Then point to another case where Watchtower was held liable by either a jury or a judge other than the Conti case. If there are all of these this should be the simplest argument.
No it shouldn't and you are fully aware of it. In another lame attempt to distort the facts you say "if there all of these." No one claimed there are "all of these" cases won by jury or judge ruling.
It only takes one major loss to wake up a major corporation into settling future cases when the facts are against them. You know this but you continue with your straw man arguments in a desperate attempt to make Watchtower look innocent.
I can give you a list of cases that Watchtower has won.
Of course you can, but it is meaningless. Every corporation wins cases, but the cases they feel they can't win they pay out to avoid a loss by jury or judge.
Actually I am surprised that Watchtower let the Conti case go to trial. They should have settled that one too, but it was presumably their arrogance that led them to thinking they couldn't lose because God was on their side. That case dragged on for years, and even though punitive damages were thrown out on appeal the cost to the Organization was huge in terms of public image, loss of new members, and contribution money. It was a HUGE black eye for Watchtower with long term consequences.
Since then they know better and are very willing to curb the damages by paying out quietly and insisting on a non-disclosure clause so the whole sordid affair can be kept as quiet as possible, as any 'worldly' corporation would do.