absolutely not. But you know what is sad? Even those fake friends don't realize they are fake. At least some of them. I know back when I was an uber-dub, I shunned one of my best friends because he got DF'd. It was SO hard on me. but I thought I was doing the right thing.
JoinedPosts by outsmartthesystem
Would you ever go back for the fake friends ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen into quote the great rapper t.i this statement hit home : "never forget the people who stayed when everyone else left.. stay true to your team".
i had a lot of people leave my side three years ago; because some of my "phony homies" began to listen to my ex-finance spreading rumors about me and my family.
so to make a long story short i lost a lot of "friends" from my old way of life, but i picked up some true homies , and reconnected with a true homie in the long run.. i just had to ask that question because some of us were popular while we were in or we weren't the social butterflies.
just need encouraging words... elders came over and breifly stopped by to encourage me back to hall
by Butterflyleia85 inwell i was kinda cut of gaurd when i saw them.
it was the two elders from the local congregation.
they said they just wanted to come over for encouragement to come back to the meetingsm one of the elders i knew me sence i was a baby and saw my son in my arms and asked how old he was.
Remember.....either they have the TRUTH or they don't. No amount of persuasion, pleading or begging can change that. It does not matter how nice the people are at the KH. It does not matter how well intentioned the elders are. What matters is......do they have the TRUTH?
If not....you are serving men.
unanswerable questions
by outsmartthesystem inhey all...... i have decided to compile a list of questions that jws simply cannot answer without opening up a vulnerability.....such as.
1) if jesus is only mediator for the 144,000 then who is the mediator for the rest of us?
2) plasma is one of the four main components of blood and cannot be taken.
Ding - i don't plan to bombard anyone with these questions. I'd just like to make the list as long as possible and then keep a copy of it. Then, for future reference, anyone that is trying to wake up a loved one from this cult can choose one or two questions from this scroll to ask that loved one to hopefully get their wheels turning. My goal is to make the list as broad as possible so that there is a topic that will hit home with just about anyone. (except my wife of course)
unanswerable questions
by outsmartthesystem inhey all...... i have decided to compile a list of questions that jws simply cannot answer without opening up a vulnerability.....such as.
1) if jesus is only mediator for the 144,000 then who is the mediator for the rest of us?
2) plasma is one of the four main components of blood and cannot be taken.
Hey all.....
I have decided to compile a list of questions that JWs simply cannot answer without opening up a vulnerability.....such as
1) If Jesus is only mediator for the 144,000 then who is the mediator for the rest of us?
2) Plasma is one of the four main components of blood and cannot be taken. But each "fraction" that makes up plasma can be accepted so long as they are accepted individually. Why?
3) In Acts 5:42 and Acts 20:20 the original Greek term "kata oikos" is rendered "house to house". Yet Acts 2:46 translates the same word as "in private homes". Why?
4) Can you show me an example in the scriptures of anyone that preached from house to house?
5) Why do JWs urge those they meet in the ministry to investigate their beliefs....after all....what have they got to lose if they have the truth? Yet the latest district convention had a part on it that said that witnesses who even secretly doubt the organization are "testing God in their hearts". Why hold those met in the ministry to a different standard than yourself?
6) If the Watchtower Society should not be held accountable for predictions that did not come true based on the "light getting brighter" argument, then why can't other religions who have made similar mistakes use the same excuse?
7) The March 22, 1993 Awake argues that Russell and Rutherford should not be viewed as false prophets because "never did they presume to originate predictions in the name of Jehovah". Yet for decades, the masthead of the Awake read "this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away." The magazine tells the reader that it is the Creator's promise that this would happen. What is the difference between saying "In the name of Jehovah I predict...." and "it is the Creator's promise that...."?
8) Why were the Bible Students picked by Christ in 1919? Because they were providing "the right food at the proper time"? So if this "food" passed Jesus' inspection because it was proper, then shouldn't it still be considered proper today? If it passed His exam in 1919 why wouldn't it pass today?
9) If a teaching passed Jesus' exam in 1919 but that teaching is no longer taught today....does that mean that the new teaching would fail the exam by Jesus? If not, why not?
10) Is there a difference between "speculation" and "opinion"? If not, then why does the June 1, 1997 Watchtower say "modesty on the part of the faithful and discreet slave class......prevents it from presumptously running ahead and wildly speculating about things".......while the yearbook of 1980 says regarding the failed predictions of 1925, "this was merely an expressed opinion"?
Please......add to this list! I want to make it as long as I can
....and a new wrinkle
by outsmartthesystem inso i was giving my daughter a hug at bed time last night.
she stands up at the foot of her bed and wraps her arms around my neck.
she then asks why i don't serve jehovah anymore.
"Depending on your situation and your kids personalities it may be helpful if they see you reading your Bible and when you're with them talking about God or Jesus a bit to them. It might make it harder for your wife and others to paint you as a Godless heathen if the kids know otherwise from a young age."
This is made all the more difficult now that I am borderline athiest
need your advice again, please
by outsmartthesystem inso here's the latest in my pathetic saga.
i've tried to fly under the radar for the past year, but it isn't working so well.
i've learned not to engage my wife in debates but rather to ask questions.
"The five year old's preoccupation with meeting pretend is normal, and let me tell you, as a mother myself, don't try to come between your kids and their mother. You will lose at this point, and they'll really resent you. I was in the organization for over thirty years, and have seen the kid who, at five, eight, ten, twelve, was gung ho for the WTS, then when the teens hit, developed outside interests and the WTS was no longer on top.
Why does your wife HAVE to no longer believe? You want the choice to be free to believe as you wish, so allow her the same. Tone down the worry for the kids right now.
