Maybe Catholics and others who believe in a soul zipping through heaven tend to believe they are of the remnant.
No, they don't. They don't believe in a remnant, because they don't believe, as JW's do, that the Old Testament can be interpreted as directly relevant to now. By which I mean that the remnant of the Jews in Israel was the remnant of the Jews in Israel, and that's all it means. It's historical.
They believe that God is our loving Heavenly Father in heaven, that he loves us all, and that through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ his Son everyone has the chance to gain everlasting life in Heaven.
They believe that to do so we must believe in Jesus and do our best to follow him. But the Catholic church recognises that we are fallen human beings for whom perfection is not possible. We are going to make mistakes every day. What we need to do is to love Jesus and do our best to follow him, and provided we are genuinely sorry for each time we fail, God will forgive us and it will be OK. He will receive us with open welcoming arms.
No remnant. No obliteration and wiping out of all those who don't come up to scratch. Just do your best, believe in Jesus and you'll gain eternal life in heaven. No two classes of people. No 144,000 of the good ones, and a great crowd of all the others who never had a hope of going to heaven, but instead are stuck on earth in a surreal paradise where people cuddle lions and tigers, play musical instruments and harvest sheaf after sheaf of golden corn. Heaven, on the other hand, is for everyone, you and me, all of us.If you do something really, really dreadful, then you have to be really sorry and make amends, but the Catholic church allows that if you are indeed truly sorry, do your best not to sin again (allowing for the fact that you are only human so you still might, but you do your best) and as far as you can you put right any wrong that you've done (i.e. if you steal you give back)...then if you do all those things the church assumes that God will forgive you. Even for the worst sin, Catholics believe that God is loving and forgiving and will always forgive a truly repentant sinner if in his heart he really turns again to God. It's very different from the Jehovah in WT pictures wiping away most of mankind at Armageddon.
It'll do for me.