LOL Zidd xxx
Hope you appreciate what im trying to do :)
would you like to know where to start and what books to read?.
feel free to ask any questions about evolution.
it concerns me that a minority of people who admit not reading the theory or it's evidence, muddy the waters of this forum with their gut feelings and ignorant self experiments.
LOL Zidd xxx
Hope you appreciate what im trying to do :)
Also Billy, you remind me of Jake from Jake and Amir on College
my firend (who is an elder) recently sent the email below trying to get me to come back.
he freely admits the faults of the wt and even goes on to say that even if they did not have gods holy spirit, he felt they would still have gods blessing as the one true religion.
i thought i would get your thoughts on this as it really is (sadly) delusional.
I recently spoke to an old pa via text from the JW's, he told me he had a public talk to prepare. I told him I would not cope with the responsibility of teaching 100 people + nowadays, it would take me forever to fact check everything.
He told me (walked right into) that this was not a problem, he used the thocratic literature and had no fear of the responsibility, for example he had just been fact checking the 70 weeks prophecy.. and the 607 date and he knew it "inside out."
I replied, "interesting!..." I had just been reading up on it for my brother, I reffered him to the Babylonian Chronicles, a historical tablet in the British museum called ABC 5 where it confirmed a later date.
He replied " i have to go to bed now."
if you live in the uk tune in to bbc three, the teenage daughter of jw parents go on holiday abroad for the first time with her mates...i can see these parents being called into the back room by the elders on sunday .
happyexjw .
If I am honest, the JW's will use it as a "see thats what the world is like... is that what you want?"
All the 21 year old quiet kids with clothes on from the 1950's will shake their heads vigourously and thank god they are married, have 3 kids and not a holiday in Satans KOS to look forward to.
he always tells me that i've adopted him as a father...we're pretty close.
i spoke with him asking for some advice about whether or not to pursue my degree.he, to my surprise, couldn't give me his opinion.he told me that if he tells me how he really feels (he says he has some strong views on the matter) he may be disciplined for 'promoting higher education' effect he was telling me to go ahead and pursue my degree but not really saying it.
he asked me to promise him that i'll speak to the presiding overseer and the circuit overseer....i haven't as yet.
Like i said in the last post, you learn to trust your own thinking ability as you know your on motives. You can go back and read the chapter in Matt about the FDS and realise its just a parable, and yes thats just your opinion, but thats good enough for you !
Man I love education.
LOL... chillax Billy, Im welsh, its all true... "baaaah"..... QUIET fluffy !
my firend (who is an elder) recently sent the email below trying to get me to come back.
he freely admits the faults of the wt and even goes on to say that even if they did not have gods holy spirit, he felt they would still have gods blessing as the one true religion.
i thought i would get your thoughts on this as it really is (sadly) delusional.
Where else is there to go?
This is a common conclusion made by elders and alike that know the paddle is missing and the creek stinks, I know one elder that would say hings like "the society suggest that we...."
"the organisation reccomends that..."
So that he didnt feel bad when he disagreed with what he was saing from the platform. Its great the it allowed his to sleep at night, but prety shitty for all those nodding sheep that drink it all in. Disgusting behaviour and shameful.. but I know why he still does it to this day...
Where else is there to go ?
my firend (who is an elder) recently sent the email below trying to get me to come back.
he freely admits the faults of the wt and even goes on to say that even if they did not have gods holy spirit, he felt they would still have gods blessing as the one true religion.
i thought i would get your thoughts on this as it really is (sadly) delusional.
I asked my PO outright...
"If they are just men like me, and their desicions and intepretations are not spirit inspired, like me, ...isnt it safer to read the bible and make my own conclusion, that way, when Armageddon comes God will judge me for doing what I thought was right, rather than following what another person told me to do. God could ask me why i needed other men to inepret the bible for me? He could tell me that there are plain scriptures on avoiding this and to check out all the information. God could then say 'did these people not themselves admit to many mistakes?.'... etc etc"
The PO told me it was best I did not come to meetings while I felt like this. I replied "do you not have a scriptural answer?"
He could muster only one " do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together" he said how can you do this if you are intepreting the bible alone, to which i said "Pastor Russell did exactly that. and he formed the bible students to meet and discuss what they had found."
This is when the face pulling began and he said things like "anyway.." and "ok then.." with a grimace, ready for me to leave his house.
Thank goodness I had that conversaion and left.
How many Palestinians or Jews look like that lol ?
P.s. I have many friends from each camp, and indeed the welsh... I'm putting money on him being called Rhodri not Abdullah.