Charik: Yes, Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him at the Supper because Judas was already heading down this path and it was in his heart to do so and Jesus knows present reality. This is different than saying Jesus knew it in His preexistence or even at the beginning of His ministry when He chose Judas as an apostle (He would not choose a betrayer or devil and call him an apostle after a night of prayer; Judas BECAME these things in a later chronology; as reality changed, Jesus knew this new disposition that did not exist initially; God/Jesus knows reality as it is and reality is contingent/changing moment by moment).
Godrulz, how can you feel comfortable while blithely stating what Jesus knows and doesn't know? By doing so you limit and diminish God. I was merely saying that we definitely know that he knew Judas would betray him. That's all.
I also agree with the original poster on this thread that there is a definite conundrum involved in Judas' betrayal having been the means to bring about Jesus' death. It has much wider implications, in respect of whether or not there is an overall purpose and how each one of us slots into it. It brings in free will and all sorts of things that don't belong in this thread. All I know is that the best thing we can do is do our best in our own corner and not seek to know exactly how, why and when the end, if there is one, will come.
Hear that, WT?