I hate to say it, but this has been going the rounds for about fifteen years!
Still a good one, though!
interesting article... .
I hate to say it, but this has been going the rounds for about fifteen years!
Still a good one, though!
This is very interesting, but why do you call it Isaac Newton's Dark Secret?
Alchemy was a subject in which many of the most educated and learned men in the seventeenth century, and earlier, were very interested. Notable among these were Isaac Newton and Elias Asmole, whose name lingers on in memory as the founder of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.
These were the early scientists, some of the greatest thinkers of their day, as we see with Isaac Newton, whose fame goes way beyond his inspiration over a falling apple! Wikipedia has some useful pages, and also this article from the BBC.
In fact, there has been a revival of interest in alchemy in the last twenty years or so.
the top cardinal of britian has resigned, cardinal keith o'brien, the archbishop of edinburgh, has given notice amid accusations by three priests that he made 'inappropriate contact' with them.
he will not be able to vote in the upcoming selection of the new pope.
the current pope has accepted his resignation.. like cardinal mahoney of the los angeles archdiocese, cardinal o'brien will be allowed to 'retire' receiving a nice pension and home paid for by hard working catholics.
That's a good definition, jgnat. I like it.
Did you invent it, in which case, deep respect! Or is it a quote from elsewhere?
the top cardinal of britian has resigned, cardinal keith o'brien, the archbishop of edinburgh, has given notice amid accusations by three priests that he made 'inappropriate contact' with them.
he will not be able to vote in the upcoming selection of the new pope.
the current pope has accepted his resignation.. like cardinal mahoney of the los angeles archdiocese, cardinal o'brien will be allowed to 'retire' receiving a nice pension and home paid for by hard working catholics.
Well, we just don't know the rights and wrongs of it, do we?
The fact of his resignation may indeed indicate guilt, but it might also be to save the church from the embarrassment that would be caused by there being a Cardinal in the Conclave to elect the new Pope who has these accusations hanging over him.
I don't know the truth of it, and nor does anyone. Till the truth is found out, we can't judge.
in a post by leolaia she stated:.
then the trinity brochure came out and i almost immediately became upset at its intellectual dishonesty, as by this time i was very familiar with the early church fathers and recognized that the brochure distorted heavily their views.. .
early church fathers and their views?
With you, soontobe and Erbie.
Phizzy, you too have it absolutely right there.
in a post by leolaia she stated:.
then the trinity brochure came out and i almost immediately became upset at its intellectual dishonesty, as by this time i was very familiar with the early church fathers and recognized that the brochure distorted heavily their views.. .
early church fathers and their views?
Maybe you trumped it rather than killed it!
i have been hearing and reading on websites about some "new light" jws are saying concerning the faithful and discreet slave class.
it sounds like the same information they have been saying for years.
i was always taught the faithful and discreet slave class is the annoited governing body members dispensing food at the proper time for the non annoited jws.
The faithful and discreet slave is the fictional misinterpretation of Jesus' parable of the just steward, twisted for their own ends to justify not only the existence of the Watchtower but to give them almost infinite control, infinite because they allow themselves to change its meaning whenever they need to give themselves greater or different powers.
In a nutshell, it's rubbish. Fiction.
i know this is an odd idea.
maybe it is even silly.. but, i do daydream..... .
what if you were informed that you are disfellowshipped and you flashed a huge smile and said, "nah.".
Wow, Terry!
That's so daft and so simple that it's UTTERLY BRILLIANT!!!
any gov agency or private company that has private personal info of customers/clients should be aware.
its common knowledge to long time witnesses that jws will violate customer privacy laws and rules when they see something a customer does or buys that they think jw congregation elders should know about .
thats right they will spy for the elders.. .
I haven't read every post in this thread, but answering just the question in the thread's title, from where I'm standing EVERYONE should be warned about Jehovah's Witnesses!
i cannot believe the difference in my vision.
even with glasses my vision in the left eye was poor.
but i can now read a 12 font fairly clearly without the glasses.
That is such encouraging news, Lady Lee, and just what I needed to read. I'm due to have this done very soon, and have the pre-op appointment at the end of this month.
My cataract is in my right eye and is worse every day. The consultant has put me at the top of the list as urgent. I have quite significant floaters in my left eye too, and a cataract there also, but that cataract doesn't need surgery yet.
As others have said I am scared. Nice to know that it's not just me! And very reassuring to read your encouraging post, Lady Lee! And to see that you can clearly read and use the computer!