JoinedPosts by Jackals
Lol at Awake quote about gayz!
by TimothyT inare you a member of the homosexual community?
) can you say that you have honestly found satisfaction and fulfillment in that way of life?
(being true to myself has brought me great happiness yes.
Post disfellowshipped: My first experience within "Babylon the Great"
by TimothyT inin need of my continuing search for spirituality and my desire to find a church where i can be welcomed and have good enjoyable spiritual conversation with its members, jack and i decided today that we would visit the baptist church near his home.
it was punkofnice who suggested it.
x. well... i loved it!.
Hi all,
Just to add to what Tim said, I went to the Kingdom Hall and the Baptist Church, both of which being my first and only time visiting these places (Although the baptist church will be seeing much more of us I imagine)
Both groups were friendly, welcoming, with one exception. When talking with the baptists it felt like they wanted to get to know us, on a friendly level. The conversations were two-way, back and forth affairs. Where the JWs differed was that I felt very much like it was an inquisition, with questions being fired at me one after the other, I didn't actually learn anything about the people I met there. If I hadn't been aware of what they would be like through Tim, it would've been quite un-nerving and would've scared me off for sure!
Lots of love,
Jack x
"LOOK! Here is the Christ." Don't believe it people!
by TimothyT inin my research of the gospels, im trying to prove to myself what the acceptable and perfect will of god is.
as its becoming clearer and clearer, i cant help but notice how wrong the jws are.
why couldnt i see these things in the past?
Damn, im at Jack's and i forgot to sign in as myself.
Timmy xxx
"LOOK! Here is the Christ." Don't believe it people!
by TimothyT inin my research of the gospels, im trying to prove to myself what the acceptable and perfect will of god is.
as its becoming clearer and clearer, i cant help but notice how wrong the jws are.
why couldnt i see these things in the past?
Yeah, i totaly agree with you both, well all of you.
I was thinking about Paul and what he wrote. He claimed that he was Gods spokesman, and maybe he really was. I realy dont know. I think the best thing i can do, is give him a chance by reading his messages, just like i did with the WTS. If it fits with Jesus then great, if its BS like the WTS then i can just discard it and read stuff which is more useful for Christians.
Its good fun though i think. Study is so enjoyable.
Timmy xxx
Happily living life after the JWs. I didnt know it was possible.
by TimothyT inits the most perculiar thing.
i recall when i was in, i used to wonder how those disfellowshipped could live with themselves and thought that they must be the saddest and most depressed people on this earth.. how wrong i was.
now that im one of this disfellowshipped ones my life has improved dramaticaly and im happier than i ever was.
"(Tell him I say hi)"
Hi! :) x
Very proud of you Tim it took alot of strength to do what you did and you're reaping the benefits (and so am I!). Now's time to live!
Have you ever read this before?
by TimothyT inhere is a verse in the bible that i have never read before:.
38 john said to jesus, teacher, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop because he wasnt in our group.
39 dont stop him!
It makes perfect sense doesn't it, why would Jesus feel strongly against people who are doing their best to serve him??
Something else I find interesting is that in Matthew 12:30-31 he says " Anyone who isn't with me opposes me, and anyone who isn't working with me is actually working against me."
And yet here he says something quite contradictory in that " Anyone who is not against us is for us."
I thank my boyfriend for bringing that scripture to my attention in the first place ;)
"Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life"
by TimothyT ini recieved a letter from my jw friend a few days ago who encouraged me to return to the organisation.
she quoted the following scripture, and although i think its a great one, the jw view of it is twisted.. lord, whom shall we go away to?
(john 6:66-69) this is the one organization he is using" (wt 75, 9/1, p.531).
Tim and I were talking about this last night. When reading the book of John it just screams out to me that all you need is Faith in God, to follow Jesus' teachings and LOVE EACH OTHER! It's pure. it's simple and it's all we need. No other organisations involved..beware false prophets!!
Jack x
"Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life"
by TimothyT ini recieved a letter from my jw friend a few days ago who encouraged me to return to the organisation.
she quoted the following scripture, and although i think its a great one, the jw view of it is twisted.. lord, whom shall we go away to?
(john 6:66-69) this is the one organization he is using" (wt 75, 9/1, p.531).
Went to my first meeting today anonymously!
by TimothyT inhi everyone.. jack and i decided we would go to his local kingdom hall this morning.
although i have no interest anymore in being a jw, i think its still nice to have regular bible discussions, etc, which can give you something spiritual to think about each week.
i love it and i think its damn good for you.. today, jack and i walked in, a little nervous, but were greeted and welcomed like friends.
Hi guys, Jack here. I am Tim's boyfriend and had never attended a meeting before today. I went along with Tim to listen to the talk and see what they had to say.
Overall the experience was nice, the people were welcoming, we listened to the talk (I understand it is sometimes a skewed JW view, but accept on occasions it can be interesting debate too). One of the things I did say was that, as the talk is given by JWs, the answers are given by JWs, the literature is produced by JWs etc., for someone like me it is very hard to differentiate between that's true bible teaching and what is their take on things! From that perspective I can see how newly "recruited" JWs can find it hard to identify these differences also.
When walking away I did say to Tim "Yea it was lovely, but the only reason they were so welcoming and nice is because we had to lie and pretend to just be friends. I don't think we should have to hide who we are in order to go into the meeting which are supposedly open to the public after all. I did suggest to Tim that we seek alternative methods of gaining this insight i.e. there must be some gay bible groups, or just a gathering of random people who will accept us for who we are. The fact that we had to lie from the minute we walked through the door kind of negated any of the positive things that came out of the meeting. I'm not ashamed of who I am and shouldn't have to hide it in order to find a place to study the bible.
Tim is not interested in joining back with the JWs, he knows why this isn't feasible however he spent 20+ years receiving his bible knowledge from this group and I can't blame him for seeking this same avenue to continue his learning.
I think if we did go back to this meeting again, I would suggest to Tim that we cut out the pretense, say we're gay and listen to the talk regardless. Yea they probably won't be so friendly anymore but would we care? Our primary reason for attending is for the talk.
Thanks for all the comments guys, we appreciate it and I agree with the suggestions that we seek alternative methods of learning from the bible. I couldn't say anything about the meetings until I had been to one myself.
Nugget, you'd better get some coffee in too, Tim sometimes is partial to one of them too ;)
Lots of love,
P.S. Yes they did give me a copy of "What does the bible REALLY teach" and no I won't be reading it ;)
What do you think about beauty pageants for kids?
by journey-on inwhile channel surfing the other day, i caught something on tlc called toddlers and tiaras.
i watched it!
i was appalled, but at the same time the whole social implication of such a thing fascinated me.
Of course the parents tend to be extremely pushy at getting their kids to go to these pageants, however is that any different from pushing a child to participate in a sports team or to learn an instrument?? If the child is enjoying themselves then I don't see a big issue with it, it's still down to the parents to teach morals and discipline whatever the child's extra-curricular activies are.