Sparrowdown - After a day at an Elder's School during 2014 I had a discussion with fellow elders that were in attendance. The instructor spoke that day about Babylon the Great being destroyed and when Jehovah's people would become the target.
I simply said, to these elders, I wonder how destroying religion is going to work if entire governments are wrapped up in the religion, like for instance Islamic nations. I also asked them how many people practice Islam in the world? They reluctantly replied over a billion. I asked how did they think that would go over, taking the religion away from over a billion Muslims? The only reply was silence. A long awkward silence.
Landy - I agree that you can fade, or informally leave, but the points brought out during the ARC come to mind. Often a person or family is not left alone, especially if Christmas lights are seen on the house or that person is seen at a political rally etc. They pester people to death and often disfellowship in absentia. We all hope for lazy or fair-minded elders in the territories that we live in. Some aren't so lucky I'm afraid.