficult to bear.

    It's too bad his fellow elders were not the kind of friends that would give support to him at the time he obviously needed it most. But they are not taught to be friends or offer support. No, it is more important that they punish and expel anyone who doesn't meet their standards.

    They fail to remember that they too are sinners deserving of death (according to their own religious doctrine).

    Yet they have no problem sitting in judgement of anyone that may "sin" in a different way than they themselves sin.


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  • LV101
    Too bad the wife is on the side of the sick cult. She should hire a legal team and go after w/tower and the two elder clowns.
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  • gda
    did they hack into his Wi-Fi? Isn't that an invasion of privacy along with obvious stalking issue? I see a nice hefty lawsuit.....

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