In one of my posts above, I stated:
"I can accept that it could well have taken until 537 BCE before the first group of Jew returned to their homeland. So regardless of the actual length of the captivity of the Jews, as long as the Jews actually returned in 537 BCE, we still arrive at 1914 CE (i.e. 2520 years - Wow, its like riding a bicycle: you never forget!)."
Obviously one can fall off one's bike after not riding it for a while! Of course 537+1914-1 (no year zero) = 2450 years. However, 607+1914-1 = 2520. I humbly apologise for the mistake. I'm surprised no one pointed it out. Maybe folk were trying to be polite by not mentioning it.
JoinedPosts by NewWay
Why I Stopped Apologising For The WTS
by NewWay inwhy i stopped apologising for the watchtower society - part 1. .
in response to requests for information on why i stopped being an apologist for the organisation, i have decided to write the following article.
what is written is not meant to attack the beliefs of jws, but rather to show why i personally came to the conclusion that i could no longer support the organisation.
Alternative Definitions To WTS-Related Terms
by NewWay inalternative definitions to wts-related words and terms .
* 'great crowd' - a large group of people who turned up too late to catch the bus to heaven.. .
* 'prophetic date' - a type of fruit that may look good on the outside, but which some people find leaves a bitter after-taste, and others find too hard to swallow.. .
Good grief Farkel, you have been busy, its going to take me a while to read your post!
Welcome KB! Enjoyed reading your definitions.
MEMORIAL (2): Yearly event where most people say, "No" to the body of Christ.
Thanks SYN and OUTLAW. Of course it was all said in the best possible taste! Larc, some great definitions. Do you think we could publish a book and release it at the next District Assembly?!!! -
JWs @ My Door !!!
by Francois inmy door!
can you imagine that?
don't they know i'm a filthy apostulater!
Jim don't you think aiming straight for the heart with a gun would be a bit of conversation stopper?!!!
Scriptural View Of Blood?
by NewWay inbelow is a link to an extremely interesting set of correspondence between an elder and the wts regarding blood.
its quite long, so if you really haven't the time to wade through all the letters, then just read last few letters.. .'%20url-frame='_blank
Below is a link to an extremely interesting set of correspondence between an elder and the WTS regarding blood. Its quite long, so if you really haven't the time to wade through all the letters, then just read last few letters.'%20URL-Frame='_blank
If this link is not 'clickable' then go to and look for the link under the title:
"Secret Letters Of The Watchtower Society"
Tell us what you think. -
by Mary ini think it's time bethel got a new sign out front, one that really speaks volumes and is far more suitable to their "read god's word the bible daily.
i was thinking: .
oh what a web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
"The Disgusting Thing That Causes Desolation"
(Let the 'loyal' JW use deferment) -
Enemies page 118
by badboy in`all liars and murderers are religionists'.
atheists never lie or murder?.
was communist pol pot a religionist when he ordered mass murder?.
Well maybe JFR was a prophet after all; he seems to have predicted how the society would enslave JWs!
The sad truth is, however, that not even the best
by Bleep injust add some more scriptual evidence to help out with this great topic here.
Very good points SYN and GOPHER.
by QUANTUM ini feel like i'm watching a movie.
reading these posts seems to transform reality into a time and a land which exists partly in a haze of real and where am i now.
once you had a grip and understanding of who you were.
WholeWheat, please give consideration to the fact that while some may have disappeared in a puff of smoke (maybe they weren't in the 'truth' for very long anyway), there are many others such as myself who have taken years to make a decision to leave the organisation. You really should not make sweeping statements to the effect that everyone has lost his/her relationship with Jehovah, that is a value-judgement. There is a principle contained at Romans 14:4 concerning making judgements about 'the house servant of another'. It shows that despite our views 'Jehovah can make him [the servant] stand.' Leave the judging to the Almighty, and do not equate righteous indignation against the society and removal of support based on a conscientious decision with leaving Jehovah or weakening of a relationship. Nor adopt a 'told you so' approach using the hurt and anger as 'proof' that we did the wrong thing - these are emotions that are not bad in themselves and quite understandable given the circumstances.
by QUANTUM ini feel like i'm watching a movie.
reading these posts seems to transform reality into a time and a land which exists partly in a haze of real and where am i now.
once you had a grip and understanding of who you were.
