by JustHuman14 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JustHuman14

    According to the August 2011 Watchtower magazine:

    Memorial partakers. This is the number of baptized individuals who partake of the emblems at the Memorial worldwide. Does this total represent the number of anointed ones on earth? Not necessarily. A number of factors-including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance-might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling. We thus have noway of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones.

    So that's really a freaking joke guys by the WT, telling to the entire World and 7 million JW's that, the increasing number of partakers is caused by LUNATICS So I can imagine the look of JW's when they see a young person (35-40 year old) to start and partake from the emblems: "Look at that poor brother, he is gone nuts!!! He is partaking"...

    I don't know for how long this insanity by the GB will go on, but they have lost control complete. They don't know the number of the anointed ones, plus they are claiming that this a personal issue between Jesus and the annointed persons, end on the other hand they are telling us that those persons might be crazy!! !

  • jwfacts

    It is not the first time they have claimed newly anointed must be insane.

      "Over the years some, even ones newly baptized, have suddenly begun to partake. In a number of cases, after a while they acknowledged that this was an error. Some have recognized that they partook as an emotional response to perhaps physical or mental strain. But they came to see that they really were not called to heavenly life. ? There is every reason to believe that the number of anointed ones will continue to decline as advanced age and unforeseen occurrences end their earthly lives."Watchtower 1996 Aug 15 p.31
  • alanv

    I wander if this statement was made because early indications have shown that the figure has gone up yet again for this year. Time will tell

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    This statement was made so that the current GB, all of whom are relatively newly annointed, can claim insanity as a defence if called to task for deaths caused by their crazy rules.

  • ambersun

    I don't know for how long this insanity by the GB will go on, but they have lost control complete. They don't know the number of the anointed ones, plus they are claiming that this a personal issue between Jesus and the annointed persons, end on the other hand they are telling us that those persons might be crazy!! !

    In my opinion, feeling you of of the anointed class is equivalent to becoming a born again Christian in other churches. I really feel that the WT's constant brain washing and pushing the r&f to do more, be more zealous, show more love for Jehovah etc etc, has created this out of control situation with members genuinely feeling they must be of the anointed class due to the intense emotions they are experiencing. It is a wonder the number is not actually much higher than it is!!

    To accuse them of being mentally unstable is the same as a church leader constantly whipping his congregation up into a frenzy of devotion then when they claim to feel 'born again', accusing them of being mentally unstable and over-reacting.

    I can remember back in the 60s there were several members of the congregation I attended (one just a teenager) who started partaking of the emblems and it caused an outcry. A brother was sent from HQ to come and sort it out and left with a flea in his ear as he was told by the ones in question that he had no business interfering. Nothing more was ever said on the matter, and they are still partakers to this day as far as I know. Quite amazing !!

  • Alfred

    Really? Doesn't the GB represent the annointed around the world? Exactly how are they supposed to do that if they don't even know who they are?

    Either they use telepathy, or they themselves are mentally imbalanced...

  • sizemik

    This could be one of the few times they are actually telling the truth.

  • ambersun

    lol at sizemik

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    WBTS: We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know.

    Are they admitting here that all those years of calculating the exact number of partaking anointed ones was a sham all of this time?

  • ProdigalSon

    Actually, I think a person who gets the idea that they have the "heavenly calling" is the sane one. People who think their carbon-based biological bodies can live eternally are the ones who are really wacked.

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