I read through the entire thread and agree 100% with Steve2. This is about pedophiles if it's about anything. Here's a quick reason why - the other doctrines aren't costing them millions of dollars and trouble with major governments!
Also, I agree this double-speak in the WT is not new. I will add this though:
The JW's have already swallowed the mind-twisting concept that GOD'S DIRECTION IS INTERMITTENT!
Look, these are just imperfect men that love Jehovah and have dedicated their entire lives to the doing of his will and the preaching of the good news in every corner of the earth. They pray for God's Holy Spirit before they teach anything or give any direction. Occasionally, though, these men run ahead or allow their imperfections to get in the way, and Jehovah allows this for a while. But we know that Jehovah lovingly corrects the faithful slave in time and redirects their step. Even the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for years before finally being directed to the promised land. May we be determined to follow Jehovah's direction wherever it leads and always be ready to obey his faithful and discreet slave!
So says the super dub.......