Justthatgirl007 - Answered
JoinedPosts by outsmartthesystem
I can't sleep because I just received a very shocking news more than few minutes ago
by Iamallcool ini know a very young brother that got married in june of this year.
they are now divorced that fast.
Adventures In Freaking Out My JW Friends
by SophieG in*hi guys!
just sharing this across the forums*.
i drove one of my jw friends crazy.
"She let out a scream and took off running down the sidewalk as fast as she could"
This just shows the irrational fear the the GB has put into the minds of JWs. Where is the scripture that says you should be morbidly afraid of ex witnesses?
I can't sleep because I just received a very shocking news more than few minutes ago
by Iamallcool ini know a very young brother that got married in june of this year.
they are now divorced that fast.
Good God......did he propose to the new girl the exact same day he divorced the old one?
It reminds me of my wife's parents. They had a couple that they were friends with. That couple was married for 40 years. Then one day.....the wife dropped dead of a heart attack. 3 months later he had proposed to a new woman and they were married 2 months after that.
40 years they were married! I joked that he must have asked her out on their first date at his previous wife's funeral! Shockingly......the in laws did not appreciate that joke
Adventures In Freaking Out My JW Friends
by SophieG in*hi guys!
just sharing this across the forums*.
i drove one of my jw friends crazy.
Sophie - I faded more than a year ago (but am well on my way to being DFd). My initial wake up call happened at a meeting several years ago. A brother was on stage and asked a question. A sister raised her hand and answered something to the affect of "We just need to do whatever the Governing Body says. Even if we think it makes no sense. Even if we are opposed to it.....we must realize that WE are not directed by Jehovah like THEY are. Whatever they say we need to do it and believe it. No questions." The brother on stage commended her and I looked around me and there were 40 heads nodding in approval. My jaw dropped. I was bug-eyed. My heart raced. I broke into a sweat. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
Yes, most don't even realize they are being controlled. but some (like my wife) do. She admits that her beliefs will change on a whim when she is told to. She admits that she does what the GB says.....period. But she WANTS to do what they say because God wants her to.
by steve2 insugested lead article title:.
f*@k we were wrong!
now is the hour to go to sleep.
Millions now dead will never live
Faithful Slave Doctrine Implies Christ Has Arrived!
by The Searcher ini would appreciate any active fellow witness giving their explanation about the following contradiction, or better still, tell me what it is that i'm missing - because the following assertion, by definition, demands that christ has already arrived.
but aren't we always being reminded to 'keep on the watch' and to 'stay awake' for our master's arrival?.
i must have missed it, because according to the following, he's already settled accounts!.
"Yes, they do......but had not yet turned his attention to the earth. The WTS teaches that Jesus and the angels were battling Satan and the demons in the spiritual realm, in heaven, but did not cast them out completely until 1918, cleanse the heavens. After that supposedly Jesus came to inspect his followers on earth in 1919....a doctrine developed by Rutherford. Remember he had to ease away the teaching that the end would come in 1914 and the anointed would go to heaven. He had to explain why they were still on earth....which became the teaching that they had to preach to the non-jws and look for the other sheep"
Blondie - Do they have any scriptural backing for any of this? Twisted way out of context or not?
The Myths of Disfellowshipping
by Londo111 injj allowed me to send him an article for jwstruggle.
i know this might not be everyone's cup of tea on jwn, and i hope this doesn't smack of self-promotion, which i find distasteful, but i hope it might bring comfort to some who have found themselves the victims of judicial committees.
"Some elders might say, “Well, Jesus could read hearts. We cannot.”
Read more at http://www.jwstruggle.com/2012/08/the-myths-of-disfellowshipping/ OK. Let me get this straight. Jesus could read hearts and he could tell HOW repentant a sinner was. But elders cannot. SO what do they do? They follow the guidelines written in the Flock book which says that if a person has fallen into a deep pattern of sin......he may not be able to demonstrate ENOUGH repentance at the time of the hearing. He must be disfellowshipped. Ummmmm. How do THEY know how repentant he is if they can't read hearts? Maybe he doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve but he is being eaten up inside by his sorrow. Shouldn't the fact that we can't read hearts move an elder to be extremely selective as to when he thinks a person should be DF'd instead of the other way around? I guess that's the GB way. Guilty til proven innocent. -
Best American Bands
by cedars inwe recently had a thread highlighting the best british bands.... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/230126/1/best-british-bands.
it seems only fair to have a similar thread about american bands.. .
here's my own top ten.... 1. the eagles.
Gotta throw in Van Halen, Metallica, Motley Crue and Green Day. And if we're doing solo acts.....Elvis and Roy Orbison
And Jimmy buffett because his music just makes me happy
Jehovah doesn't like that
by outsmartthesystem inno matter what the situation is.....my children are now on a kick of saying "jehovah doesn't like that".
jehovah doesn't like that.
To tell the truth.....I don't even want her telling the children "Jehovah doesn't like that".....even if it is explicitly stated in the bible because I think it is part of the indoctrination process (fear) of early childhood. But when she says "why?" "Why don't you want me telling them that Jehovah doesn't like things that you agree are bad?"...........what do I say?
Jehovah doesn't like that
by outsmartthesystem inno matter what the situation is.....my children are now on a kick of saying "jehovah doesn't like that".
jehovah doesn't like that.
No matter what the situation is.....my children are now on a kick of saying "Jehovah doesn't like that". Birthdays? Jehovah doesn't like that. Monsters? Jehovah doesn't like that. Magic? Jehovah doesn't like that. And now I think I've reached a boiling point. My 3 year old got finished going to the bathroom. I reminded her, "don't forget to flush your turdies". She got a stern look on her face and said "Beehobah doesn't like that word. Mama says we have to call it poop".
So what is it about the word "poop" that is so much more acceptable to the Great Killing Machine in the Sky than the word "turd"? Answer - Nothing. Personal preference. But she is putting her personal preference off on the children as though it is coming from God. I will not stand for that. But how should I approach it? Should I tell her that it is completely unfair for her to say, unless it is explicitly written in the pages of the bible, what is and is not liked by God? And then make her show me from the pages of the bible where it says that God does or does not like certain things? I think such an approach will get a knee jerk reaction.....but I am starting to no longer care.
Should I plead with her to put herself in my shoes? What if I started telling them my opinions and passing them off as what God does or does not like?
This situation will be addressed, I just don't know how yet