Kjell, I just stopped by to say that I really enjoyed reading your experiences. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Kind regards.
JoinedPosts by NewWay
by Kjell Hedblom ini just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active jw.am i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
Our New Supreme - LDH
by Beck_Melbourne inour newest supreme member ldh....great posts lisa...keep em coming!!
you go girl!!
Congratulations LDH!
Just remember that I bow to no one now. -
Does being called an 'apostate' upset you?
by wholewheat indo all of you ex-jehovah's witnesses get upset when you are called an apostate?
you all call each other apostates, so why should you all get upset if i call you apostates?
if you don't like being called 'apostate', what title would you prefer?
I would be interested in knowing who sustained Nelson Mandela during his incarceration. As has been pointed out, there are many folk who have remained true to their beliefs (whether religious or political or otherwise) despite long-term imprisonment and/or deep hatred and persecution. Being true to one's beliefs can obviously derive from one's own inner strength.
Does being called an 'apostate' upset you?
by wholewheat indo all of you ex-jehovah's witnesses get upset when you are called an apostate?
you all call each other apostates, so why should you all get upset if i call you apostates?
if you don't like being called 'apostate', what title would you prefer?
WholeWheat, thank you for your comments. I respect your decision to stay as a JW. However, I do not agree that the good far outweighs the bad. 'Good' and 'bad' should not be weighed by the percentage of what is written, but by the harm that is caused. It is the contention of many here and elsewhere that many JWs have suffered not only emotional damage but lost years of life due to belief in false promises and claims as well as personal opinions of a tiny few, all for the sake of being 'loyal' to the society. Even if you have not come to the conclusions many of us have, if you are a caring person you will not make light of the feelings of such XJWs (not that I'm suggesting you have, but please be aware.)
by Mary ini think it's time bethel got a new sign out front, one that really speaks volumes and is far more suitable to their "read god's word the bible daily.
i was thinking: .
oh what a web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
* Knorr's Ark
* The Vicar Of Heist
* Faulty 'Towers -
Does being called an 'apostate' upset you?
by wholewheat indo all of you ex-jehovah's witnesses get upset when you are called an apostate?
you all call each other apostates, so why should you all get upset if i call you apostates?
if you don't like being called 'apostate', what title would you prefer?
WholeWheat, there were many many JWs in times gone past who truly manifested a remarkable faith in God (most notably as a large group in Germany during the Nazi years). As you said these did not have WTS literature, or very little, yet they stood firm in the face of intense opposition and persecution. If nothing else they should be respected for their integrity to God (as they saw it). It is my belief that JWs who actually do personal Bible study and have a deep regard for the value of heartfelt prayer, can develop such a resilient faith, but I'm not so sure about those who simply go through the WTS rituals, however regular they may be. The key here is a real personal relationship with God.
Regarding interpretation of Bible prophecy, it is interesting to note that in chapter two of the 'Revelation Climax' book it reads under the title 'Interpreting the Scriptures': 'The mysteries locked up in the book of Revelation have for long baffled sincere students of the Bible. In God's due time, those secrets had to be unlocked, but how, when and to whom? Only God's spirit could make known the meaning as the appointed time drew near. (Revelation 1:3) Those sacred secrets would be revealed to God's zealous slaves on earth so that they would be strengthened to make known his judgments. (Compare Matthew 13:10, 11.) It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible. Like Joseph of old, we say: "Do not interpretations belong to God?" (Genesis 40:8) At the same time, however, we firmly believe that the explanations set forth herein harmonize with the Bible in its entirety, showing how remarkably divine prophecy has been fulfilled in the world events of our catastrophic times.'Now the trouble here is that on the one hand the WTS is saying that God would reveal the sacred secrets (i.e. correct interpretation would be made), but on the other hand the WTS is saying it makes no claims to infallibility. Either God reveals, or he doesn't. His Spirit cannot lie can it, or get just some things right? It is interesting to note the reference to Joseph. Although Joseph said this, it is obvious that God revealed the whole interpretation of Pharaoh's dreams, and there were no mistakes even though Joseph himself was only human. Joseph correctly pointed to the source of interpretation, God. The paragraph above suggests to the reader that correct interpretation would be given in due time, and the inference of course is that this has been done via the WTS, but a 'get out' clause is included in case any of the interpretations are wrong. Even though this clause exists, which really contradicts the 'God will reveal' bit, JWs nonetheless are expected to accept the various interpretations in this book as true. Try disagreeing at a book study with an interpretation and you will know what I mean.
It is good to hear that the members of your congregation are loving individuals. Please accept that many XJWs do not hate the brothers and sisters (despite the sarcasm here at times - it is an outlet for those who have been silenced for years and years), but their protests are directed at the society. The society (as represented by the Governing Body) say they are 'God's channel' of communication, but seem reluctant to accept all the responsibility that such a grand position rightly would require. If one truly serves for the interests of God, then one should be more concerned about His reputation than the reputation of a religious organisation. I know that if you are a JW with some years of association you will be aware of Jeremiah's protestations and denunciations of the corrupt Jewish religious system of his day. Based on the way the society uses the term in our modern day, Jeremiah himself would have been an 'apostate' because he spoke out against the religious leaders of his religion. -
by Mary ini think it's time bethel got a new sign out front, one that really speaks volumes and is far more suitable to their "read god's word the bible daily.
i was thinking: .
oh what a web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
My Story
by Mackin ini guess it's time for me to tell my story on this forum.
my parents came into contact with the "truth" during their engagement and so i was born into a borg family and quickly "assimilated.
" the congregation i grew up in however had very liberal views on many subjects, such as higher education, secular careers, and the like.
Mackin, thanks very much for sharing your story with us. I really enjoyed reading it!
Does being called an 'apostate' upset you?
by wholewheat indo all of you ex-jehovah's witnesses get upset when you are called an apostate?
you all call each other apostates, so why should you all get upset if i call you apostates?
if you don't like being called 'apostate', what title would you prefer?
What I don't like about this type of word is that like 'heretic' it is often used to label people. Labelling people with an emotive word is not a fair way of making your point. Labelling XJWs with the word 'apostate' also implies according to the way JWs see it that the person has turned his back on the true faith, something that many here would hotly dispute! Its probably better to say XJW.
However, you can call me LIONPAWS. That stands for:
Against the
Society -
Why I Stopped Apologising For The WTS
by NewWay inwhy i stopped apologising for the watchtower society - part 1. .
in response to requests for information on why i stopped being an apologist for the organisation, i have decided to write the following article.
what is written is not meant to attack the beliefs of jws, but rather to show why i personally came to the conclusion that i could no longer support the organisation.
That concludes the series of articles.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read them.