Business first; Religion second.
JoinedPosts by xjwsrock
August 31, 2017 BOE Re: Procedure for Handling Certain Cases of Wrongdoing
by wifibandit inaugust 31, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: procedure for handling certain cases of wrongdoing.
Todays Text - Classic example of how to twist scripture to your own ends
by doubtfull1799 inyou received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: “abba, father!”—rom.
those who have received this special invitation from god do not need another witness from any other source.
they do not need someone else to verify what has happened to them.
I agree sir82 that is awfully bold. Great example of how quick they clamp down the control. It's not about the bible. It's about them playing god.
by ironsnake656 inwhen you were an active member in the jwland, did you expect to receive any kind of help from a brother/sister, but they did not help you?
when i was in the jwland, i expected and was my belief that any brother/sister will help you in time of need, distress or trouble, because we were part of a "lovely organization".
but countless of times when i needed and asked for help, nobody from the org helped me.
If this organization put helping people in need as any kind of priority, they would at the least have organized programs in place to facilitate that. They have none.
I would actually expect much more from a multi-billion dollar "Christian" religion. How about separate charitable corporations set up to help disadvantaged members of the community? Nope. Not even close.
I work at a "worldly" for-profit company, that does more for the community in one month, than the entire United States Branch of Jehovah's Witnesses will ever do in a half century. No exaggeration.
It's shameful, and a flashing red flag that this is not a religion but is a life-sucking cult. It's purpose is to benefit itself and those who run it.
Philosophical implications of Genetic 1:26 and the personality of the Judeo-Christian God.
by doubtfull1799 inwhile visiting a still in friend last week we had an interesting discussion on narcissism.
he made a very interesting comment that got me thinking about the above.
we were discussing the nature of celebrity and fame and he mentioned that he would find it very difficult to cope with constant adulation and praise.
We also wouldn't sit with arms folded as innocent people get raped, tortured, murdered, etc. We especially wouldn't do that if we had the ability to easily stop it.
If a stranger was walking down a city sidewalk buried in his phone texting and was about to walk full speed into an oncoming car, who of us would not instinctively stick our arm out to stop him?
Unfortunately, God would not.
We are not created in God's image. That is another Bible lie.
Great video to watch. (for our newer forum members)
by stuckinarut2 insome of our newer forum members may not have had the chance to see the great videos from theramintrees.
I had no idea they did one about witnesses. Very enlightening to hear their firsthand assessments. The "carrier pigeon" reference was eerily accurate. The reasoning book coming out was hilarious. They literally threw the book at them lol. Sad how simple-minded it all is. Without emotional manipulation and social threats, these religions would probably not exist.
I went informal witnessing today
by Chook ini go to the local mcdonald's for a strong latte and raisin toast and i perched my feathers on a corner seat noticing a older european guy in a suit sitting by himself, so i move next to him and said it was warmer this chair.
i say you on business matters mate, he says ya but seemed only interested in his news paper.
i knew he was jw because jw assembly hall is not in a business district.
They retreat so quickly now. There is no defense of their lunacy. It's a social club run by abusive sociopaths. Reminds me of a typical family with an abusive parent. A child will defend the parent to a point and then eventually shut down on you if you keep asking questions.
Isn’t concept of sinner itself faulty?
by venus ina person may sometimes get swelling on his leg and may have limped a few times—but he is never called lame.
similarly, sometimes a person may slip into selfishness and use his free-will to his own harm or to the harm of others—but this does not make him a sinner because the ability to do the contrary (ability choose to commit virtuous act to any extent) too exists in him.
if one’s occasional sinning does not make him a sinner, sin of another person (such as first human couple) can never make others sinners.
Isn't it a sin to punish someone for something someone else did?
Billions sentenced to death for something Adam did has to be the biggest sIn of all time.
Next years special talk
by Saltheart Foamfollower inas you may be aware, next years "special" talk is to be given 1 week before the memorial.
they have just issued the following instruction as well -.
please note that bodies of elders should not take steps to assign a speaker for the special talk until further information is provided by the branch office.. .
New instructions for memorial perhaps?
in retrospect: RBCs vs LDCs / the hype about a lot of new construction and subsequent abrupt halt to construction
by Magnum inso, now that some time has passed, i’d like some input/thoughts/analysis/etc.
on the jw construction situation in the last few years.. first, why did they discontinue the rbc arrangement and institute the ldc arrangement?
was it for more and/or better control?
I remember a video for elders rolling out this "never before" construction crap. I missed that elders meeting to host a graduation party that was previously planned. I never did see it.
Looking back now I wonder if it was all to make the money grab that they did, robbing the coffers of local congregations. There was certainly a story sold that "mother" would be handling expenses going forward, so there would be no need for local cash reserves. Of course that never happened. Huge lie. They took the money and ran.
The most absurd reason have you heard someone disfellowshipped for ?
by Chook insomeone said on forum they knew someone df for not going to assigned meeting in old days .
Lap dances. Df'd, gave wife scriptural grounds, and she divorced him. Wife was treated like the victim of scandal and husband ostricized like a leper.