LOL! But isn't heavy breathing easily simulated?
I don't remember the Watchtower ever warning JW's to stay away from apostates because of their "hornyness"... is this a recent trend or what?
lifted from kents site:.
yp 205-11 26 masturbation-how can i fight the urge?
masturbation-how can i fight the urge?.
LOL! But isn't heavy breathing easily simulated?
I don't remember the Watchtower ever warning JW's to stay away from apostates because of their "hornyness"... is this a recent trend or what?
lifted from kents site:.
yp 205-11 26 masturbation-how can i fight the urge?
masturbation-how can i fight the urge?.
Well... those with webcams could have visual proof...and those without could enjoy the show! *wishful thinking*
I don't know how we could possibly prove something like that...
when i was a dub, things i hated about memorial week, another meeting, god forbid, i mean jehovah forbid we cancel a book study.
worried about my kids dropping the wine, having to go and meet all the new ones that come in, having to give the talk, having to listen to the talk, having to rearrange the chairs.. things i liked about this week, had an excuse to take off work, hoping some other kid would drop the wine, not having to go place magazines, because we were inviting people to the memorial, drinking the wine after the memorial, laughing at the brothers tiring to park the cars, tiring to guess who would partake.
please add to the list.
I never really saw a big difference between the Memorial and other meetings... well, of course, i didn't have anyone else to take care of. Since I ignored all the newcomers (was/am shy) and basically hanged out with the same people, there wasn't much of a difference in my mind.
Yadirf: Haaah... irony.
lifted from kents site:.
yp 205-11 26 masturbation-how can i fight the urge?
masturbation-how can i fight the urge?.
When do we start?
lifted from kents site:.
yp 205-11 26 masturbation-how can i fight the urge?
masturbation-how can i fight the urge?.
Oh, come on. It's not the fact that it's addictive, it's the fact that sometimes you just have to release hormones. It's called "sexual tension".
Well, uh...
Not good.... not good at all...
i know a thread has been posted before, if i could find it, i wouldn't be posting a replica of the same thing.... do you have any messager service?
like yahoo, msn, or aol?.
on msn: i am hotdotbaby.
I'm on MSN: [email protected]
ICQ: 152936654
satan's time lessens
the wts is the closest thing to the restoration of true worship that exists on the face of the earth today, all it needs now is to be perfected.
and it certainly has its enemies.
Yadirf says:
I do that to give you something legitimate to cry about.
Too bad it's just about the only thing you do right.
i'm sure everone is looking forward to the feild ministry today!!!
all the young kids and teenagers just cant't wait to see their school chums in the door to door activity.
my guess it will be very little door to door today, for the brave ones that go out.
We haven't been cursed yet.
The end hasn't come either. Does that mean it won't, Fred? You know the answer to that question.
And please don't bother throwing the same tired old rhetoric back at me. Namely, "do you read the Bible?" As you say so often, worry about your own spirituality, not mine.
what was the dumbest counsel you ever received?
once an elder was at my house and saw the video beauty and the beast, he said you should throw that away, because it promotes bestiality.
he got upset with me, because i just could not stop laughing.
LOL!!! Ouch!
Dumbest counsel ever? Well, every week I would get pestered "When will you get baptized?" and so on and so forth. Once, an elder, after I had given what was supposedly an excellent talk , asked me if I wanted to write an essay about the importance of being in God's organization. His tactic was so transparent is was pitiful. Come on. Write an essay? That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Sad, really.