Why do you think big time lawsuits are coming?
application for new british headquarters to be submitted within 2 weeks.
the boys from bethel have been busy planning their new luxurius residence in chelmsford ,essex .the deal to purchuase the new land was in the region of 10million all financed from struggling jehovah's witnesses across the country .please read the news article and let me know what you think.. .
instead of building in chelmsford how about building in a less affluent area "where the need is great", like cumbernauld in north larnakshire.
Why do you think big time lawsuits are coming?
letter read that the society will no longer be making hardcover books.
also the told people to not place orders for daily texts or calendars if they had the ability to download these.
who downloads a calendar?
This screams evolution towards a denomination to me - or else, just 'we don't give a sh*t anymore' (except for money).
Seriously, they can't sacrifice a few bucks to print calendars and daily texts? Things that help Witlesses 'stay strong in the truth'? Stuff that reminds them of their religious identity?
I have long known that the Watchtower doesn't care about people. What is so remarkable here is that they now don't care about people being Witnesses - except for donations.
hello, i am focus.. yes, that focus.. is there anyone here who remembers me from the "good" old days?.
my sig may provide a jog to the memory.. my vision is undimmed, my views unchanged and my claws are sharper than ever.
the filthy old whore is to be taken down with maximum prejudice.. focus.
OK, Prominent Bethelite (if you're reading this)
I understand that the Society has or used to have a secret response plan if extraterrestrial life is ever publically disclosed.
Care to elaborate?
a lot of us have said that theres been a dumbing down in jw land.
its just not like it used to be especially a few decades ago.
it seems to me that if jw are right and the end of the world is near, the spiritual food should get tastier and more nourishing as time goes on, but it's getting more and more bland and less nourishing.
I had to laugh at this thread when I thought back about part of the plot of 1984. Language was simplified to suppress dissent. One could say "Big Brother is double plus ungood' but it would make little sense without supporting vocabulary and argumentation.
Such is the intent of tyrants. Not to be glib about it, but the reason for the dumbing down of the org is because Witnesses are commonly dumb and that suits the GB's desires.
how is the org really run?
what goes on behind the scenes?.
i just read an older post on this site that was recently bumped (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/6600/1/don-adams-biography) the post mentioned the adams brothers don, karl, & joel and how influential they are/were at headquarters.
"the intent was to make the org. look good".
Yep, that's always the goal in these deceptions, isn't it? The bridesmaids was chillin' 'cause the Lord came by 30 years before. Try finding 1874 in the Proclaimers book. It's there, but you gotta dig a bit. Typical of them. The large print giveth but the small print taketh away.
I don't think you 'get' the "happiest" lie. There are widely accepted tests to determine depression. Has anyone done a proper survey? Published the results? Depression can be measured objectively - and they are already on record (BOE letter and KM) as opposing scientific surveys.
What I perceive is a reactive lie. They had so much trouble with Witnesses reporting depression (and I recall that our CO, at the time, was locally consulted about it), they had to conceal their embarrassment. Declaring that JW's are the 'happiest' after many years of magazine articles on depression should not be viewed a revelatory New Truth! Just a lie invented (No Different From The World) to conceal a threatening problem.
How threatening? I nearly got into trouble with an elder's relative when I simply said that "the purpose of life is happiness NOT serving Jehovah because what would be the point of eternal life if you were unhappy?" That thought blew her mind!
Again, if a RECENT Public Talk makes the assertion, "JW's are the happiest people" with no supporting data whatsoever - and then continues for the rest of the half-hour telling how to supposedly be happy - then not only is it a deliberate lie but they know it is a lie as the continuance of the topic testifies that it is a critical problem. Or do they really wish to say 'well, if you're unhappy, you're not really a Witness'?
What, another lie to support the 'happiness' lie?
it's claimed it takes 400 million atoms to become a single strand of dna.
how do the atoms know.
3. what order.
Speaking about atoms that know what to do does not support standard theism.
It supports pantheism - which is my belief. The universe is 'god' - as a system, not as a person.
There have been skeptical observations made about the complexity of protein folding and the idea that the correct molecules show up at receptors simply because of random motion. However, these effects are not explained by scientists promoting a Divine person as the active cause.
how is the org really run?
what goes on behind the scenes?.
i just read an older post on this site that was recently bumped (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/6600/1/don-adams-biography) the post mentioned the adams brothers don, karl, & joel and how influential they are/were at headquarters.
I think we need specific examples of their skillful deception or mind control that must reasonably originate beyond the 'cut and try' of social evolution within a cult.
Within this category, I can think of a couple examples.