, thanks for the efforts in sympathising with XJWs. However, I have to agree with a number here who say that they don't want to be preached at (even if that was not your intention). 'Representative(s) of God' is like a dirty word to many XJWs. It brings back bad memories. You will, of course, be aware that in the New Testament Jesus spoke of the *'Holy Spirit' being sent as a 'Comforter' which would guide his disciples in all things, not any human agency or representative. Others, as individuals, can add to our knowledge and understanding of the scriptures, but at the end of the day it is God's Spirit that has the final say, so to speak. Of course, all of this reasoning from the Bible is pointless if one is an atheist! *BTW, I don't like the word 'Ghost' as not only is it archaic and has a different meaning now, but I've seen one and it wasn't a pleasant experience!
I'm persuaded that there are a number of XJWs who still believe in God - even if He is something different from He who is depicted in the Bible, but like me they have no intention of joining the 'happy clappy' brigade (I don't know how else to describe it, but I'm sure you understand what I mean). To many, their spiritual life is a sober-minded affair that doesn't make them stick out like a sore thumb, they practise Christianity in a way that does not attract strange looks from other people. What I'm saying is that its not the 'Jesus saves, hallelujah' type approach. That's what puts many people off taking any notice of the Christian message. Please don't take offense. When we preach of course we have to take into consideration our audience, so that like Paul we can 'accomodate ourselves to people in all kinds of different situations' (1 Cor. 9:19-23 - NJB) - something no doubt that was your intention in starting this thread. XJWs are a mixture of all sorts of people, and what they believed before and after being JWs is from what I've seen extremely diverse.
lucidentity, with respect, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Canaanites were destroyed as the Israelites passed through the land. Even if a large number did survive in one way or another it was still tantamount to genocide. Now the Bible says that this was justified because for 400 years (see Genesis 15:12-16 - Canaanites descended from Amorites) the land had gone from bad to worse and that the people there were obviously extremely wicked. The problem is this. If the race as a whole was wicked and had to be destroyed, then how come everyone, including the children were destroyed but not the young virgins. Presumably the children were also wicked, otherwise the justice of God would require their preservation. I'm sorry to have to say this, but one can't help but entertain the idea that this sounds suspiciously like a man's idea, destroy everybody else but steal the sexually innocent young women. Funny isn't it how there was no decree to save any male virgins for use by the Israelite women!
Really, accepting the Bible as truly the infallible word of God requires our making excuses for things like this. We would have to say: 'Well there must have been some good reason for it'. This reasoning has been used even by myself in the past when I gave consideration to such instances as David numbering the people of Israel (1 Chronicles chapter 21), something that was obviously - from God's response - an extremely bad thing to do. Instead of David (the one responsible) being put to death, 70,000 Isrealites lost their lives as recompense. It is no wonder that many here now question the claim that the Bible is the infallible word of the only true God, perfect in justice, wisdom, and love! I don't say this to try to damage your faith, but in order for you to be realistic when dealing with members here. Your faith may be strong, but don't forget that the word 'faith' is synonymous with the word 'trust'. Since it is impossible for us to go back in time and actually check for ourselves if any given event recorded in the Bible is true, then we have to decide whether we are willing to trust it or not. Some decide to trust, others don't. But adverse judgement from God based upon what we decide to do as a matter of trust, does not accord with true justice. It is one thing to go down the wrong path deliberately when you have been shown real physical evidence of danger, but quite another thing to go down it because you reject what amounts to 'hearsay'. Kind regards to you both. -
by Amazing indr. phil gave this test on oprah.
some folks pay a lot of money to find this stuff out.
don't be overly sensitive!
LyinEyes, never mind, they say there are more sane people in the insane asylums than outside!