JoinedTopics Started by Tapioca
Why is Life Expectancy in the USA So Low Compared to Other Countries?
by RubaDub ini was looking at the world health org.
report and it shows the us ranks 37th in the world (tied with albania) for combined male/female life expectancy.
the top 5 were japan, switzerland, singapore, israel and spain, all around 83 years.
I got a Sympathy Card in the mail
by Butterfly607 ini haven’t been to a meeting in months.
just got a sympathy card in the mail from a “sister”.
i don’t know her beyond her face.
Fear of the worldly people.
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, i had a conversation with my neighbor during which i explained the greatest reason why i wanted to raise my kids out of the jws: the fear (which translate to hate) jws have for everyone showing no interest in becoming part of their group.
in order for him to quickly relate to what i meant i asked him to imagine, for a moment, he was the biggest racist he has ever known, forced to live in a black neighborhood.
how would you feel?
What is this "religion"?
by Kom 197 infor a long time, i was convinced jehovah witnesses were just people preaching the word of god in a different way than other christians.
i was shown the real truth over the past few months.
i've been friends with this guy for over 5 years.
Wifes parents are in a bad way.
by blownaway inmy wife's parents are in a bad way.
she went to visit and her mother has alzheimer and father has a hart condition.
they are jws and he quit his job at gm many years ago for 1975. he moved to where the need was great to wait for the end.
Today is my two year shuniversary
by kairos inglad it isn't the 1200's...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbtad2c08xu3-25-89 to 9-10-15.. today is my two year shuniversary since they executed me for apostasy..
Well this is bad
by Akid48 inso like a week or 2 ago i got mad a my bible teacher and we started to debate a little.look i now that was a dumb move but im not a the best point in my life and my angry is not in the best control.
so little did i know i had a family member was listening.
so the family worship we had turned to convince me that the jw life is the best life.. after that my life is turning into shit as of now i have been having depression and now its 2x as bad..
My 1 Year Update - I've Been Disfellowshipped One Year Today
by pale.emperor inwhat a journey!.
it was a year ago today that i was announced from the platform by brother paul "twofaced" castley that i was "no longer one of jehovah's witnesses".
i didn't go to that meeting to hear the announcement because i already didn't believe the watchtower religion.. how was my first year?
She's here and early! 27 weeks 1day.
by Darkknight757 inso as of july 2nd my wife delivered by c-section our little one pound, three ounce daughter izabella.
it was a very scary night that started with a decel and turned into multiple decels that greatly concerned the doctors.
by early morning they felt the need to take her for her safety.
A First for Mrs Phizzy !
by Phizzy inmrs phizzy voted for the first time today !
we have been out for nearly a decade now, but this is the first time mrs phizzy has been persuaded to vote.. she was always afraid that jw's would see her, and then df her for it, i explained (again, we have been over this before) that they would not do so, and my son had a word in her ear too, which did the trick.. she came out of the polling station and said to me "i voted for someone called teresa may, who is she ?".
trying to wind me up, but i knew the wicked witch of westminster was not on our ballot sheet.