Point 1. Not so long I would have strung them all up and hanged them.
point 2. These guys were THE real succers, not only did they become JW,s, they embraced and adopted the cults teachings, and to some extent subjugated thier familys happiness, and thier own,to Elevate themselves, and achieve status and recieve privellages, IE not have a F-----g life
point 3 They had the onerus task of making sense, of the Ever changing (Truths) and having to teach that crap to the rest of us, and cope with the subsequent questionings that would invariably follow.
point 4.They had to take the lead in (Sales) distributing literature
Point 5.They were the Authoritarian Face of the Society, and a lot of people, (myself included ) thought they were jumped up janitors and window cleaners with a chip on thier shoulders. (many are )
point 6.Many of them are arseholes, but equally many really tried the best they could, under immposible circumstances.So to you guys. I tip my hat to you, I will never know you nor meet you, but I wish you well.