TD, I have just drunk a really nice, SHIRAZ, 14% with my dinner, so would rather engage with you at another time,its late at night uk time.
You IT guys speak another language, all you will get from me at this time is gobaldygook, goodnite mate
TD, I have just drunk a really nice, SHIRAZ, 14% with my dinner, so would rather engage with you at another time,its late at night uk time.
You IT guys speak another language, all you will get from me at this time is gobaldygook, goodnite mate
damn, everytime i get a craving it feels like this:.
Sit on your hands eat anything but DONT give in, get aggresive, scream go apeshit drink alcohol, the cravings WILL GO. This is the one thing im glad i did, got a perverse pleasure in confronting my nicotene Demons. SEX will be MUCH BETTER, hold onto that !!!
Outlaw, not wishing to be sexist, but could you download that young lady ? Yes I will try Foxy.
@pirata, tried Chrome, same thing ?
@ leavingjw, where username box is displayed, my e-mail address Is, as soon as i delete my e-mail address in that box to put my username, everything folds, and back to square one !!!!!!
I am using IExplorer in the UK, and this site, or IE, is changing the configuration or format, either way its soon going to be near impossible for me to communicate, because your site does not recognise me, and when it does , its for a very limited time, then it changes and requres a new registeration, I am unable to login, your site wont let me, back to square one.
Believe me, I have tried everything, I will probobly have to confine myself to observing, without re-course to making comments.
Like I said, I have to pick a new name every other day, perhaps people here might think, I, WE are trying to be be underhanded, not the case. I am begining to loose track of who I am in cyberspace, maybe MAZE, ALICE ect are the same, ie; not trying to be underhanded, its just this SITE is fucked.
Simon, Man City, RESPECT
in exodus jehovah killed the egyptians.ahud stabbed eglon in his abdomen,people in a city (don't remember which one) would eat their own children,jw's back then sacrificed their babies to moloch and the list goes why jw's have to avoid books,music,movies which contain violence?
One group of people who I would gladly get violent toward, are JW elders (and those ex elders here) I have never met so many cock sucking weak limp wristed individuals in my life, play the JW game to get on in JW land, and then present themselves here still boasting, the elder thing, and a lot of people on this forum, still fawning over the scum, wake up !!!
I like being able to vent my frustrations here, its cathartic, also STOP giving these scum anymore credibilty, I dont see you all posting all that brown nosing shite when a single mum comes ON, but a fucking elder, appears here on this site, you all get a collective hardone, god i fucking hate it, instead of giving that prick who has just joined here, a huge round of applause, presumably because you want to entice more like him here, tell him like it is, I dont give a fuck that he can give a talk when he is drunk, and that he considered himself A GOOD SPEAKER,and lets face it until he renounced theJW shite most of you wouldnt have given him the time of day,
HE,s a dick, like ME, and any status he had as a fuckwit, is gone dead, buried. I have no animosity to the man but people here, NEED to stop having their status barrometer set by the Watchtower.
here is the promised debate.
the subject is whether or not god has an organization.
i'll start things simply:.
Standfirm is looking to get laid by YKnot,HE also has the IQ of a rocking horse and is looking for the sympathy vote, NO CHANCE, when you come here, expect a robust response, ok son Im not going to go hard on you, but your under scrutiny here !!!