If you have doubts do your own reasearch. I won't bend to the reasoning of godless people.
Then why do you care about what they have to say about the sabbath??
hello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
If you have doubts do your own reasearch. I won't bend to the reasoning of godless people.
Then why do you care about what they have to say about the sabbath??
god forbid you would talk about the dead person at his funeral.
so what do most people get after living 70-80 years?.
a 5-10 minutes eulogy.
the recent buzz that has hit the online communities concerning the watchtower society and their evil offspring - the jw org - revolves around their apparent financial difficulties.
many factors have been discussed - the real estate flips (and flops), the changes in meetings and field service, the need for donations to cover expenses, the push for donations.
where does the money come from to operate the hospital information network?
this weeks meeting under the section - living as 'christians', starts off with 'repentance makes a difference', which is a talk given by an elder taken from w06 11/15 27-28 par 7-9. in a nut shell it discusses those who have been disfellowshipped and then show repentance.
it then goes on to discuss reinstatement and how a certain amount of time must pass by before this can take place.
it makes the following point in the paragraph.. 'a disfellowshipped person is not automatically accepted back into the congregation after a certain amount of time has passed.
I poured my heart out at my JC and the edlers didn't seem to pay much attention......I'm pretty sure they had their mind made up before I even walked in to that meeting. I was told that I wasn't repentant.......how do 3 imperfect men determine that??? These elders were the kind that lead thwir hall with iron fists and they wanted no incidents........but after me, there was a string of people that got trouble.
I was young at the time and immediately did what I had to to get back in, but my reinstatement took a long time because the elders in my new hall didn't (or wouldn't) take the time to contact the other hall even though they said they were going to reinstate me, but needed to talk to the othwr elders firat. Took about 6 weeks before they finally did it.
Such a screwed up process!!
i've been out a while and have only put in a rare appearance at a memorial or brief visit at a convention/assembly to keep people off my back, so i haven't kept up on the songbook.
but one thing i've noticed that the org.
has been doing that they never did when i was in is all these "supplemental songs" that keep appearing.
i've been out a while and have only put in a rare appearance at a memorial or brief visit at a convention/assembly to keep people off my back, so i haven't kept up on the songbook.
but one thing i've noticed that the org.
has been doing that they never did when i was in is all these "supplemental songs" that keep appearing.
hi guys - new poster here.
i was brought up a jw in the uk and stopped going not long after i was married.
that was 20 years ago so i'm not really up to date with the current doctrinal flip flops or the new youtube obsessed gb.. came across this site while googling the name of a local elder who's just been convicted of possesion of a pc full of unpleasant pics of kids.. so, my question.
at meeting yesterday a thought came to me - my mind was wandering most of the session as it was so boring - about how the jws say that god will put it into the hearts of the political leaders to overturn religion at the start of the great tribulation.
they also claim this about maneuvered events in the ot too.
jws also claim that when someone has the right heart condition, they come to find jah.
At meeting yesterday a thought came to me - my mind was wandering most of the session as it was so boring - about how the JWs say that God will put it into the hearts of the political leaders to overturn religion at the start of the great tribulation. They also claim this about maneuvered events in the OT too.
JWs also claim that when someone has the right heart condition, they come to find Jah. Such as if they prayed to find him and then a pair of JWs arrive at the door and they become ecstatically joyous that God directed them. Or like the watchtower yesterday about the hand of god helping us supposedly when we pray.
My point: If God - assuming he exists - can maneuver hearts to come to goodness, then why can't he manipulate people to come to love him? Why is he going to make essentially milions of people suffer and experience the pain and suffering of the Great Tribulation if he can just as easily maneuver things for good? I know, I know, free will yadda, yadda. But how is that free will since he only wants to be worshipped by his standards or you end up doomed to destruction?
Just something I was pondering on wondering if this is all a BS scare tactic story doomsday religions like to spout to keep people loyal. 😀
no, not because of the message of deluding yourself into seeing the hand of god working in mundane wt activities.
that is to be expected from this org.
what really bothered me was the quote in paragraph one.
This definitely was a snoozer......all the ridiculous personal stories came out.
"God's hand".......the "placebo effect" in full force. I wish witnesses could hear themselves talk sometimes.....they have no real thinking ability.
i always enjoyed being kind.
when someone genuinely needed a hand or what not, it felt good to help family or friends.. i don't really miss them anymore.
i faded over two years ago, so they long ago shunned me.i think about them less and less and have even forgotten some names.i did enjoy some of the friendships and the association.