I just got home to check my email, and I think I just really hurt someone. I had clearly said to the girl not to take this boyfriend/girlfriend possibility too seriously, but apparently this just ruined their day. Her sister sent me a very angry email saying that I was a fool who was picking on girls, who wanted to "fuck up" their day, and that I was an @$$hole. Dammit.
I'm really pissed. Of course, I replied to her email. This girl thinks it's easy for me to just say no to a first girlfriend, one who already loves me at that. What an ignorant girl. Jeez.
And to top it off, the 14 year old wrote me that she would have like to do "you know what" (her own words) with me. ... Now if that doesn't put the cherry on the sundae, I don't know what does. I had actually had a fantasm about that, and she said she wanted it!
I need to calm down now. Not easy knowing you ruined someone's day, broke someone's hard, made people angry.