Years back, they had a Watchtower study that glorified the annointed as expecting the 'bridegroom' in 1914. There was not one mention of the fact that they DID NOT BELIEVE that the 'second presence' started in 1914 UNTIL the mid-1920's. They went thru 1914 believing that Christ 'came' in 1874.
To me, that was blatant deception by omission - consciously misleading people.
Secondly, their handling of the "depression" crisis involves outright lies. For some years, the Awake magazine struggled with the issue of how to deal with depression. They even endorsed cognitive therapy, at one point. I assume that the problem became so chronic that it embarrassed them into taking action....
by outrightly lying, "JW's are the happiest people on earth". Did they do a scientific study to prove this? Can they disprove the evidence of brain scans of Buddhist monks who manifest the greatest bliss so far recorded? What about Witness suicides? What about the huge amounts of psychoactive drugs that Witnesses commonly take - including marijuana (now legal in many places as medicine)?
They now have a Public Talk using this deliberate lie in which they make this assertion about Witness happiness. If it were not a lie, the Talk should end shortly after it's introduced ( "well, we're the happiest people on earth. Isn't that wonderful? Thank you" - speaker sits down).
perhaps there are other examples you guys could think of......
how is the org really run?
what goes on behind the scenes?.
i just read an older post on this site that was recently bumped (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/6600/1/don-adams-biography) the post mentioned the adams brothers don, karl, & joel and how influential they are/were at headquarters.
I wondered about that area, too - in regard to the effectiveness of Watchtower deceptions. How did they get so good at it?
Nevertheless, evolution is still the answer. Consider the examples of Jim Jones and also the Moonies. They did what worked and kept doing it. Keeping people tired, broke and busy helps, too.
I will say that (IMO) the Watchtower Study is possibly the best deception tool they ever invented. It's so good, in fact, I actually think other religions or political groups could learn from it. The key is to concentrate on carefully crafted propaganda and then have the subjects express it publically in their own words. Highly effective deception - especially when you observe how artfully they switch back and forth between "Jehovah" and the organization as synonomous. It's truly astounding how they get people to think they are one and the same as God inspite of 130+ years of abject prophetic failure.
how is the org really run?
what goes on behind the scenes?.
i just read an older post on this site that was recently bumped (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/6600/1/don-adams-biography) the post mentioned the adams brothers don, karl, & joel and how influential they are/were at headquarters.
I think this thread contains some solid thinking overall as to what the internal situation likely is.
Again, you may have a Governing Body that lacks the interest or even ability to fully comprehend what's going on or what decisions to make in reaction thereto. They might enjoy not having to bother with the details - now left to other committees.
If we take Juan Viejo's insider as real intelligence, you can already grasp how detached their thinking is. For example, it is too late (IMO) to renew the embarrassing quality of the Watchtower and Awake. Print media is dying by the day. Even without that, can anyone here truly imagine greater depth in Watchtower publications? How would such a thing be possible? How would that work in 3rd world countries? How would they cope with the poor reading skills of most Witnesses?
Even more than that, they would have to thoroughly flesh out their inconsistent scheme of doctrine, develop solid apologia and build something like a Catholic magisterium and post footnotes for secular references .................and stop quoting out of context!.
In an Organization dominated by a$$-kissers, every idea thrown to the undermenschen gets lavish praise and when failure erupts, it never gets brought up. Reference North Korea for this behavior. And objective decay gets ignored thereby.
I still fail to observe any evidence that HQ has fully accepted and understands how the Death of Print will affect them. The "JW.Org" stuff is pathetic. If Witlesses don't bother reading the magazines now, what happens when they go online exclusively? Will "JW.Org" really compete with online porn for viewers? Seriously?
I have changed my opinion of Where The Organization Is Headed. The current trend says "classic, half-burned out, denomination".
Now, I cannot imagine any director of any church proposing that their group becomes yet another tired Protestant sect. That's not how things happen. It's about evolution. Things change because people change , a step here, a step there and hardly anybody notices.
i've noted a few people aluding to a rumour that there will be a "big announcement"(tm) that will "shock some"(tm) later this year, probably around agm time.. in the interests of pointless speculation, what might this be?
i am sure we can all think of some outlandish possibilities but i am interested in what could have some possibility of actually happening.. for example,.
- sisters able to do some aspects of ms roles.. - regional conventions (nee.
Eventually, the printed magazines have got to go. They're a waste of money and pulp.
I would expect a really critical change with regard to counting time! The print ministry is dying but they still need busy work to keep Witlesses on the endless hamster wheel - AND they need a simple metric to judge how zealous and active publishers are.
I don't foresee any big clamp down on the inactive or change on blood or 1914. Why bother? Only a few 'apostates' challenge the subjects and Witlesses don't read or think much otherwise.