How is the org really run? What goes on behind the scenes?

by Magnum 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    How is the org really run? What goes on behind the scenes?

    I just read an older post on this site that was recently bumped ( The post mentioned the Adams brothers – Don, Karl, & Joel – and how influential they are/were at headquarters. I think they’ve been at Bethel like, forever. I am so curious to know what really goes on in their heads. Do they ever have doubts? Do they believe it’s all real? Or do they know it’s all baloney but just go along with it because it gives them power and a good life and without it, they’d be zeros? I wonder about Fred Rusk, too. All those old-timers have seen a lot of stuff. They’ve got to know something’s wrong bigtime… haven’t they?

    Are the GB members just puppets or figureheads? How does it work? Some of the old-timer non-GBers like the Adams brothers and Rusk are much older than Mark Sanderson. They probably have much more knowledge than he does – of the Scriptures and the org. They definitely have more experience. They probably know stuff he’s never even heard of. For example, Rusk dealt with Carl Olof Jonsson (author of “The Gentile Times Reconsidered”). Rusk corresponded with him before he was disfellowshipped. Does Sanderson even know who Jonsson is and that he wrote a book? If so, how would he know?

    The above –mentioned post contains this: “Joel - worked in the Service Dept -once again THE MASTER MIND behind many of the funky policies that elders enforce.” So, if Joel was the mastermind behind many of the policies, where does the GB fit in? Is Joel more powerful than the GB?

    What do all these guys do all day long? They definitely don’t seem to be studying the Bible or anything else for that matter. There’s no scholarship coming from the org, the writing is awful, etc. They can’t be as smart as a lot of people say they are. I can tell that by looking at the literature. I see writing that I wouldn’t let pass if they were only in the seventh grade (literally). Their grammar, logic, etc. are bad.

    Also, do you think some of the non-GB old-timers are resentful and jealous of the GB members? I heard or maybe read on this site that Max Larsen started partaking later in life. I have no idea whether that’s true, but if he did, I wonder whether he started feeling left out since younger, less experienced guys were being appointed to the GB, and so he started partaking so he might be appointed.

    I know there are a lot of questions in the above, but I’m very curious. Any insight, thoughts, guesses, anecdotes, inside info, etc. on any part of the above would be appreciated.

  • villagegirl

    I have met men, old timers even, who are hook line and sinker

    fully delusionally convinced this is "Jehovah's Organization"

    They are in love with the "Society". Its probably true of all Cults.

    There are sister who speak in hushed terms of the Governing Body and

    like teenage Rock Star fans, they worship the ground they walk on.

    If there is leadership and writers as insincere as you suspect,

    they are at a different level of complete spiritual and moral bankruptcy.

    This is probably why the WT produces so many agnostics and atheists.

    I suspect writing for the WT is like writing a formula, Harlequin Romance,

    they give you the basic plot and style and the desired outcome and away you go.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I liken these "great" WT men to "great" politicians who are so surrounded by their own "Yes-men" that they really don't know what the hell is going on in the real world around them.

    For example, think of Mitt Romney or Bob Dole. It seemed to me that it was obvious that they could not win the election. Still, Romney's son said he hid himself away immediately after the election "in shock" that he lost. He should have read the polls. But he was so isolated by his campaign people that he couldn't see the forest (fire) because of the trees. His campaign went up in smoke.

    I think the same situation exists for these rockstar JW leaders. They have their own entourage of worshippers that cannot tell them how it is. Instead they tell them what they want to hear. They give them the Company Line. They must be doing everything right because Jehovah sure is blessing them. Look at the love and adoration of all the R&F clamoring at their feet for one handshake or one extra gem of wisdom. When your head is up your ass, the whole damn place could burn down before you see or smell the smoke.

    But yes, somewhere there in the heirarchy there must be someone who KNOWS TTATT and is calling the shots based on real business decisions. They know that if it all burns to the ground, they're going to be standing there in the midst of nothing but ashes.

    Guess that doesn't answer a damn thing, does it.


  • talesin

    Are the GB members just puppets or figureheads? How does it work?

    Think of it this way. The WT is a corporation, and the GB are the Executive. The Executive answers to the Board of Directors. We do not know who is on the Board of Directors. That is the truth.

    Whoever is at the very TOP (ie, Chairman of the Board and minions) is the Puppetmaster. Do you really think that they don't know the religion part is just a scam? It's a corporation - corporations care about one thing: MONEY. The religion is just a means to an end.


  • jhine

    Someone must know that this is a cult because the whole way it is run and the members manipulated means that there is some clever thinking behind the practical organisation of it . Some dotty old men who really believe would not know about mind control techniques (which someone clearly does ) . The crafty way the members are tricked into policing each other and the scare tactics used show real thought behind the scenes somewhere .


  • factfinder


  • prologos

    it might not be a learned, cultivated, deliberate behaviour, but

    natural talent.

  • factfinder

    In 2000 the gb seperated themselves from the board of directors. Thus, they are autonomous, right? Prior to that change the board of directors including the gb voted on who new gb members would be. Now it seems the gb alone choose new members, they self-appoint themselves.

    But if the 7 gb members were to die at the same time, then what happens?

  • quellycatface

    I was just thinking that same thing today actually. Do the GB and upper echelons of the WTBS believe it all? All this paradise earth, reseurrection stuff etc....

    It would interesting to know, eh??

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    There are obviously some unusual rituals that would happen at gb get togethers, and somehow I feel that a masturbation circle would be part of it.

    Cheeses - who sometimes mocks the brothers.

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