Don't go to any church that has already existing "beliefs" that you must "adopt" in order to be "approved" by God. Don't ever let anyone think for you
JoinedPosts by outsmartthesystem
Should i go?
by MsGrowingGirl20 inso, a good friend of mine, a pentecostal christian, invited me to go to a retreat with her church.
we're the same age-19 years.
we were friends before i became a witness and she was always patient and caring with me especially throughout my arrogant spell as a witness.
Some Poll Questions to Answer
by jwfacts ini have updated a site of mine,, which has a few articles from, but better designed for smart phones.
on it i am going to include a few polls, and need people to answer them so that there are some intial numbers for the graphs.. please go to and answer any that are relevant.
it should only take a minute.
Done. Thank you again Paul for all you do.
Is Watchtower $60 million away from liquidation?
by cedars inwatch this video, posted on
here is my article in response....
looking forward to hearing your thoughts!.
Keep in mind that this video is mostly intended to be watched by the JW faithful. The JW faithful have no idea how much $ the society has....and most simply think they collect just enough in donations to "keep the work going". Of course they had to make a big deal of it and act as though it would have crippled them.......or else it would have raised a red flag
That being said.....I agree with Kojack. If such a payment really would have forced liquidation.......for the society it wouldn't be that big of a deal. They would just sell off all the French assets and move all French production duties to the nearest foreign "Bethel". This is why the JW organization will never implode as we would all like to see happen. They have so many different corporations with so many assets strewed amongst them......spread out over so many countries.....implosion cannot happen.
But I believe we are seeing the beginning of their slow downfall. Like gangrene, the Society will just continue to cut off toe after toe until just the basics remain. They have entered survival mode
What argument do Witnesses use to justify shunning DA ones?
by BU2B ini may be late on this, but i was just thinking yesterday about how witnesses justify shunning.
mainly the scripture in 1 corinthians that says to stop mixing in company with anyone called a brother who engages in various sins.
therefore if someone was to write a letter stating that they no longer wish to be known as a jehovahs witness, what justification do they use for shunning that person?
"the word apostasy comes from a Greek word that literally means 'a standing away from' but has the sense of desertion, abandonment or rebellion, abandonment of right moral standards, willfully abandoning the Christian Congregation…..thereby becoming part of the antichrist." (July 15, 1985 WT p 31
This is for you...(You know who you are)
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini don't know how you figured out who i am but i know that you have been reading my posts and i know that you know that it is me.
that conversation revealed it all.
i don't know if you plan on telling the elders or have already done so.
Sounds like someone has been E-Spying on you. Good luck!
I Think My Marriage Is Over...
by cognac ini know exactly what happened... he thinks i'm going to die at the big a and wants to be with someone he can live forever with.... we have two girls, ages 3 and 1... i really thought we'd make it despite the religion, now i really don't think so... not sure what to do... .
Welcome to the club. My wife left 3 months ago due to my "apostasy". She has been nothing short of a venemous pit viper since then. I officially filed for divorce last week as even if our relationship COULD be repaired.....given what she has pulled these last 3 months.....I no longer even want to try to mend it.
Would You Think Twice About Talking Negatively Toward Islam, The Koran or The Prophet?
by minimus inwould you fear that there might be "consequences"??
Unless I was sitting on the floor blindfolded with a knife to my throat held by an islamic
Pathetic 'get out clauses' in the any?
by punkofnice ini remember years ago being on failed circus and the 'householder'(tm) was an atheist/agnostic.. he was shown the scripture: 'all scripture is inspired of god..' 2 tim 3:16. his reply: 'well, it would say that about itself wouldn't it!?!'.
good point.
i actually saw his point at the time too and it made me think.....though not quite enough.. i now see that scripture as a pathetic get out clause.. i also think about the justification to believe in god...otherwise you're an idiot scripture psalms 14:1. .
I do recall seeing a demonstration on stage once of how to get past a "conversation stopper" with an athiest. The brother brought out his bible and read the "athiest" a scripture that told him he should believe in the bible. The "athiest" of course agreed and accepted the magazines. I remember thinking "WTF? Could this be any more circular?
TIME TO VENT - What Is Your Least Favorite Thought Terminating Cliche' ?
by Perry indefinition: a thought-terminating cliche is a commonly used phrase, sometimes passing as folk wisdom, used to quell cognitive dissonance.. here's mine: we don't believe that way ..... we are christians in this home..
wait on jehovah