Googling holosiikon brings up a fascinating results page.
Even more intriguing and surreal if one accepts Google's suggestion of treating it as two words!
thank you leolaia for welcoming me back to the forum, it means a lot.. as part of my homework for next week i need to translate 23:11 of the story of joseph, the carpenter, in sahidic, which says something like (my rough translation):.
michael took two ends of the pure silk cloth and it was precious.
gabriel took the other two ends.
Googling holosiikon brings up a fascinating results page.
Even more intriguing and surreal if one accepts Google's suggestion of treating it as two words!
to the household of god, israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!.
i just wanted to share with you, briefly, what i have come to understand as to why disfellowshipping by the wtbts works... why it can continue being fomented as it is.
i realize there are pages and pages of studies regarding cults and cult mindsets, etc., but i am not going to inundate you with such but rather try to keep this simple.
Just on a point of information, Tec, Catholic excommunication is not at all the cutting off of religious contact. Not by any means.
An ex communicant isn't allowed to receive Holy Communion. That's all. They can and do still go to Mass. They can even go up and receive a blessing (just as children to young to receive Holy Communion do. I've seen this happen. They are welcomed. They are not shunned. There is no huge sense of ostracism. Conversations with the Church are likely to continue, and they may still receive pastoral care from a good priest. No-one refuses to talk to them. By and large, depending on what led to the ex-communication, they will be still accepted and thought of as part of the parish family.
I've heard JW's say that disfellowshippings is what the Bible says and what Catholics do. Rubbish. That is a lie.
Band, JW's are a religion of mostly black women? Not here, they're not!! What a weird thing to say!
captain code named sd-7.
self-destruct code 0-0-0-alpha-gamma-1.
this will be my final entry on
Hi sd-7, the thread title caught my eye as I'm a sucker for anything Star Trek, and anyway I always take an interest in your posts...I read with horror...till I saw it was all old!
I think, well done! I agree with mamochan, you've really been through the mill and have survived, older and wiser maybe, but survived. As I always think, you're a great guy, and I wish you all the best in the world.
But wow, that shepherding call you related right at the start...that sent shivers up my spine. Evil lot, those elders are. Power-hungry bullies on an ego trip, fortified by the thought that they're representing Jehovah. As if!
today we visited someone and their house was unheated.
we stayed over an hour.
it's cold here in the uk right now, snow in places, frost in our area.
Los, have your house as warm as you can, rest, and wear plenty of warm thin layers...there was a reason for the warm woolly vests that our mothers put us in for winter...they all wear them in Iceland!
Nice hot food, warm drinks, you know the drill. Cod liver oil and glucosamine supplements are said to help. Almonds, too. I know plenty of dark green veg is good. And warmth, warmth, hot water bottle against the joint...none of it can do any harm.
It'll probably clear up quickly if it's a short term reaction as it should maybe go to the doctor?
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
I always have the 'flu shot.
The flu outbreak and Norovirus seems to very prevalent this year right across continents. It's terrible here right now. You can't get a shot against Norovirus though. I always am scrupulous about hand washing, especially diligent after a supermarket shopping trip, where my hands have been pushing a cart pushed by thousands before me, and also after any visit to the town, remembering doors, escalators etc. last year I still got Norovirus. I have never been so I'll.
...just left a message for you. :)
i'm interested in this girl and shes a jw.
i went to the meetings and i was bored out of my mind.
i can see how the religion is very appealing to people.
Run like mad and never look back.
i went to see it today - by myself (mr bee is on a golf junket).
i was glad that that i was by myself because i cried so much at the end, i wouldn't have wanted to be with anyone who wasn't crying - and that would not have been mr bee!.
les miserables the current film is adapted from what is considered one of the half-dozen greatest novels of the past 150 years and one of the longest novels ever written.
I went to see it this afternoon. It just came out yesterday in the UK. I can't believe some of these negative comments above!
In my town, the cinema was packed. It was wonderful, wonderful setting, wonderful acting, wonderful singing. The whole packed cinema burst into applause, even though it was a film and not a stage production. I have known this happen in the cinema just twice before.
I rarely cry in films. In this one I was in tears very early on and i just got through tissue after tissue throughout. All round us people were crying.
What on earth is the matter with you people who've found fault with it?!. Here, where I live, we saw it as wonderful. In fact, the cinema didn't raise the lights until after the last credit had rolled through, and people began to leave only then.
So what goes on in the States that people were unmoved by it?
a few months ago, one of my best friends from uni times told me that his girlfriend of something like 20 years was leaving him.
she can't live with a non-believer...she wants to be a baptised jw.. i couldn't believe this crap is happening again.
turns out she grew up in a jw family, but parents separated when she was about 8 years or so.
It sounds to me as if she might be having a nervous breakdown.
But oh! The account of her current activities reminds me all too painfully of myself in that very brief but intense period of my life...just a few months, when all's said and done...when I too was being the most diligent JW I couldossibly be.
It also sounds as if the father took advantage of the funeral, depending perhaps on her relationship with the deceased. People are especially vulnerable at times of bereavement.
how is this affecting you?
i'm not sure how it compares to the us dollar.
I too pay by monthly Direct Debit, and it comes to just a little below Splash's amount. Mine goes mostly on gas, and about half as much on electricity, all my heating and cooking being done by gas. I'm a bit in credit every month, and that's fine by me, as I always feel I have a bit in hand, and they are good about refunding a surplus promptly if it becomes significant.
A thought: in the US, since you call petrol gas, what do you call gas?