It's just the Catholic doctrine. The basis for it is that they take the "is" in "this is my body" to be literal.
Either you believe it or you don't. If you're a Catholic, you probably do, and if you're not, you probably don't.
does anyone here accept the doctrine of transubstantiation?
if so, please elaborate.
theology: the changing of the elements of the bread and wine, when they are consecrated in the eucharist, into the body and blood of christ (a doctrine of the roman catholic church).
It's just the Catholic doctrine. The basis for it is that they take the "is" in "this is my body" to be literal.
Either you believe it or you don't. If you're a Catholic, you probably do, and if you're not, you probably don't.
the last four years:.
with all the changes in the 'generation', 'sealing', doctines, etc.
- there have been unexpected [i imagine] jumps in this number.
Let's face it, really...I mean who are the "anointed"?
Just people who think they are.That's all they are.
And in any case, that means just people who have either grown up knowing the doctrine of the 144,000 because their mothres told them so, or they are people who have swallowed this extraordinary teaching hook, line and sinker. So, that means that anyone brave enough to withstand the pressure of all the onlooking eyes and who thinks they really, truly deserve to sit on one of those heavenly thrones might decide to go the whole hog and partake.
Me, I think those thrones are going to get very uncomfortable in an eternity of sitting and ruling.
check out this video on you tube about emotional abuse and then compare that to the control tactics of the wts.
1 - making you feel worthless, without any value.. *** w55 1/15 p. 41 is your best good enough?
You have it absolutely right. That systematic process of humilation by the elders is where I stuck.
In effect, they did me a kindness, in disguise, because the whole house of cards fell down, and I saw it all for what it really is. I got out while the going was good, and absolutely no way am I ever going near them again.
would someone please explain the current interpretation of the generation.
this topic is one that is causing alot of confussion and turmoil.
jwn, you.
It constantly amazes me that people actually believe all this stuff. Day by day, local jdubs are encouraging each other "just a little longer".
I have an old friend in her eighties, frail, in very poor health, but a loyal JW and baptised 54 years ago. She told me last month how the DO's wife had put her arm round her and said reassuringly, "Not long now. God's time is nearly here".
My friend was greatly encouraged. I was greatly saddened to see how the WT had deceived and addled the brain of this otherwise highly intelligent old lady.
Can't any of them see that the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes?
yet another question (two actually), i'm afraid (but i am learning from all this, honestly!)..
i've seen the term 'privileges' on here many times, and i think i now understand that it means 'being allowed to carry out tasks in the congregation' - which includes walking round with the microphone, operating the pa system, etc.
in the services.
I was allowed to comment as an interested person. I realised that if I said anything out of line I wouldn't be asked again. I made comments that seemed to me to be blindingly obvious and everyone went oooh and aaah, so impressive for an interested person, so new and so good.
More recently I made the mistake of just being myself. I even used long words. But it was pointed out to me privately that it wasn't good to display the knowledge I already had.
Even more recently, I realised that actually, no-one wants to know any real background information. After all, the whole thing is just designed to reinforce Watchtower control.
i have bible studies and have alot to learn.
am i allowed to celebrate birthday?
and if no can someone please explain?
No more celebrations with your lifelong friends. Or your family. No crossing your fingers for good luck. No voting. No standing for your national anthem.
Be prepared to be spied on by those who seem to be your new friends. They will smile at you. They'll tell you you're making such good progress. If you miss a meeting they'll tell you how much everyone missed you. But the closer you get into it the less your life will be your own.You will be watched and reported on at every turn.
So, no birthdays. No old friends. If you have children, you can't give them Christmas presents. And why? Not because the Bible says you can't. Jesus didn't ask his followers to report to the elders on each other's activities. But this is what happens with the Watchtower.
If that sounds to you like the kind of organisation you want to give your life to, keep studying.
i have bible studies and have alot to learn.
am i allowed to celebrate birthday?
and if no can someone please explain?
No birthdays, no Mother's Day, no celebrations unless you're married, then you can have a whopping great Wedding Anniversary do. of the best speeches on this subject i ve ever heard.
the reality of islam is a trojan horse....
but i do know the dutch politician geert wilders. he´s a hero of our time!
Would I be right in thinking you might be a supporter of Nick Griffin, Varian?
check the following links .
the storm isn't over for wts..
people working in religious organisations should be legally required to report suspected sexual or physical abuse of a young person by members in that group, except if that information is received during confession, the report says.. an investigation should also be launched into how religious groups respond to child abuse perpetrated by people within their ranks..
Bookmarking, sorry to intrude
did you ever have a problem with one of jehovah's witnesses?.
i always got along with everyone very well except for a couple of people.
this experience was partly my fault.
Did you ever have a problem with one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
Oh yes. And how. A possessive bunny boiling woman, and we are of the same sex and the same advanced age, but to this woman I belonged to her and was her own property!
Totally crazy, but behaviour fostered by the traditions of the WT system of door to door contacting people and then claiming them as one's own finds.