You are right on about credit card debts. Most people don't realize how easy it is to be suckered into using these things and ending up paying enormous interest rates.
I suggest using credit cards for only dire emergencies UNLESS you use them to make money. I have personally made a bundle by using credit cards to make money but you need to be careful and know what you are doing. Perhaps a more practical way of using credit cards is to enjoy using them only to get the frequent flyer miles, which are now also useable for car rentals, hotels, and vacation packages. I would typically charge everything to my AMEX (American Express) and get 1 free flyer mile for each $1 I spent. As I typically would spend over $5,000 a month, these would add up and as a result, I got free transportation for my vacations. Now that I'm not about to get on jets again because of security issues, this application doesn't appeal to me. Besides that, I like my privacy and AMEX and the rest of the credit card industry would sell my private info and as a result I would get tons of junk mail. If you want privacy, I suggest you dump all your USA credit cards and go with an offshore VISA debit card. This way, nobody knows your finacial business.