I have lived for sixty years and can tell you that patience is called for. Things are not dire at this point. You have time....."
Thanks, Quandry
"I suspect you are both strong-minded people, which might have been your mutual attraction in the first place"
Yup. That's why we fight so much
need your advice again, please
by outsmartthesystem inso here's the latest in my pathetic saga.
i've tried to fly under the radar for the past year, but it isn't working so well.
i've learned not to engage my wife in debates but rather to ask questions.
"Don't be fooled by thinking the elders will "not" DF you unless you have a cunning way of getting around it. There will be bottom line questions they will HAVE TO ask you. "
I get that. Though I do think it is amazing that my father, who completely ripped the CO and PO new arseholes for serving a corrupt man made cult didn't get DFd......yet my cousin who had pre-marital sex and "demonstrated repentence" did. To tell you the truth.....I am getting to the point where I just don't give a damn if I get the boot anymore
"The WTS is more than willing to watch/encourage your family to break apart and make you the villian."
It never ceases to amaze me that the people can put so much trust in an organization for safety......without knowing that it is the organization that creates the need for such feelings of "safety". It truly is just like the movie Tangled. They live in their tower and trust "mother"...while blaming everyone else for their troubles......having no idea that it is only a false sense of security they get from "mother"....and that "mother" is the true cause of their problems.
"Have you gotten a college degree?"
Yes. Her dad asked her not to marry me because I wasn't following "the faithful slave's counsel".
....and a new wrinkle
by outsmartthesystem inso i was giving my daughter a hug at bed time last night.
she stands up at the foot of her bed and wraps her arms around my neck.
she then asks why i don't serve jehovah anymore.
Nika Bee - Thank you for that
"And I do feel he should talk privately to JW mommy about badmouthing him or turning his daughter against him, if that is happening. It's time for a heart to heart with the wife. "
Per my previous statement.....in my heart.....I don't feel like my wife is badmouthing me.....but I do feel like she is coaching my daughter to "obey Jehovah (which means do what you are told at the meetings)" always.....even if daddy or anyone else tells you not to. She won't admit to it though
3rdGEN - Thank you for that as well. I am giving my wife the benefit of the doubt that perhaps my 5 year old is indeed picking these cultisms up all by herself.
Tread - Thank you as well. I need all the encouragement I can get
....and a new wrinkle
by outsmartthesystem inso i was giving my daughter a hug at bed time last night.
she stands up at the foot of her bed and wraps her arms around my neck.
she then asks why i don't serve jehovah anymore.
"It is time to confront your wife . Indoctrinating your daughter against you is wrong and you should not tolerate it in your home ."
This is the problem. She insists she ISN'T indoctrinating them against me. She insists that she just takes them to the meetings and reads bible stories to them. She says that anything my daughter says is of her own acord. Arguing against that just serves to make me look angry/paranoid/psycho. I am very sorry to hear about so many years of your relationship with your dad wasted. It's so hard because my wife INSISTS she would NEVER try to align the kids against me. What do I say? I don't believe you. Your lying?
"You need to have a serious talk with your wife . Stand up for your daughters well being ,mentally and emotionaly.Tell her what is acceptable ,child appropriate teaching and what is NOT .What kind of life do you want for your children ?? It is up to you to provide it ,do not make the mistake of sitting back and letting your wife make all the decisions of the childs up-bringing . You are the Father and YOU have a big say in this you know ."
These talks go nowhere. As soon as she senses that I believe that growing up a JW is bad for children mentally and emotionally she goes into angry Watchtower defense mode. She starts mentioning name after name in the local congregation that grew up JWs and at least appear to be well balanced people. I've told her that I don't agree with the apocolyptic teachings and that all they do is instill fear in children. Naturally she disagrees. She thinks her religion is right and that the end will come any day now. NOT teaching the children that Jehovah is going to kill everyone off would be akin to allowing them to die in her eyes. Simply telling her what is and is not acceptable doesn't matter to her. Remember, armageddon is right around the corner. She HAS to inform them of this. When someone really believes that God is going to kill 7 billion people soon.......getting them to realize what is and is not appropriate to tell kids isn't so easy.
"I have seen JW children dismiss their unbelieving parents ......his daughter very well might be the type to go that route because she feels in her heart that is the right thing to do......"
This is what I fear for my oldest. My youngest is 3 1/2.....but I already see flashing neon signs of a "oh yeah?....PROVE IT" attitude.
"and all the 5 year old is going to discern is 'its daddy's fault because daddy doesn't love and obey Jehovah and he is trying to get me to do it too"
Bingo. She has asked me other questions in the past. Before I can even explain she blurts out "mommy is right and you're wrong".
....and a new wrinkle
by outsmartthesystem inso i was giving my daughter a hug at bed time last night.
she stands up at the foot of her bed and wraps her arms around my neck.
she then asks why i don't serve jehovah anymore.
That's not an option. I've made that clear. My wife was home schooled. She would never admit to it......but I think she knows what a farce her "high school" education was.
"You will not regain their trust until they both feel 'safe' and 'safe' isnt going to happen unless you consistently act like a good dubbie dad/hubby/brother for at minimum of several months......"
Believe me....if that were an option.....I'd take it. I wish I hadn't told me wife how deep the rabbit hole is. If she thought I just had a small issue.....I'd have put on a happy face and made subtle hints in our "family worship night" like so many have suggested. Unfortunately I have been pulling away for over 5 years with me mentioning more and more of my issues to her over time. I have reached the point of no return. I cannot pretend and start going to meetings again. Even if I did......I am not a good liar. She would not trust me for 5 more years.