I've had a few exchanges with him this evening and he's been quite civil with me and reckons he only resorts to 'rebukes' and name calling when arguing with rabid anti-JWs just as Jesus and Paul did. As if those two mugs are good examples to follow in life. Don't mean to offend any xians reading this but I'm no fan of Jesus or Paul. He's inactive, he says he's been out for a while and is about to go back. Tbh, I think there might be something 'amiss' with him. After speaking with him and reading some of his rants on his google+ page I kind of changed my approach because I thought maybe I'm dealing with an emotionally/psychologically damaged or 'vulnerable person'. I tend to tread a little lighter these days with some people...I must be mellowing with age.
Btw, far be it from me to lecture anyone on decorum, by all means give him both barrels between the eyes at point blank range if he gives you sh!t, he's an 'orrible little weasel :)