Plenty of Atheists give to the poor Bio. Btw, shouldn't you be giving the money you spend on internet and cable tv to the poor to assure you have a spot in Abraham's Bosom?
I see you like playing "Sherlock Hemlock" with this passage. You really have no idea how much the rich man gave to charitable causes. Nor do you know how much he gave to Lazarus. Perhaps he gave much and often and that's why those who laid him at the rich man's gate daily continued to bring him. Let's not assume anything about the rich man's character...or about Lazarus' character or the reasons for their post-death situations, other than what the text reveals. (See verse 25)
well you really dont know how much i give to those in need, and i use my internet mostly for work, any other reason is secondary. if i gave that money out i would not have any to give next time though will i?
Eternal torment was not derived from scripture, but from Babylonian and Greek mythology and adopted by certain religious factions within Judaism and promoted especially during the intertestamental period.
you might want to read yourself some Revelation. I suppose Babylonian and greek mythology has something to do with it right? Its supposed to be the revelation of Jesus Christ about the end of days, and judgement.
More assumption Bio. Jesus didn't have anything to say about the steward's character. However, even fraudsters usually don't commend those that defraud them.
Luk 16:9 And I say to you, Make friends by the mammon of unrighteousness for yourselves, so that when you fail, they may receive you into everlasting dwellings.
Mammon - A Syriac word meaning riches. It is used, also, as an idol the god of riches.
So it is clear what message Jesus was portraying here, Perhaps you need to stop leaning on your own understanding to interpretate the scriptures.
For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.
Do you understand what that means? . Who are the children of the world?
Now the fraudulent steward knew about his bad ways, and he had his mind made up about what he was going to do -------> continue in his bad ways.
Now the moral lesson here is for pharisees/ christians to
1. serve God whole heartedly and desist from that which is evil or
2. go after the ways of the world and not pretend to serve both God and riches/unrighteousness ---> this was exactly what the pharisees were doing---- > Hipocrates.
Luk 16:13 No servant can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
I am thinking that you are either ignorant or refusing to acknowlegde the lesson behind the story Jesus told in Luke 16.
You did not answer the question Bio.
Again most of Jesus's preaching about hell/judgement was not meant for the pharisees. The pharisees did not even understand how the judgment/ ressurection was going to be.
Just read Revelation 14 and tell me what your take is on that okay.